
Chapter 2

I pulled up into my parking space at school, and just as I expected, Sara was standing there waiting for me. Her brown hairblew in the wind and she stared at me with dark green eyes. I sighed and got out of the car. "Another dream?" She asked giving me a sympathetic look. I could only nod. She walked over and wrapped an arm around me. "It will get better OK?" She said.

"I've had the same dream for twelve years, Sara." I said blankly. "If things were going to get better, I wouldn't watch him die every night." She fell silent and we walked towards the building. Just as I was about to open the door someone pushed it closed.

I rolled my eyes when I saw who it was. Ethan Brown, the hot jock that every girl AND guy drools over. I mean yea he's cute and all. Tall, brown hair, blue eyes, nice body, there's only one problem. He's not Cheveyo. Not one person in this world compares to him. If I can't have the man of my dreams then I don't want one at all. God, I'm crazy to think that beautiful man could ever exist.

"Shawn!" He said. "I've looked all over for you!" I rolled my eyes again and looked over at Sara, she was giggling uncontrollably. She know's how I feel about other boys and she know's how I can make them feel about themselves.

"What do you want Ethan?" I asked. I made sure he knows I'm not really in the mood for his crap.

"I've wanted you to be my girl for the past two years." He said with a cocky grin.

"Its been two years and you still can't see I'm not interested?" I laughed. He pushed himself against me.

"Come on baby," He whispered in my ear. "Stop playing hard to get." I pushed him from me.

"I'm not playing hard to get," I said. "I just don't want you or else in this town. All you want is sex so you can run back and tell your little friends about it." I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not one of your little dumb blonds who fall for you crap."

He leaned in close to my face. So close that I could smell cigarette smoke on his breath. "Youre such a bitch." He spit before he turned and walked off. I laughed aloud.

"I'm a good one!" I yelled back.

"That was so funny!" Sara laughed. "You pissed him off so bad!" That's what happens with all the guys who approach me, and I'm approached by a lot of guys. I'm far from an ugly person. My great-great-great grandparents were Cherokee Indians. As my family mated with different races, the gene died down. Somehow when I was born, I came out looking like my ancestors. My parents have white skin, blond hair, and blue eyes.

Me on the other hand, I'm extremely tanned and I look exactly like a full-blooded Cherokee. I look exactly as I do in my dreams. I'm tall and curvy and exotic looking. I don't understand how and why I turned out this way but let me tell you, my parents freaked when I was born! They thought the doctor switched her baby. How many white people do you know who wouldn't spazz if they gave birth to a child with black hair, brown eyes, and copper-colored skin?

My dad got so worked up he made my mother give him a DNA test. When the test came back and showed that he was my father, they had more test done to figure out I was so dark. They went back through our families genealogy and discovered that our ancestors were Cherokee Indians. For some strange reason my blood shows that I am seventy-five percent Cherokee and only twenty-five percent white. No doctor has been able to figure out why.

"Come on," I said grabbing her hand. "We're going to be late." We rushed to our lockers and grabbed our books, then headed to first period. Advanced Literature with Mr. Brewer, I love literature but I hate Mr. Brewer. It's like no matter what I do he's always on my case.


"Here's the assignment I was supposed to turn in, Mr. Brewer." He didn't even look up from his desk.

"I can't accept that because its late." What? I could have sworn he told me yesterday that I could turn it in first thing in the morning.

"But you said-" He cut me off by raising his hand.

"I changed my mind." He said. "I'm going to have to give you an F Miss. Blackfoot."

"That's not fair!" I yelled. "You can't tell me I can turn it in, then not accept it!"

"This is my classroom Miss. Blackfoot," He said smirking at me. "I do as I please." I got so mad that I crumbled up the assignment and threw it at his head. It hit him right between the eyes. He yelped like a little girl then glared at me and smiled. "You've just earned yourself three days in detention."

