Moleskin No. 1

April 28th, 2011

I'm Cora as Parson probably already mentioned. I just hate living like runaways like this. I used to have it all. Nice house, nice parents, nice family, perfect life. Parson and I have been super close since birth practically.

How we got in this situation? I don't even know exactly. I remember when I was around age eight, my parents were killed in a car accident, or so that's what I'm told. I've never really believed that at all. My mother was terrified of driving; even if she was in the passengers side.

After their death, I was put in some run down orphanage with Parson. He's never really told me about what happened to his parents. Every time I bring them up, he acts all weird and won't give me answers. The only thing he has told me is that he believes his mother is still alive and out there somewhere.

I guess that's what we're doing. Looking for Auntie but what about my parents? Are they dead like I've been told or could they still be out there, alive?" I pray the second. Parson and I are in constant hiding with only each other for company and support.

The orphanage people are out looking for us and I'm sure the police are too. I'm glad we left the orphanage. The place was awful. The staff treated the two of us, (all the children there for that matter) with such disrespect and they were not kind to us at all.

I remember being there, playing with a girl I had just met and decided to befriend. We were playing with jacks or something like that. It happened so long ago, it's hard to remember. What I do remember is one of the old ladies that worked there as a nanny for the younger children came up to us in the middle of the game and snatched away the jacks and bouncy ball. She told me I couldn't be friends with the girl because I was a year older than her. I didn't understand at the time what was happening and obeyed like I was expected to do. The only exception to the age rule was Parson and me since we were related but even the boys and girls were separated into different areas of the building and I barely ever saw Parson.

One very cold night, Parson snuck down into the girls' bedrooms where I was. He crawled to my bedside and whispered to me one word: escape. I remember the night like it was yesterday. Ever since then, we've been out in the forest, struggling to just stay alive every day. As the older of the two of us, I suppose I should be brave, right? Nope. I'm terrified out here. Parson seems cool as a cucumber over there. Speaking of which, he's calling for me.

Out here, there are no second chances.

Will write soon.

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written by me(: comments? those would be awesome you know. I'd love to hear what you guys think of it and maybe even subscribe?