Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed


Mike held me all night and dropped me off at school the next day. I tried even harder not to bring any attention to myself. I also tried to find Tony so we could talk, but I couldn’t find him on my own. I was so desperate to find him that I even went to the office and asked the secretary if he had come to school that day. She told me he was absent and was in the process of enrolling in online classes. While I was in there I got the papers I needed to sign so I could also enroll in online classes next year.
At lunch everyone noticed I was in a pretty bad mood and tried to cheer me up. “I’m pretty sure he’s not avoiding you on purpose.” Morgan said. Leslie and Nathan shook their heads in agreement.
“No you don’t understand. You didn’t see the look on his face. He couldn’t even look at me.” I replied. No one knew what to say about that.
Nathan finally tried to break the silence and said, “How come you get to do online classes and I can’t”
“Because, you wouldn’t take it seriously.” Leslie said.
“Yes I would, and what if we make it big. I can’t go to school and be famous at the same time.” He replied. This actually made me smile a little. “There that beautiful smile everyone loves.” He said.
“Shut up.” I said laughing this time. “I think I’m gonna ditch school for the rest of the day. You wanna come with me?” I asked Morgan.
“I thought you would never ask.” Morgan said. She grabbed her book bag and started to walk out the cafeteria, and I followed not to far behind. In her car she asked, “What do you want to do?” She asked.
“I don’t know, I was thinking we could go shopping for some stuff for Warped Tour.” I answered.
“I wish you would take me with you. I can be in the band. I’ll even be a roadie if that’s what it takes.” She said.
“You would be a roadie?” I asked.
“Yes I would, but don’t expect me to lift any heavy shit. Well don’t expect me to lift anything. I’ll be checking out the boys in bands.” She answered.
“So if you’re not going to be a roadie. What will you do? You don’t play an instrument.” I said.
“I don’t know maybe I can play the freaking tambourine or I’ll just stand there in the back with Nathan.” She said.
“I don’t know I’ll think about it, but I don’t know if I could go months without seeing you.” I said. She yelled and squeezed me tight.
“Oh my god. I cant wait to go.” She said. We drove off to the mall and ended up buying a lot of stuff. We even brought stuff we didn’t even need. When I got home I found Tony sitting on the couch with my dad. When he came over and kissed me I almost feel to my knees. We hadn’t kissed in so long and I had almost forgotten how perfect it was. I felt like I was in a dream.
“What are you doing here?” I asked.
He acted like yesterday had never happened. “I wanted to see you.” He said.
“But, you were so mad yesterday.” I said.
“I think we should talk in your room.” He said this time he didn’t sound so cheerful. He grabbed my hand and walked me upstairs to my room. He looked at my bed and decided to sit on my chair. “I wasn’t mad. I was hurt.” He answered me.
“That only makes it worse. Why are you talking to me?” I asked.
“Because I don’t have the right to be upset. I’m with Stephanie, and I if your with Mike I shouldn’t have a problem with that.” He said.
He was right, but I didn’t want him to be happy with Mike and me. I wanted it to be me and him. “Then why did you kiss me just now?” I asked.
“Because I’m not going to stop myself when I want to be with you.” He said and walked closer to me.
I pushed him away and asked, “Well wouldn’t it be easier if you just left Stephanie?”
Tony sat back on the chair and took a moment and then said, “Her mom is sick right now, and she is in a lot of pain. I don’t to make that pain even worse, but I cant stay away from you.” He held his hand out for me, and I went over to hold it. I sat on his lap on the chair, and kissed him. I guess this was as good as it was gonna get. I wanted it to be just me and him, but that wouldn’t be the case until he left Stephanie and I grew the balls to break it off with Mike, but I was willing to take what I could get. We were getting ready to take things further, but then I heard my mom call me from down stairs. We both went downstairs to see what she wanted. Her and Angela had just gotten home and she had seen the papers I had gotten from the office.
“Are you going to help me sign these?” She asked.
“Can’t you do it?” I asked. I could here Angela and Tony laughing behind me. K
Mom looked at me and said, “If you can’t be mature and sign these paper’s, what makes me think that you’re going to focus on your school work.”
“Whatever. Tony can you help us. You had to sign these papers.” I said.
“Actually, I was just about to leave.” He said and was turning to the door when Angela blocked it.
“No you weren’t.” She said. He was kind of trapped and there was no where else he could go except our living room. My mom sat on the couch and me and Tony sat on the floor. At first we watched my mom sign the parts she had to sign. Then she trough them down in my direction.
“I’m all done. I think I’m going to start dinner.” She said.
My jaw almost feel to the ground. “I thought we were going to do it together.” I said.
“Did I ever say we were going to do it together, and don’t even think about just signing it. I want you to read every page so its clear what you have to do.” She said and walked out the room. I was about to say something to Tony, but he grabbed the papers out of my hands and pressed his lips to mine. I think we kissed for about a minute and we ended up laying back on the floor.
“Aren’t you supposed to be signing those papers?” Angela interrupted.
“Aren’t you supposed to be going somewhere with Jaime?” Tony asked.
“How do you know about that?” She asked.
“Between us, Jaime can’t stop talking about you.” He said. She blushed smiled and walked away. As soon as she left Tony kissed me again, and without breaking the kiss he picked me up and managed to get me up stairs to my room. He still wouldn’t sit on my bed, so we had sex on my floor again. It seemed like every time we had sex it only got better. I don’t know if it was because we loved each other and we were meant for each other, or if it was because of the time we spent apart. It didn’t really matter having sex with Tony was the best and their was no one else I’d rather have sex with. Well, not really because there was always Mike.