Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed

New Beginnings

Today I’m wearing the dress every girl dreams of and I’m about to get married to the man I love in a matter of minutes. Everything is in order, the family is getting along, everyone’s on time, my son fever from a couple days ago is completely gone, and the man I love is waiting patiently for me. As I’m waiting for my turn to walk down the isle I cant tell its butterflies in my stomach or our unborn baby moving around inside of me. At this very moment I couldn’t be any happier, but things weren’t always this perfect and I wasn’t always this happy. There was a time when I did something completely stupid and almost lost the one I love and this story is going to explain how I did that.
First I have to go back to the day I first met Tony Perry. My family had moved to San Diego so my Mom could open up a Mexican restaurant and my Dad a tattoo shop. Me and my twin brother, Nathan, were going to be starting our junior year in a new school. I had two older brothers, Miguel and Jesus, who were helping my Dad around the shop. My two sister Leslie and Angela who were going to be helping Mom. Leslie was a senior this year and Angela was getting ready to start college. Mom and Dad expected me to help with the restaurant when I graduated, but me and Nathan had other plans. We planned on starting a band. It was Nathan’s plan first. He plays drums and had friends who could play bass and lead guitar. All he needed was a singer and he picked me. I guess I’m pretty good singer. The real singer in the family was Leslie but she didn’t like being the center of attention. As kids our parents always had music playing. My mom thought me how to play the piano and Dad taught me how to play the guitar. They were supportive and agreed to let us try to pursue our dreams of making music for a living as long as we finished school.
Anyway back to Tony. I went almost all day without seeing him. I made a new friend named Morgan during first period and some other friends. During lunch I sat with them. At that time that’s when I saw him. The first thing I noticed was his eyes. They were deep brown and I found my self almost getting lost in them. The second thing I noticed was his smile and for no reason when he smiled I smiled too. The third thing was his hair. That was also brown and looked so soft I had to force myself from walking over to him and running my hands through it. A girl named Chelsea I was sitting next to noticed what I was starring and at and shocked her head.
“He’s bad news.” she said.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“He’s just someone I wouldn’t hang around. He skips school most days to smoke weed. And he listens to really scary music.” she answered
“Chelsea, shut up.” Morgan began, “Stop gossiping about people. You don’t know that for sure and I’m pretty sure most of you have fucked up at some point. And all you listen to is Brittany Spears so don’t talk about music being scary.”
Chelsea turned red and went back to eating her yogurt, and looked at Tony again and this time he looked at me back.
The fifth period bell rung and when I walked in Tony was already their. He sat in the row next to mine and I could feel his eyes on me all class period. When the class was over I went to go talk to him but he had already walked away. For most of the school year I barely saw Tony, and at that point I had kind of gotten over him. The year passed really fast. I made pretty good grades, I made played sports, and even managed to get myself a boyfriend.
One day during lunch Nathan suggested we do the talent show.
“I don’t know that kind of stupid and nobody goes to those.” I said
“Maybe at your old school but here everyone goes so they can get out of class.” Morgan said.
“So are me gonna do it?” Nathan asked.
“I don’t know. I’ll think about it.” I answered.
“Well hurry up and decide. We have to practice before we perform.” He said. I nodded my head. I wanted to do it but secretly I was a little nervous. The only people I ever really performed in front of was friends and family.
Eventually I decided to go for it. The day of the talent show I looked at the crowd and Morgan was right the whole school was here. Teachers, my friends, my boyfriend Jace, some parents, and yes Tony was there too. We got out there and played our asses off. When we were done people looked like they actually enjoyed it. When we got off the stage I was hot and sweaty but filled with adrenaline and happiness. I wanted to leave right away to go out with friends but everyone was coming up to talk to me. When Tony came up to me I was really surprised.
“Hey, I’m Tony.” He began.
“Yeah I know we have fifth period together.” I said. Up close he everything was even better. His eyes were browner and his hair was softer. He was really tall compared to my 5 feet 5 inches. He smiled and I became hypnotized. He laughed and blushed. I couldn’t believe I could make someone as hot as Tony Perry react that way.
“Yeah I guess,” He began, “Anyway your band killed it out there. I didn’t know you were into to shit like that.”
I smiled and said “Thanks. I guess that’s what you get for ignoring me for most of the year.”
“I guess you’re right about that, do you wanna go to the beach or do something later?” He asked. I was ready to cancel all plans I had with my friends and even my boyfriend and was about to when Jace yelled.
“Yo Nicole Hurry up! You have a curfew and I need time to do all the things I want to do to you!” My face turned red from complete anger. Why would he say something like that in front of everyone? I looked up at Tony and he looked angry.
“ I have to go, Maybe we can go to the beach tomorrow.” I said.
“Yeah I have to work but I’ll call you.” He said.
We exchanged numbers and I gave him my address. I walked past Jace and went straight to his car. He followed shortly after.
When he got in he said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you like that.”
“I don’t know. I saw you talking to that Tony guy and I wanted him to know you are mine.” He answered.
“I don’t belong to anyone and he was just congratulating me.” I said. I was slowly staring to calm down.
He asked me did I still want to get something to eat and I agreed.
After we ate we started to make out in the parking lot. I could feel his hand running its way up my leg and I pushed it away. He then took his other hand and tried to slide it in my shirt. I broke the kiss and said, “Take me home.”
“What? Why? Is it that Tony guy?” He asked. My anger from before had come back.
I jumped out the care and yelled “FUCK YOU!”
“That’s it isn’t it. You’d rather suck his dick than make love to your boyfriend!” He said.
“ OR MAYBE I JUST DON’T TO DO THIS NOW!” I yelled. I was really pissed and started to walk away.
“Where are you going?” He asked.
“HOME!” I yelled back.
“You can’t walk home by yourself in the dark.” he said.
“Watch me.” I said and kept on going. I got home and took a shower. When I got out I saw I had 11 missed calls. All were from Jace except one. I called Tony’s number. He sounded like he had just woken up.
“OH I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” I said.
“No its ok. I called to see if you were still down for tomorrow.” He said.
“Yeah I cant wait.” I said. I couldn’t believe that had slipped out of my mouth.
“I cant wait to see you too.” He said. I almost died right then and there. “Good night.” He said.
“Bye.” I replied, and despite everything that happened a couple of hours ago that short talk with Tony put a smile on my face the rest of the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope the first chapter is ok. If your super exicted for the next chapter. You can cheat and check out my tumblr. There are already 10 chapters posted.