"Big deal." I said shrugging and walking off. He's lucky I didn't pick up his stapler and give a body piercings.

"3:30, my class." He said.

"Yea, yea." I said as I walked out of the door. I made sure I slammed it just to make him angrier.

*End flashback*

"Thank god!" I said as we walked into class. There is a small, plump woman with blond hair sitting in Mr. Brewer's chair. Sara and I took our usual seats in the back of the room. Our class is pretty small, there are only fifteen students. I guess nobody else in are grade is smart enough to be in this class. I don't see how I'm smart enough be in this class.

"Good morning class," The chunky blond woman said. "My name is Mrs. Mint, I will be your substitute today." Brewer is always here, I wonder what kept him out today? I saw his car still at his house when I left for school. He lives two streets over from me. There have been many days where I've just wanted to blow up his car.

The class went by smoothly, Sara and I got our work done before the other students so we got to just play around on the computers until class ended. I went to my locker to trade out my books. I have forensics next, I don't really look forward to the class because we talk a lot about death. There was one day a few months ago, our teacher had a pathologist and a morticiancome in to teach us a bit about working in the morgue.

They told us about how they dissect the body and they slice the brain up like meatloaf to see if the person died from head trauma. They got into every little detail about what they do to you when you die.

After that, she showed us a slide show of dead bodies. They didn't blur anything out and it was totally uncensored. There was one picture that I couldn't stand to look at. A man had been stabbed repeatedly and for some reason it reminded me of the cuts on Cheveyo. I ended up running out of class before anyone could stop me.

Luckily we didn't do much death talk today. Mrs. Swert (What kind of name is that?) just gave us a test and let us have the rest of the period to do what ever we wanted. I sat there drawing Cheveyo's name in different writing over and over. I don't want to admit that I'm obsessed with him. How can I not be? I must have loved him at some time. But how can I love him? He's not real and I need to accept that. I crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it in the trash can. Its lunch time.

I met Sara at our usual table, with our small group of friends. I'm not like most people, I can get along with everyone. Nerds sit at my table, preps, and jocks. I'm like all of them mixed together. I love to learn new things, but I also like to look nice and shop, and don't think I wont kick some ass in football.

"Shawn!" Everybody cheered When I sat down with my tray. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Whats up guys?" I asked as I bit into my pizza. My friends consist of Melanie, she's one of the nerds. She's short, black-haired, but she has pretty blue eyes. She's really sweet and she loves to help people. Ben is a jock, he's dark-skinned and extremely tall. He has really long hair that he keeps either braided or in a pony tail. Emmett is preppy, all he talks about is golfing and country clubs. He's always fixing his hair. Everyone know's his hair is naturally brown but he keeps it dyed blond. He has amazing green eyes though.

Everyone told me about their weekend and I told them about mine. My Saturday consisted of me staying home reading, trying to keep my mind off of Cheveyo, and my Sunday consisted of me crying because I couldn't stop thinking about him. I didn't tell them that though. I lied and told them that I went to the mall and saw a movie.

"We should do something this weekend." Melanie suggested quietly. She's really shy. We all love her but we still haven't been able to break through that shell.

"That sounds awesome!" Ben yelled getting excited. "We can go to Austin's party!"

"You know Shawn doesn't party." Sara reminded everyone. I don't party because there's no point. I'm not out looking for a guy or 'a good time'. That's all parties are for, the kids go, get drunk, and have sex. Then they wake up the next morning regretting their nights events.

"Come on Shawn," Emmett said. "Its just one party." I rolled my eyes at them.

"You know that's not my thing." I said. "Name one reason I should go." I crossed my arms and waited for them to answer.

"You could use some fun." Sara said. I whipped my head around and glared at her.

"You need to find a man!" Ben said loudly. I picked up an apple slice and threw it at him.

"Damn!" I whisper yelled. "Let the world know!" Everyone laughed and then they started giving off more reasons.

