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Plastic Lovebites

Mystery Girl

I stared at the ground of the new school. It smelled horrible, it smelled of humans. I growled lowly to myself as I made my way to the front office. The lady at the front desk with the nametag titled ‘Mrs. Miller’ looked up looking as if she had not one real muscle in her body. Her plastic lips curled into a grimace when she saw my appearance. I snarled and rolled my eyes. I refused to be freaks like all the humans nowadays. I guess I’m old fashioned that way.

“I just want my schedule, I’m not in the mood for dirty looks,” I growled. She chuckled as she printed it out, shaking her head and stamping it.

“Well that’s all your going to get with that appearance Mr. Cromwell. Can I give you a card to my plastic surgeon?” she asked sweetly, although I could see the disgust and pity in her eye. I gagged and shook my head picking up my bag and grabbing the schedule.

“No thank you, I don’t need to look like a freak to be pretty,” I said sarcastically and took off down the hall. I glanced at the schedule and walked to my said locker. I scoffed at all the plastic and make up smeared faces. The teased and unnatural colored hair. God, what the world has come to. Grabbing all my shit, I slammed the locker closed and went to my first class.

“Everyone sit, we have a new-” the teacher started to say, but when he saw me his eyes widened, “Oh, we have another hippy I see. Going for the all-natural look Mr. Cromwell?” he asked, his over-puffed lips smacking together in the most annoying of ways. I then smirked, because it was my turn to have fun.

“Yes, see, I think that body modifications are something you all use just to feel better about your pathetic lives. You think that being fake is better then your real self, which for most of you, is probably true. Most of you are cruel, judgmental, or even depressed. I truly feel bad for those of you who do it just because you’re afraid of being made fun of if you don’t. I, on the other hand, am from a place where plastic surgery is unattractive. VERY unattractive. Also, for those of you who plan on throwing me in a dumpster or kicking me until I am unconscious after school, well, I would think twice,” I smirked, and sat in the only empty seat that was available.

“Well, that’s Drake Cromwell everyone, now to proceed with the lesson,” he said, looking defeated, then proceeding to teach us trigonometry. I looked down at the paper he passed out shortly after and smiled, for it really was all to easy. I dated the paper, November 21, 2089.

“E-Excuse me?” I heard a quite, feminine voice whisper next to me. I rolled my eyes and looked up, only to meet the eyes of the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen in my life. I inhaled her scent and shuddered. It took all I had not to feed right then and there. She wasn’t plastic, not at all. It must have been what the teacher meant about ‘another hippy’. I smiled politely and cleared my throat.

“Yes ma’am?” I asked. She bit her lip.

“Well, I just wanted to tell you that what you just said was really amazing. You don’t know how love I’ve wanted to say most of those things. I feel that exact same way. I hate how I’m always ridiculed for not being gross and plastic. Thank you so much for finally standing up to them,” she said blushing a bit. I smiled and took her hand, gently kissing it.

“You are very welcome my dear. It is refreshing to see someone so beautiful. I mean, with all these grotesque fools, I started to loose hope in ever finding anyone normal,” I said.

“I feel the exact same way!” She giggled. I smiled nodding, “will you sit next to me at lunch? I mean, no one ever does,” she asked sort of sadly. I grinned and nodded my head, then looked down seeing the difficulty she was having with her work. I bit my lip and scooted closer to her.

“Here, look, instead of multiplying here, you divide. Then you can figure out this side of the triangle,” I explained. She watched in awe and nodded.

“Wow, I would never be able to figure that out by myself. You’re amazing, how do you do this? It’s way too hard for almost everyone here,” she said, looking confused. I smiled and showed her my already complete paper, shrugging my shoulders as if it was nothing at all. The truth was, I’ve been in high school over 100 times, so naturally, it’s very easy.

“Eh, practice makes perfect. Most people here are dim-witted, but I can tell you’re very smart,” I said smiling. She grinned and did the rest by herself, “See?”

“Well, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you. This teacher is a retard. He never teaches us anything!” she sighed in frustration. I chuckled and scooted back over to my desk to put my things away. I looked over at her after everything was organized.

“So when is lunch?” I asked curiously.

“After 3rd period. Lucky for our grade, right in the middle,” she said smiling while putting away her own belongings. That was until she dropped her bag and the contents came spilling out onto the floor. I got down on my knees and picked up all the folders and papers, putting them in a neat pile before standing up and handing them back to her.

“Thank you,” she smiled putting them back in, “I’m clumsy, sorry.”

“No problem dear, I don’t mind helping you,” I said grinning. She smiled, the blood rushing to her cheeks. I bit my lip and turned away. What was I doing? I’m leading her on for heartbreak. Of course I couldn’t be with her.

As soon as the bell rang I ran out, not one backward glance towards the beautiful girl. I then realized, I didn’t even know her name.
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