Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed

Someone Else Is Crying

At first we were all a little shocked and we continued to sit at the dining room table. After a moment of just sitting there I got up from the table and everyone but Jace followed. We made our way upstairs to Nicole’s old room. Which was exactly the way she had left it. The only difference was that there wasn’t any clothes or pictures and her guitars were gone. By time we made it to her she had some how managed to stop crying. “Are you ok?” Mrs. Medina asked.
Nicole shook here head and answered. “I’m fine. Its just I’m so excited about the baby and you know when your pregnant little things can get you upset.” I instantly noticed she managed to tell a partial truth by leaving out how she felt about the wedding, but her dad wasn’t going to accept that as her final answer.
“Are you sure you want to get married. You don’t have to marry Mike now just because your pregnant and he’s going to go back touring pretty soon. If you feel like you have to wait then you two can wait.” Mr. Medina said. Everyone in the room except me and Angela knew that she didn’t want to marry Mike, but I’m guessing that everyone else just thought she was nervous about getting married so fast. Especially since she had just broken things off with Tony. And that made me think of the conversation I had with Vic about if she decided to leave Mike she should be by herself awhile so she could get her head straight.
“No I want to get married. I love Mike.” Nicole replied. I know Nicole was uncomfortable with everyone looking at her and I wanted to help here.
“Yeah we talked to the wedding planner today and we can go back downstairs and talk about it.” I said. With everyone looking at me I saw Nicole relax. It definitely caught Mrs. Medina’s attention and she nodded and walked out he door.
“Thank you.” Nicole whispered when everyone left the room.
“No problem.” I replied. “But you know your dad has a point. You don’t have to marry Mike just because your having this baby.”
“We should get downstairs before they notice that we’re gone.” Nicole said ignoring what I told her. She walked past me and out of her room before I could point that out. I followed her back into the dining room and even though we had been gone a few minutes everyone was distracted by Angela who was telling them all about the plans for the wedding. Before everyone had been cheerful and loud but now the room was full of awkward energy. I was guessing probably because here family was doubting Nicole about her feelings towards Mike. While Angela was talking I was trying to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why Nicole was marrying someone she didn’t want to, and I couldn’t find out one thing.
I was still trying to figure it out when we got back to Nicole’s house. Now that it was just the three of us I wanted to ask Nicole about it but she looked exhausted. I think its because she’s so small but the baby was taking a lot out of her. She was going to bed earlier but sleeping in late.
I also wanted to sleep, but I had a lot on my mind. Instead of sleeping with Nicole I went into the room that used to be Tony’s and laid in the bed. I pulled out my phone and dialed Vic’s number. I know I was going to see him tomorrow, and I know I would go crazy if I didn’t call him.
Apparently he knew the same thing and picked up on the first ring. “Hey. I heard some pretty awesome news today.” He said when he picked up.
“Yeah your going to have a little niece I bet your excited.” I replied.
“I guess. I’m happy for Mike and Nicole. Are you happy?” He asked.
“I don’t know. I’m not sad and it seems like the only time I’m happy is when I’m spending time with you.” I said.
“I know. I sucks being away from you. I would take you everywhere with me if I could, but you drive us both crazy when you say you’re going to stay.” He replied.
“I can’t help it. Nicole needs me.” I said.
“When I get back we’re going to get away from everyone. Even if its for a couple of days.” He said.
I smiled and replied. “That sounds great. We can pretend that this wedding isn’t happening. But who’s going to keep Tony and Mike from ripping each other’s throats out?”
Vic laughed and said. “They’re weird they haven’t argued at all in the past few days. They should be fine as long as Mike doesn’t get to jealous of Nicole and Tony spending time together. But I’m not going to let them get in the way of us spending time together.”
It was silent for awhile except for Vic playing his guitar softly. After a few minutes went by of me just listening to his guitar he started to hum. I didn’t know the song so I was guessing he was probably coming up with something. I wanted to stay up so I could hear all of it, but my eye lids started to get heavy and I eventually feel asleep.
I woke up extra early the next day. I had to wake up early to go meet the guys at the airport, but not this early. The sun wasn’t even up yet.
I got up to go to the kitchen and found Angela sitting in the kitchen. Her head was down and I noticed that she was crying. I wanted to turn around quietly and pretend that I had never seen anything, but my legs wouldn’t let me. They had developed a mind of their own and moved closer to her. She still didn’t notice I was next to her, and my hand slowly moved up and touched the back of her head.
“Morgan!” Angela said in surprise. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“Why were you crying.” I asked. I already knew it wasn’t Jaime they were still very much into each other, and I know she wouldn’t be this scared of being caught crying if she was crying because of Nicole. So I know it was something else and I got a strange feeling that I had woken up so I could find out what it was.