"You don't have anything better to do," Melanie said. "I know for fact that you get all of your work done before you leave school."

"Fine!" I said throwing my hands in the air. "One party and that's it." They all cheered and the bell rang for third period. Art, my favorite class.

We've been working with oil pastels lately. The assignment is to actually draw a dream you've had within the last week. Well I've had the same dream for the last twelve years so I don't have many things to choose from. I walked into class and grabbed my portfolio out of the cabinet. I pulled out the unfinished project and got started.

My dream depiction is of our last kiss. I drew Cheveyo laying against the boulder and our lips were pressed together. I drew the moon and the river, I drew everything that was around us. I even drew the wounds he had and the arrows sticking from his chest. You can't see my face though, my long black hair covers it. The only face you can see the man who died moment after this kiss. It didn't take me long to finish the picture. I had worked on it since he gave the assignment last Wednesday.

"It's ready to turn in, Mr. Wilkes." I said placing the painting on his desk. When he looked down at it his mouth dropped open.

"How did you finish so quickly?" He asked looking up at me with his dark brown eyes. He picked the painting up and looked at it. "It's so detailed." He whispered to himself.

"I don't know." I said honestly.

"You dreamed this?" He asked sounding surprised. I could only nod. "Its excellent!" He exclaimed jumping up from his seat. He startled me a bit so I jumped back.

"It's not that great." I mumbled. He smiled at me brightly.

"I think you should put it in the art show." He said. "And if wanted you could sell it. There are people who will pay big money for something like this." I shook my head.

"I'm not selling." I said. "You can put it in the show but I refuse to sell." He literally jumped in the air and whooped. The entire class was staring at him. He ignored them and pulled me into his office.

"I just need you to sign an entry form." He said handing me a sheet of paper. I read over it and signed my full name, Shawnee Vilae Blackfoot. The bell rang and I rushed out of class.

My last class flew by quickly. It was like I sat down to do my calculus assignment and the bell rang seconds later. I jumped up and grabbed my bag. I'm ready to go home. Today was better than I expected, but Cheveyo's face popped into my head every time I close my eyes.

I waited until I was sure Sara had already left before walked out of the building to my car. I love Sara but I'm just not in the mood for conversation. I drove home in complete silence, the radio is off and the only thing I'm thinking of is him. I think I'm going to set up an appointment with a psychiatrist. I obviously need help.

When I pulled in at home, my dads car was in the drive way. This is the first time he's been home in a month. He's a big time executive so his business is everything to him. Since mom died, he's never really spent much time with me. We barely talk when he's home and he rarely calls when he's not.

I walked in the house and dropped my book bag at the door. "Dad?!" I yelled. "You home?" I heard scuffling and whispering in the living room. I walked down the dark narrow hallway and turned to look in. I saw my dad in front of the couch shirtless, he was attempting to buckle his pants.

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. There is a half-naked, brown-haired woman standing between mom's China cabinet and a large plant. She was in nothing but a lacy, white bra and matching panties.

"Honey," My dad said. "It's not what it looks like!" He said defensively.

"So you weren't just fucking that skank on mom's couch?" I asked before I turned around and ran upstairs. I heard him coming up after me so I slammed my bedroom door and locked it.

"Shawnee," He said outside the door. "Open the door, I can explain."

"You lied dad!" I screamed at the door. I started to cry. "After mom died you said you would never love another woman, you said she would be the only one!" I banged on the door. "I hate you!" I yelled. My father betrayed me, he betrayed my mother. Everything he told me was a lie. I don't have anyone. I'm completely alone.
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(if you guys were wondering Cheveyo's name is pronounced Ca-vay-o. Just thought I would add that. I like to choose the names of my characters by their origin. I don't know why I just do. If you've read Sensual Meets Sinister, I give the characters from Africa African names and people from other places names from their origin. And I know the chapter was a little bland but I don't want to just jump straight in. Just work with me. :))