Status: I hope you really like it. I also post it on my tumblr. Its best to check it out on there if you have one because i'm already like on chapter ten.

Kiss Me and I Bleed

I Am Not Lucky

It was a sad march up the isle. Everyone looked so happy no one knew what conflict was going through my mind. She also realized that she was probably making a mistake, but she didn’t know what to do about it. I tried to put on a smile while I was walking down the aisle with Vic, and I didn’t know if everyone could see behind my act. When Nicole came out she was also putting on an act, but I know that she was so scared. I had to help her, but I didn’t know what to do. Maybe when its time to object to the wedding maybe I should say something, but did people actually do that. Did that actually work. What could I possibly say what my reason was to doing so. I couldn’t tell them what Nicole told me. That was between her and Mike. She didn’t want anyone to know. Nicole made her way down the isle, and I felt so bad for her. The wedding went by smoothly and now that big question came up. I was shaking, and I was never afraid to speak up even in the largest crowds. It should have been easy for me to speak up and make up some random thing that could stop the wedding and not betray my friend. I looked over to the father of Nicole’s baby. I knew he still loved her, and she loved him. This was his chance to say something. I knew this was tuff for him. It was hard to see him in so much pain. I believe the only thing that helped him from breaking down was his baby boy smiling and playing in his arms. I looked at Nicole’s family and Stephanie. I knew they could tell that something was up, but at the same time they didn’t ask her what was wrong. And even if they had she wouldn’t have told him. The only family member who knew that Nicole didn’t want to go through with this wedding was encouraging her to go through with it. Even if she really felt bad about doing it. Time was running out, and it was up to me to stop my friend from making this huge mistake. I was literally about to say something, but I was interrupted by Nicole. She looked at her groom, then the priest, then the crowd, and back to her groom. “I’m so sorry Mike. I can’t go through with this.” She said barely above a whisper. She looked back at me, and I nodded. I knew this was hard for her, and she needed support. She was doing the right thing. She faced her groom again, and she left him with a kiss.
I couldn’t stop shaking when I wrote my note I planned on giving to Mike. By time I was finished it was time for everyone to get lined up. I tried not to look at Tony because if I did I would have taken his hand and ran, but I couldn’t do that. I needed to do this the best way I knew how.
I was still shaking when I took my daddy’s hand and he thought I was nervous about getting married, but I was nervous about not getting married and pretty much dumping Mike in front of all of our family and friends. “It’ll be fine.” My dad said. And even though he probably meant something different. My brain and heart took it as leaving Mike would hurt now, but after awhile it would be fine. He would one day find someone who could love him the way he loved me and I would be with Tony.
Soon everyone left except me and my dad and I was getting even more nervous. Soon I was going to see Mike and then I would be leaving him.
I walk slowly and try to look happy when I’m not. I want to be happy and that’s why I’m doing this. I want Mike to be happy too and I know that eventually he will. I know if I stay with him he will always question if I really loved him. Which I always do just not the way he would want me too. That’s pretty much what I put in the note that I was holding on to.
When I finally reached Mike I could tell he wanted to be happy, but he was to occupied wondering if I was happy. I had planned on giving him the note right away, but something made me stop to think if I really wanted to do it. What if I went back to Tony and realized that I didn’t love him as much as I thought. What if I left Mike and realized that I didn’t want to be with neither of them. But that wouldn’t happen. If I did leave Mike I would be with Tony. Just like I always wanted to from the beginning.
I wasn’t paying attention to the priest at all I was thinking about my note and I was wondering in the small amount of time that I had to write it did I say everything that I needed to. I hoped so. I don’t know what part we had gotten to I just spoke out so that only Mike could hear me. “I’m so sorry Mike. I can’t do this.”
I could tell that I had crushed him and I could also see that a part of him was expecting this and that made me feel even worse. I grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him before I ran off.
I had already planned where I would go if I did leave and I ran to the closest bathroom. But I didn’t expect for almost everyone to follow me. They were all banging on the door asking me to come out or was I ok or what was going on. But I didn’t want to answer them I just wanted to get out of here.
Finally I heard Morgan’s voice asking could she come in so I cracked the door so only she could fit through. “Are you ok?” She asked. I started to answer her but at that moment I felt a sharp pain go through my lower stomach and I almost couldn’t stand up on my own feet.
“Are you ok!?” Morgan asked again. Again I started to answer her but then I felt some liquid running down my legs. At first I thought it was blood, but it was only water. “I thought you weren’t due until another couple of weeks!”
“I thoughts so too.” I replied and started to move over to where I had but some clothes before I felt another sharp pain.
“I’m going to get Mike.” She said before leaving me in the bathroom and was quickly replaced by Tony.
“What’s going on?!” He asked. I could tell by the way he was looking at me and the puddle of water that he was referring to me and not the wedding.
“I need to go to the hospital. Can you help we change?” I asked. He nodded and walked over to me. It was kind of hard to get dressed when you had to stop every minute to catch your breath because you were in terrible pain. I should have guessed it earlier. I now realized that I was probably going in labor.
I was dressed in some sweat pants and a tank top when Morgan walked in with Mike. I could tell that he was upset, but at the moment he was more worried about me and the baby. I had already had my arm wrapped around Tony’s shoulders and I wrapped my other around Mike’s and they helped get me into
Morgan’s Mom’s car. The ride to the hospital I was scared out of my mind. I wasn’t supposed to have my baby today and I wasn’t ready. I had it all planned I was going to leave Mike and maybe stay with my parents for awhile and then me and Tony would date again and than I would think about staying with him.
When I was walking down the isle I bet everyone was looking at me and thinking “Look at her she is so lucky. She has an adorable baby and another on the way and she is marrying the love of her life.”
But I am not lucky. If I was lucky I would just be dating Tony right now. He would have left Stephanie before dating me and I would be recording and touring, but instead that’s been on put on hold not because of one but two babies. So no, I am not lucky.