Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed

This might sound crazy...but I really want this baby to be Tony's

At first she just stood by the door awkwardly. “Are you just going to stand over by the door?” I said motioning toward the end of my bed. She quietly sat down in front of me, and still didn’t say anything. “You have every right to be pissed.”
“I didn’t have time to be pissed I was so worried about you. We didn’t talk for that long, but I felt like we had become really close.” She said.
“I know I felt the same way, and I really want us to be friends again. I don’t want to be stuck in San Diego all alone.” I replied.
“I’d like us to be friends again too.” She said smiling.
I smiled and said jokingly, “This actually the best news I’ve heard in awhile.” But then that made me think of Mike and I looked down at my lap.
“What’s wrong?” She asked.
“Its just I wish Mike and I could be like you and Tony. It seems like no matter how much he fucks up you always stay together.” I answered.
“Me and Mike are two different people.” She said. It got quite again and then she asked “Isn’t Morgan coming back to San Diego with you?”
“I guess she probably thinks she has to, but I think I’m going to tell her and the other guys to stay.” I answered.
“I heard her and Vic are getting pretty serious.” She said. I nodded, and then we both turned toward the door when Tony knocked.
“Come in.” I said.
He walked over to me smiling and asked, “Did you two make up?” We both nodded our heads and smiled.
“We were having a pretty awesome conversation until you interrupted us.” I said.
“Sorry, but they’re getting ready to perform the ultrasound pretty soon.” He said, and I could tell he sounded kind of nervous the same way I felt. I knew that they would probably be able to tell us when I conceived, and that could possibly help determine if Tony was the dad. I looked at Stephanie and she looked kind of nervous too. Not much longer my doctor and a nurse walked in. My doctor sat beside this machine that had nothing, but a black screen. The nurse walked over and put this cold blue shit all over my belly. I definitely didn’t look pregnant yet, and was wondering what my baby looked like right now.
“Are you nervous?” My doctor asked smiling down at me. I nodded my head, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I felt fingers slip in my hand and I looked to see that they were Tony’s, and I could tell that he was shaking a little bit. “Well I that’s normal. Let’s see if we can find the baby’s heartbeat.” She then took this thing and started rubbing it on my flat stomach. She matched the screen carefully, and I did the same thing. Eventually I could see some little flickering on the screen, and I could hear quite thumping noises. My doctor smiled and said, “I think we found the baby’s heartbeat.”
All I could do was stare at the screen. The little flicker was so small, and the sound was so weak and all I could think about was wanting nothing to happen to that little heart. I wanted to be able to see my baby form around that heart. The baby didn’t look like a baby at all, and it probably would freak people out who didn’t know what I felt at that moment. I loved that baby already, and I didn’t know I was crying until my doctor passed me and Stephanie a tissue. I looked and saw that Tony was hypnotized to the little screen. He noticed me looking and looked down at me, and then looked back at the screen. In those couple of seconds I looked in his eyes I saw happiness, shock, and fear all at one time. I looked back at the screen, and my doctor was watching the screen carefully.
“Can you tell us how many weeks I am?” I asked.
The doctor studied the screen some more and then said, “Its kind of hard to tell you when you conceived, but I’m guessing that your around maybe 9 almost 10 weeks.” I thought about tried to do some math in my head, but I still didn’t know for sure if Tony or Mike was the dad unless I knew the exact day I conceived.
“And will the baby be ok?” Stephanie asked Tony was still staring at the screen.
“If she gets plenty of rest, eat right, and take her pre-natal vitamins the baby should be strong and healthy just like any other baby.” She said smiling. She turned of the machine and the nurse wiped the blue shit off of me.
I sat up and asked, “When can I go home?” I asked.
“We have some paperwork you need to fill out, and then after that I will hand you over to the care of these lovely people.” She said looking at Tony and Stephanie. Tony had snapped out of his hypnotized state. My doctor smiled and her and the nurse left us alone.
“Oh my god I can’t believe your having a baby.” Stephanie said.
“Tell me about it.” I looked at Tony and saw that he had turned kind of pale. “Are you ok?” I asked.
“Yeah I’ll be fine. I just need some air.” He said and went to leave the room.
“I guess this a lot to take in.” Stephanie said. “You have a lot to do to prep for this baby, and do you know if Tony is the dad?” she asked.
“No.” I answered looking down. “I don’t even think I care anymore. I just want to hold my baby, but to be honest I really want the baby to be Mike’s. I mean, I know Tony would be an amazing father, but I want Mike. I need Mike I know it would crush him if this baby isn’t his.” the whole time I said this Stephanie didn’t look at me, and she was playing with the edge of her shirt. “What wrong?” I asked.
“Nothings wrong.” she answered. “This might sound really crazy for me to say, but I really want this baby to be Tony’s”