Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed

All The Time I Can Get

I look over and see that Tony came back. I can see that he is devastated just like me but he is probably a lot worse, but there’s nothing we can really do. She’s made her choice even though we both know that she’s still confused. After she kisses Mike she rushed back over to me and shows me the ring. I try and look happy for her, but there is no way I can feel good about this situation if she goes through with this. “Nicole are you sure you’re ready to get married?” I asked. Her vanished completely.
“Why do you keep asking me that? Of course I want to get married to Mike.” She answered.
I could tell her now, but I didn’t want to tell her in front of everyone and Stephanie was on her way. “Its just that you two are moving really fast. You’re not even twenty yet and you have a baby and now your getting married like what the fuck.” I lied. Yeah, she was young but I didn’t really care. I just didn’t think she could get married to Mike, but I was not ready to tell her today.
“Oh my god I’m so happy for you!” Stephanie said when she finally reached us. I stood back while she hugged Nicole.
“Thanks, I wish everyone could feel that way.” Nicole replied looking at me.
I crossed my arms. “I am happy your getting married I just don’t think its right.” I said.
“But I’m happy with Mike. I just need you to be beside me.” She said. I looked at her for a moment. She did look so happy and so in love with Mike, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was directing that love to the wrong person. I looked over at Tony who was standing away from the others looking miserable.
“Ok for now. Go be happy, and we can talk about this later.” I finally said. She hugged me again before she went back to Mike who greeted her with a kiss.
“What’s so wrong with Mike?” Stephanie asked. I shook my head.
“Its not just about Mike, but lets just say there’s something Mike’s not telling her and you should know too.” I answered. “Plus as much as you still love Tony we both know that she should be with Tony.” I added.
Stephanie quickly shook her head. “Why do you say that. I mean they have a baby, but that doesn’t mean they have to get married. And just because he was her first doesn’t mean they have to get married.” She said. I was starting to feel really uncomfortable, and a little annoyed.
“I know that Steph, but you weren’t there when I heard Nicole talk about Tony and you weren’t there to see how much they loved each other. You’re here now and I don’t know how you can’t see that they still do love each other. Did you ever wonder why Tony didn’t come running back to you after he found out that Nicole was going to stay with Mike anyway?” I said.
I could tell that I had hurt her feeling and I really didn’t mean to I just needed an escape. I looked to fine Vic, and started to make my way towards him. “Wait.” Stephanie said before I left. I stopped and looked back over to her. She paused for a moment. “Yeah I noticed. I even noticed when me and Tony were still going out that he was distracted.” She stopped talking so she could stop herself from crying. When she stabled herself. “Yeah I noticed when he fell out of love with me, and in love with Nicole. But I still love him, so I’m going to wait until he realizes that she is completely done with him. And today might be my lucky day.” She said.
“I’m sorry.” I said. I was sorry because that was never going to happy. Tony would always love Nicole, and no matter how hard she tried to get over her feeling Nicole would always love Tony as well. And I also knew that Stephanie also knew this too. Now that I saw how upset she was I didn’t want to leave her by herself, but I really needed a dose of Vic before I snapped and poured every single piece of information I knew. I finally made my way towards Vic, and l looked behind me and saw that Stephanie was making her way back to Tony. As soon as I reached Vic I grabbed his hand and led him outside.
Once out side he kissed me, and then held me really close. “Can you do something to make either of them change their minds about this?” I asked him.
“Like what. They both want to get married so lets let them. But you could help me by telling me why you’re so against this.” He answered.
I shook my head against his chest. “I can’t.” I said. I heard Vic sighed and held my head up so he could kiss me again. I could feel myself starting to calm down already. “I don’t think I can watch this any longer and not flip the fuck out.” I said. Vic laughed and I starred at him. When he stopped laughing I said. “This is serious. I don’t want Nicole to be with Mike and it breaks my heart to see Stephanie reaching out to a guy who has no interest in her. Both of my best friends minds are pretty much fucked right now.”
I could tell that Vic wanted to laugh again, but he stopped himself so he could say. “I know this is really serious. I was just thinking about your choice of words. Even at a baby shower you cant restrain yourself a little bit.”
“No Vic I can’t. Plus no one is out here to see me.” I said letting myself really smile since I got there.
“Are you calm now do you want to go back inside?” He asked. I was still a little upset, but I would be find as long as I was with Vic. We started to go back inside, but before we could we met Tony on his way outside.
“Hey, Morgan can we talk real quick?” He asked. I looked at Vic and he nodded. I let go of his hand and I waited for him to leave before I spoke.
“Umm are you ok?” I asked. Me and Tony weren’t the bestest of friends, but I did actually felt really bad for him. I felt even worse when he shook his head.
“I just don’t understand how she could just say yes when I know she feels guilty for what we did.” He said.
I shook my head. “I don’t either. She has to tell him before they get married. I can feel a disaster about to come. All this shit has been building up and I can just feel that everything’s going to explode.” I said.
“I can feel it too, and she’s going to get hurt and I really wish I could stop that from happening but she’s making her own decisions.” He replied.
I nodded, “I don’t want to see her hurt either, but I have to tell her and she has to tell Mike what she did. And when that happens she’s going to have a mental breakdown.” I said.
“Well I guess we have time to convince her to change her mind. She’s not getting married anytime soon, not with us about to start touring again.” He replied. I nodded. Great, in order to tell her what I needed to tell her I was going to need all the time I could get.