Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed

Secrets Out

“Well you two looked like you were all into each other a few weeks ago.” I said.
Her face immediately turned the same color as Stephanie, and I could tell that I she was starting to get mad, and if she didn’t flip the fuck out then she was going to start crying. And I would rather she start crying. “What the fuck are you talking about?” She asked. Stephanie didn’t say anything but I could tell that she also wanted to know.
“You know what I’m talking about. Vic and I saw you two at the beach, and you two were all over each other, and it looked like you were in love. So do you plan on telling Mike this before you get married?” I replied.
“You know I can’t tell him that!” Nicole said. “Everyone knows that I have one more shot with Mike, and if I tell him it will be over!”
“Look what you did Morgan!” Stephanie yelled at me.
“What the fuck did I do?” I asked.
“You’re making everyone upset. Yeah Nicole fucked up, but that doesn’t mean that she loves Tony and that she can’t married to Mike.” Stephanie answered. “Don’t worry Nicole. I promise I wont tell Mike or anyone else.” Stephanie said looking at Nicole.
“Don’t listen to her! If you plan on telling Mike you have to tell him. Can you imagine what would happen if he found out and you two were already married?” I said.
“And why should she listen to you? You’re just trying to break them up so you can have him all to yourself!” Stephanie replied. Stephanie doesn’t really fight, but it still felt like she had slapped me across the face.
“I’m in love with Vic! I don’t want anything to do with Mike! If anyone would want Mike it would be you!” I yelled back. Nicole was sitting in between us and even though we weren’t touching her she jumped away as if we had burned her skin.
“What the fuck are you talking about?!” She asked standing in front of us.
No one said anything. Nether Stephanie nor I looked at Nicole. Instead we were eyeing each other down. “Why don’t you tell her since you seem like you want to let everyone’s secrets out in the open.” Stephanie said. I shook my head. I didn’t plan on it happening like this. I really wish I could control what I said. All I wanted to do while the guys were away was to convince Nicole to call off the engagement. I tried to beg Stephanie not to say anything with my eyes, but she was mad and nothing could stop her now. “Fine I’ll tell her.” Stephanie said and looked up at Nicole. “Morgan kissed Mike.”
I mouth dropped open. That was not all, and she knew it. I was about to point that out, but I could see Nicole’s hand coming toward my face and I didn’t have time to stop it. It burned like hell, but I didn’t let her do it again and I didn’t hit her back. I got up from where I was sitting and pushed her down on the couch. She tried to escape but I was literally sitting on top of her so she couldn’t get away.
“GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!” She yelled.
“Shut up and let me talk!” I said. She was still trying to get away, but she did shut up. “Listen. I kissed Mike before I knew you two were actually serious. When I kissed him I thought you were over Tony, and it was before I knew I loved Vic. But at least kissing Mike isn’t as bad as fucking him.” I said and looked at Stephanie. This time it was her turn to snap, but this time I saw it coming and I had time to stop her form hitting me.
“Stephanie is this true?!” Nicole asked. Even though I was really pissed. I found it funny how everyone was trying to kick my ass when all I did was kiss the guy, and it wasn’t even like I loved him. We were drunk and high and a total mistake. Stephanie didn’t say anything. All she did was stare at us. She shook her head and finally got up off the floor.
“I’m leaving.” She said and started walking towards the door. But I was able to walk in front of her and block her.
“I think Nicole deserves to here why you fucked her boyfriend.” I said. We eyed each other down for a few seconds.
“OK! Fine I did have sex with Mike. But it was because I was upset! I had just found out that Tony had slept with the girl that had taken his love from me. I was sad and yeah I kind of did it to get back at her, but I wish I could take it back.”
“WELL GUESS WHAT STEPHANIE! YOU CAN’T FUCKING TAKE IT BACK!” Nicole yelled. She took a few calming breaths but I don’t think they were working she was still mad as hell. At least when she talked she didn’t yell. “So lets get this straight. You slept with Mike when we were touring and I slept with Tony So you could get back at me.” Nicole looked at me and said. “And you kissed Mike. And what was your reason for that?” She asked.
I shook my head. Even though I had just woke up I was exhausted and my face still hurt. “It was before I even knew you two were like serious and it was before I was Vic. We were both fucked up, and I almost didn’t remember it. I don’t know why I did it, but it was never in my plans to hurt you.” I answered.
Nicole looked at Stephanie and then back to me. “What kind of friends are you?” She asked. “Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house.” She added. There was no point in trying to talk anymore. We had caused enough damage. I didn’t even know it would happen like this. I didn’t even want to have to tell her at all or at least have Mike tell her since she was going to marry him. I knew she was upset, but I wasn’t sure if I she planned on leaving Mike, and I was scared to ask. I quietly went upstairs and got my stuff. And before I left I texted Angela and Leslie to come over here soon because there was no way I was going to let her stay her by herself. Stephanie also got her stuff without saying a word to me. We both stopped what we were doing when we heard Nicole’s foot steps coming up the hall, but instead of her coming in her room she went inside the nursery. When we got in the car we still hadn’t said anything to each other. After I dropped Stephanie off I saw Angela heading in the direction of Nicole’s house.
When I got home it was quite and I knew that mom and dad wasn’t home. As soon as I got in my room I burst on in tears. Both of best friends were pissed at me and pissed with each other. It was kind of weird that I didn’t regret the kiss. I just regretted telling. I should have just let Nicole go through with this whole thing without her knowing anything, but then what kind of friend would I be.
I was still laying in bed crying when I heard a knock on my door. It was Savannah there was nobody else here. I didn’t want to hear here a single word from her so I didn’t answer the door, but lucky me I forgot to lock my door so after knocking again she just walked in. When she saw I was crying she walked over to the bed and wrapped her arms around me.
“I still like you even if Stephanie and Nicole don’t, and Vic still likes you.” She said. Savannah was like me she wasn’t afraid of what came out of her mouth, but she was still a nice and wonderful person sometimes. She got up to get some tissues and then started wiping my face. I laid there hugging my little sister like a teddy bear until I feel asleep. Like last night I dreamt about Nicole and Tony getting married again, but this time I recognized the girl Mike was with and it was Stephanie.