Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed

Things I Want

When we got done eating dinner with my parents I really wanted to stop by and check to see if Mike had heard from Nicole or Tony. I was in a good mood up until we got to the house. When we got the there the door wasn’t closed all the way and there was a broken glass in the hallway. “What the fuck?” I said taking in my surroundings. Vic held me close to him even though I wasn’t really scared I was just confused. We walked upstairs and there was even more broken glass I didn’t even know they had this much breakable stuff in their house.
Before we got to the bedroom Mike ran out and that time I did get scared. He was pissed and I knew it was probably because of Nicole. “What the fuck is wrong with you man?” Vic asked.
“Its her friend.” Mike said pointing at me. He was actually starting to piss me off. I could tell he was mad at me and I didn’t even do anything. “Where are they?!” He asked me.
“I don’t know what your talking about!” I said. He was starting to move closer to me and I was moving back while Vic was standing in between us.
“I went to Tony’s house and no one was there and Tony’s truck was gone. They’re not answering their fucking phones! So were did they decide to fucking hide!?” Mike said.
“I don’t know!” I said.
“Stop being your friends little bitch and tell me where she’s at!” Mike went on.
“WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!” Vic yelled. “She said she didn’t know where they are!”
“Well somebody needs to find out where they are.” Mike said and moved past us. I could tell he was looking for something else to break but I honestly think there wasn’t anything left.
“Morgan why don’t you wait in the car while I talk to Mike.” Vic said. I didn’t really want to, but I guess it was best for Vic to try and calm Mike down. And even though I didn’t know a damn thing Mike was still pretty pissed with me. I nodded and left Vic and Mike and the house while I waited in the car and tried calling Nicole and Tony.
“Calm down man.” I said to Mike who was pacing around the living room.
“I won’t calm down until somebody gets in touch with Nicole.” Mike said. I didn’t know what I could do to calm him down and I even tried to call Nicole and Tony but they still weren’t answering and when Mike saw that I didn’t get an answer I could tell he that only mad him madder.
“Try not to get worked up. They might just not feel like answering or they went somewhere and their phones died. Do you really want Nicole to walk in here and let her see that you got worked up over nothing?” I said trying to make things work. The only thing I managed to do was stop the pacing. In place of that he sat down on the edge of the couch with his head in his hands. Usually I was neutral about this situation but right now I was furious at both Tony and Nicole. Not because they were ignoring us to be together, but because they were hurting my brother like this. If they want to be together they should just be together instead of being stupid like this. If she was going to leave Mike she shouldn’t do it like this.
I tried to call them again but when their phones went to voicemail again I sat on the couch next to Mike.
“I don’t know what to do.” Mike said. “I know she doesn’t love me the way I love her. I don’t know if I should just let her go or fight for her.”
“Haven’t you been fighting for her since you two started going out?” I asked. Mike didn’t answer me.
Instead he said. “Tony was her first and she was only with me because she was mad at him.”
“She really did love you too.” I said but I still don’t think I was getting through to him.
He shook his head. “No she didn’t. I really did love her when I first met her but she never loved me.” He said and got up and started pacing around the room again.
I finally just turned off my phone when we got to the airport. This was pretty much my last chance to change my mind and not get on the plan. Once I did I wasn’t going to go back. We were going to stay with my grandmother for a couple of days and then we would have to come back even if we still wanted to stay.
I tried to distract myself from my guilty conscious by playing with Chris and Tony while we waited for our flight.
I was hoping the flight would hurry up before they decided to come and look in airports for us. The only people who would guess were I was going was my parents and I knew Morgan, Mike, and Vic would wait to tell my family and by time they tried to look for me I would be gone. I could tell that Tony was excited and I was excited to spend some alone time with him. When it was time for us to get on our plan I really got nervous and then Tony leaned down to kiss me and then I knew I was making the decision I wanted even though it might not be the right thing to do.