Ellen's New Life

Life Like a Box Of Chocolates

I am Ellen Patricia Way Jones. I was lying in a bed next to Mikey Way.

No, we did not do what you think we did.

We just went home, because I pretended I was sick when I didn't want to lick / suck the ice cream anymore. So he said I should have some sleep. And he fell asleep next to me. Then I woke up.

Ugh. Life is so... strange.

Like people say: Life is like a box of chocolates. You really never know what you'll get.

It's so true. Two years ago, I was a poor girl, a rockstar's hidden daughter.

Now, I lived with one of the world's most famous singers, I maked out with his famous brother a lot and life seemed perfect.

Good for me.

But life changed so much. I still can't get it. Plus I miss my mum.

I'm not really some spoiled kid or anything, but 2 years without her has been so hard.

What would she say if she knew about Mikey?

Gosh, I don't even want to imagine that.

Then, I heard Mikey next to me, waking up.

"Ellen..." he whispered, half in sleep.

"I'm here. But I need to go, or Gerard will come here, looking for me," I said.

Too late. The doorbell rang. It surely was Gerard, because I know that he always rings four times.

What will he think if he finds me, laying in his brother's bed, next to sleeping Mikey?

Oh, gosh. I think I got in little trouble!