Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed

The Night Nicole Had With Tony

“Would you mind if I go and check up on Tony and Chris?” I asked Mike not long before everyone left. I looked up at him and could tell that he didn’t want me to go, but I also knew that he wouldn’t tell me that I couldn’t go. I really did want to see Chris but I also wanted to see Tony as well, but no one could really blame me for seeing Tony I was about to get married. Its not that I don’t want to marry Mike I just don’t want to get married at all. Maybe if I was marrying Tony then I would be excited, but overall I just fell like my life is going so fast.
He kissed me and then he asked. “Do you want me to go with you?”
I shook my head and he kissed me again before letting me get out of the bed. While I was putting on my clothes I started to doubt myself. Maybe this was a bad idea. I had never fully told myself that things were over with me and Tony and maybe if I did then I would be able to fully except that I was going to spend the rest of my life with Mike. Which wouldn’t be all that bad.
When I kissed Mike before I left I could really tell he didn’t want me to go. He made the kiss go on longer than any other time we kissed and I could tell that if I left he would be hurt and I almost stayed.
But finally I pushed him away and left the house before I could change my mind. It didn’t take long to get to Tony’s only maybe ten minutes. When he answered the door he looked surprised to see me, but his surprise went away immediately and he pulled me closer to him so he could kiss me. Unlike the kiss in front of Morgan and Vic he didn’t hold anything back and he we would have went farther if Chris hadn’t of started crying. We both laughed and went upstairs to go check on him.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” He asked after he set Chris back in his crib.
I shrugged my shoulder and said. “I can’t.”
“Just tell Mike that Chris got sick and you wanted to stay.” Tony replied. He led me into his room and we sat down on the bed. “Please stay with me. If it makes you feel better we don’t have to do anything just sleep here with me.”
I didn’t know what to do I saw Chris and I should have just left immediately. I know if I called Mike it would just crush him. I also knew if I called him and heard his voice then that would make me want to leave, but I didn’t want to leave. I had my phone in my hand trying to decide what I wanted to do. I finally handed over my phone to Tony and he texted Mike for me. I knew it was probably a bad idea but I also knew that once I got married which I was in less then a few weeks I wouldn’t be able to spend time like this with Tony. I would be making my final decision to start my a family with Mike and once we were married I wasn’t going to turn back. “You were so right.” I said.
Tony didn’t say anything. “I should have left Mike for you when I had the chance.” I said.
“You can still leave Mike. You still have time.” He replied and I shook my head.
“No Tony look at me. I’m having another baby his baby I can’t just leave now. I want to be with him but he wants to be with me and I’m supposed to be marrying him do you know how it would hurt him if I would just leave.” I said. He didn’t say anything instead he just shook his head.
“I’m sorry.” He finally said.
“About what?” I asked.
“If I had just left Stephanie before I started anything with you then none of this would have happened except maybe Chris and who knows he’d probably have a different name and we would have stayed in my apartment together.” He stopped talking when I started crying. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that.” He wrapped his arm around me and while I tried to stop crying.
“I wish all of that had happened but that never happened and now you’ll have to move on and I’ll have to move on with Mike.” I said. “I shouldn’t even be here right now.” I added and started to get up but Tony stopped me.
“No, you promised that you would stay with me. Plus I already told Mike that you were staying.” Tony said. He kissed me again and all of my guilt went away. At that moment all I needed and wanted was Tony. I wanted us to be together and I wanted to be here with him forever and not just for tonight. I wanted to raise Chris with him, but I also had this baby girl coming and who was I going to raise her with.
When I woke up I could tell that Vic was kind of annoyed but I didn’t know what he was annoyed about. “What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Nothing really. Nicole stayed with Tony last night and Mike hasn’t stopped complaining about it all morning.” Vic answered. I didn’t know what to say. I knew that I Vic was neutral about the whole thing but I know he didn’t like seeing his brother in pain. Just like I didn’t like seeing Nicole in pain or Angela or my real sister.
“Do you want to skip seeing my parents today so you can go see Mike?” I asked. He shook his head.
“No. Nicole will be back to him and I can go see him later.” He faced me and kissed me. “Don’t try and get me to change my mind about meeting your parents and your sister. You won’t be able to anyway.” He pulled me up out of the bed. When we walked into the living room Angela and Jaime were sitting on the couch when they looked up and saw us I could tell that Angela and even Jaime had been crying so I knew she had told him. Before he could say anything I pushed Vic back into the hall way and into the bathroom.
“What’s up with them?” He asked.
I shook my head and said. “Its not something I should tell. Its between Angela and Jaime. Now can we just get ready and go to my parents house.”
I could tell that Vic wanted to go back out in the living room to ask what was going on, but I had his attention and he also understood that it wouldn’t be a good idea to just go up and ask them.
He nodded and said. “Ok.”