Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed

Are You Excited For the Wedding

I could tell it was Nicole’s mom because there was really only two people who could ruin her perfectly good mood right now and they were Stephanie and Mrs. Medina. I knew for sure that it would be a very long time before Stephanie called Nicole again.
When Nicole saw her phone I know she didn’t want to answer it so she passed the phone over to Angela. “Hey mommy.” Angela answered.
“Tell her I’m in the shower.” Nicole whispered.
“She’s in the shower.” Angela said. Angela moved the phone from her ear and put it on speaker so we could all here.
“I was hoping we could have a family dinner tonight. You can bring Morgan if you want.” Nicole’s mom said. “I really do want to be apart of the wedding just to help and little bit, and I fell that we haven’t all just sat and talked in a really long time.”
I looked over at Nicole and I could tell she was confused by the way she was biting her nails. She didn’t really like her mom because she was crazy, but she actually seemed like she really wanted to have dinner with her family. And I was actually honored that she considered me part of that family. I didn’t like Nicole’s mom either, but I did think she should go.
I couldn’t imagine being mad with my mother for a long period of time, and I thought it was time for them to make up.
“I’d be happy to go.” Angela said. “I’ll go see what Nicole thinks.” Now both me and Angela were looking at Angela. She was still biting her nails and then she finally shrugged her shoulders.
“I’ll go if you go Morgan.” Nicole whispered.
“I’ll go if you want to go.” I replied. Finally Nicole nodded and Angela confirmed that we were all going to be there. When Angela hung the phone up it was pretty silent. We were all kind of curious to see what Nicole’s mom wanted this time when yesterday we had an argument. I don’t maybe it was the argument that made her realize that what she was doing was wrong.
“Ok lets get this shit over with.” Nicole finally said. She got up from the couch and made her way upstairs and came back with a still sleepy Chris and a baby bag. I don’t know how she managed to carry all of that and text Mike at the same time. I quickly met Nicole half way up the stairs to take Chris away from her before she accidentally fell. We all got in Angela’s car and mad our way to Mrs. Medina house.
Leslie, Nova, and Jace was already there, and Mr. Medina was waiting at the door for us. He greeted me like he did Angela and Nicole. When we got inside I could already smell the dinner. I never liked him but I could tell he was a good father and boyfriend to Leslie. When we sat down to eat we were all laughing watching Nova walk around the table, and finally sitting on Nicole’s lap so she could play with Chris.
“Your mom told me that your having another baby.” Mr. Medina said. I could feel Nicole go tense beside me. I looked at her dad and I could tell he was happy for her but he didn’t want her to be pregnant just like everyone else.
Nicole smiled and nodded. “Yeah and we just found out that I’m having a girl. Mike is so stocked about having a baby.”
“Your not having this baby because Chris wasn’t Mike’s are you?” He asked.
“No, It was an accident again. But after this one I’m going to get on birth control and I’m going to stick to it. I think two kids is enough for this girl. At least for now anyway.” Nicole answered. I was so proud of her. I know these questions were really hard for her to answer and she was handling them like a boss.
“What does Mike want to name the baby? You two picked out a beautiful name for Christopher.” Mrs. Medina asked. She was acting completely normal and for some reason I didn’t feel that it would last, but by the end of the dinner I would find out that I was wrong.
Nicole shrugged her shoulder. “We just found out that we were having a girl today. I guess we’ll figure out names when he gets back.” she answered.
“You guess named Chris after him why not this baby.” I said smiling.
“Yeah how about Michelle or Christina.” Angela said and we both started laughing.
“I’m all for Christina. Chris and the new baby will be so close in age people are going to think they’re twins.” Leslie said joining in the laughter.
“How about you name her after Grandma Catherine or name her after yourself. Your middle name is Sophia why don’t you name the baby girl Sophie.” Nicole’s mom said. I had to admit I liked those names more than I liked Michelle or Christina.
“What about Great Grandma Karmen. I like that name and I think Mike would like it too.” Nicole said.
“That’s a pretty name for a gorgeous baby girl.” I said, and everyone at the table nodded. Nicole nodded and then her face lit up like she had just remembered something. She got up from the table and came back with a picture from the ultrasound and passed it around.
“She definitely looks like a Karmen.” Mrs. Medina said, and I could see tears in her eyes. “She’s definitely going to be an amazing baby. I can already see were she looks like you and she even looks like Mike too.” She added. She handed the picture back to Nicole and then she looked at me and then Angela.
“When are you two young ladies going to get have a baby?” She asked.
I could feel my face and ears turn red. I looked at Angela and we both shook her head.
“I’m not having a baby until I’m done with college.” Angela said.
“Yeah I’ve learned a lot from Leslie and Nicole and I’m way to immature to have a baby right now.” I said.
After everyone stopped laughing at me and Angela Mrs. Medina asked the most awkward question yet.
“Are you excited about getting married?” She asked. Me all looked at Nicole. Angela, Leslie, and I were both shocked, and we were curious to here what she would say. But she didn’t say anything. She passed Nova over to me and got up from the table and before she left the dinning room we heard her burst out in sobs.