Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed


When mom got home that night I had told her everything that had happened at school that day, and asked her could I take my classes online. She said I could do it next year since I only had a couple of weeks left. I spent those couple of weeks staying close to my real friends and away from the other people. I still saw Tony around school and he saw me, but he respected my wants and left me alone. I still hadn’t talked to Mike and I wasn’t looking forward to it. Then one day I just decided to borrow Angela’s car and drive to his apartment. When he saw me he quickly pressed his lips to mine, and I couldn’t stop him. This exactly what I was afraid was gonna happen. Once we started I knew I would be able to stop him. We made it to his room without either of our shirts. Then for some strange reason the thought of Tony came into my mind and that made me finally be able to push away Mike. “This not what I came here for.” I said breathlessly.
“Well, what did you come here for?” He asked.
“I needed to tell you that we can’t be doing this.” I said.
“I don’t think you mean that.” He said and before I could say anything else he started to kiss me again, and this time we didn’t stop. This time we ended up going all the way. When we were done I felt good and terrible at the same time. He told me to stay the night with him and I agreed. I told my mom I was staying at Morgan’s and called her to tell her to cover for me. Mike and I then spent the rest of the night having sex, and each time the horrible feeling went away. The next day I told Mike I had to leave because I had to record some songs. Before I left he kissed me and I could tell that he loved me and cared about me, but I don’t think I loved him the same way he loved me. That day when I met up with Matt our guitar player, Ryan our bassist, and my brother I told them about trying to get in Warped Tour. They agreed, but had the same kind of nervousness I had. Almost a week later we heard that we had to compete against some bands to fill up the places they had open. Vic, Tony, Mike, and Jaime had to do the same thing and I knew they were amazing, but I didn’t know about the other bands. The night I was supposed to compete I was on the verge of leaving my band mates, running home, and hiding under my covers. My family were there for me, but I had never performed for people who would judge me. Before we went on the guys gave me hugs for good luck and that comforted me. I had always been good with people so I before I sang I tried to get people exited and then performed like I’ve never performed before. I had never been more tired in my life, and at the same time I was also energized. When we were done the crowd seemed to like it, and I felt good about our performance. The other bands were really good and I nervously watched all of them. The guys were the best to me even though my opinion might have been a little biased. When they were done they were all pretty sweaty, but I hugged them anyway. After the whole thing was over everyone except me and Tony wanted to party. He told my Dad that he would take me home.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” my dad said.
“Its ok, go have fun with mom. I’ll be fine with Tony.” I replied. He eventually let me go off with Tony. At first the ride was silent and awkward. Their was a magnetic energy all around us.
Finally Tony said, “You looked amazing up there.” He said. I blushed and looked at my outfit. I was wearing a black short dress that had little white hearts all over it and had a black van on my right foot and a white one on the other foot. For make up I had bright red lipstick and a lot of eyeliner and mascara on. My hair was starting to grow back and was able to cover my ears. I straightened it and dyed it dark purple.
“Thanks.” I said. It got quite again but it wasn’t awkward. We just didn’t really have anything to say. When we got to my house he asked could he come in and I said he could. I didn’t like being at home by myself anyway. We went up to my room and Tony went to my movie collection to look for something for us to watch. He put in Star Wars and sat on my bed. “Is that all you watch?” I asked jokingly.
“Nooo, but I haven’t watched it in a couple of days.” He said. I rolled my eyes and went looking for my pajamas.
“Close your eyes.” I said.
“I’m watching the movie.” He replied smiling.
“Do what I say.” I said. He pretended to pout, but he covered his eyes with his hands.
“You have 10 seconds.” He said. I was able to get undressed and dressed in under 10 seconds and jumped on the bed next to Tony. Tony uncovered his eyes and looked down at me. “You have an amazing smile.” He whispered. That made me smile more and I took his hand in mine.
“Really?” I asked noticing he had STAR WARS tattooed on his fingers.
He shrugged his shoulders and said, “I’m gonna get my next tattoo at your Dad’s shop.”
“Will you let me do it?” I asked seriously. I liked watching dad tattoo people and had actually tattooed him a couple of times.
“No, you might give me an infection and then I might have to get my hand amputated. Then I wont be able to play guitar, and that would disappoint so many people.” He said.
“Shut up!” I said grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him.
“Stop it I’m trying to watch the movie.” he said. I don’t think we watched the movie at all. Instead we spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. At some point I fell asleep and when I woke up Tony was laying beside me with nothing on but his boxers. At first I thought we had had sex, but I didn’t feel like I had just had sex. The house was silent even though everyone’s car was outside. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I got back Tony was awake and when he saw me he smiled. I walked over to him and hugged him, and surprised us both by kissing him. Kissing him felt exactly right. The kiss didn’t last long though because Tony stopped it. “Are you ready?” He asked.
“I don’t know.” I answered. We were interrupted by the sounds of our stomach growling.
“Wanna go out and get something to eat?” He asked. I nodded and got myself self straight, and Tony went to his house to get ready. When I got out I left a note for my parents to let them know where I was going. We went to get something to eat and after that we went to the skate park. I wasn’t that good. All I could manage was to move and maybe do a Ollie or sometimes I could do a short manual, but Tony was better. Whenever I fell Tony was there to pick me up, and when he picked me up and held me everything felt perfect.