The Curse of a Vampire

Not Again

“So let me get this straight, you want me, a modest and noble citizen of this city, to help you?”

The next morning, at school, Eric decided to ask someone that benefited of a lot more information regarding werewolves. Jerry disappeared right after Matt, since he didn’t want to get involved in anything else. The only werewolf they knew, and was somewhere around a teenager’s age, was Austin.

After Stella became, better let’s say, he decided to disappear from the picture. He didn’t want to have any connection to the Arche’s or Blanche’s. He wanted to return to being normal.

“Look, Stella went on a trip for her own issues, and we are left with someone who’s trying to get our attention. I’m pretty sure that you, the modest and noble citizen, will help us” Austin raised an eyebrow questioningly. He knew that Stella disappeared suddenly but he didn’t know why.

It was quite boring without her. However, Nate was pretty much the same as his sister. He was stubborn and clingy whenever he had a reason to stand up for. He wasn’t going to win against the vampire, he was absolutely sure about that.

“Fine. What is that you want to know?” Nate grinned and winked at Eric, who was trying not to pay any attention.

“Werewolves come in different sides right?” Austin rolled his eyes. Nate’s words were quite insulting in a way.

“Yes. Because we are just like a pair of shoes” Eric chuckled while Nate narrowed his eyes at the smaller man. “Werewolves aren’t stupid. No one would come in Firehole after what happened with Stella. Just think about it, Matt and Jerry were here. If something was to happen, wouldn’t have Jerry stayed?” Eric and Nate glanced at each other. That theory was correct. Jerry left at the same time with Matt.

“But this girl wasn’t murdered by a human. She had the caduceus sign on her forehead” Austin frowned. The last time that sign appeared, Stella became evil and lost her sanity.

“I have to see the body” Eric rolled his eyes and leaned against the desk.

“It’s not like we can walk in the morgue and tell sheriff that we are just a bunch of curious young people” Nate smirked wickedly and moved his eyebrows up and down. That wasn’t going to end up nicely.

That night, Nate made sneaking into the police morgue easier than stealing from a baby. He got the sheriff preoccupied with his own troubles while Eric and Austin went down to the morgue. The dead corpses were all around the room, waiting to be inspected. Fortunately, the two guys found their victim easily. She was already cut open.

“These do look like claw signs” Austin’s eyes were trying not to travel to the girl’s face. She was dead and she was naked on a table.

On the other hand, Eric wasn’t touched by the dead bodies surrounding him. He had seen worse.

“So it’s a werewolf” Austin nodded. Her body was torn apart. Someone wanted to show something; maybe even show off. The claw signs were rather long and cut deep into her flesh. He was probably old and had a lot of experience on the field.

“There are two kinds of werewolves. The young ones who are mostly Beta are pretty different than what most people think about them. They don’t really care about what happens around them or what happens to other packs. As long as they are content with their lives, they don’t create any chaos. On the other hand, there are the old werewolves. They are mostly Alphas and ex-Alphas. They are dangerous because they still believe in the old faith” Eric was overwhelmed.

“What is the old faith?” Austin frowned. He didn’t know many details about it but he did know one that was going to make a difference.

“Werewolves and vampires never got along until Matt and Jerry created the agreement. The old faith has only one rule, based on the pride of a wolf. They were peaceful and never crossed the boundaries. But, vampires had to be annihilated at any costs” Eric’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Does that mean old werewolves used to kill vampires without a reason?” Austin’s frown deepened.
“They still are. I think they just declared war. Sadly, they want to transform Firehole into a battlefield” Eric sighed and his shoulders sunk in disappointment.

“Not again” He had every right to whine. Stella had been a handful and she was alone. Now, a pack of old werewolves were getting hipped up.

On the other side of the Universe, somewhere in France, a young brunette was pacing around her room. She had enough questions for a lifetime and she had no real answers.

“Do we have any chance to make her calm down?” Alex glanced at the young Kraftig and raised an eyebrow.

“No” His response was short and cold. He turned his eyes back on the TV and started to search through the channels. After being sent to Hell twice in his life, granted to the same demon, he got used to her moods. She was always thinking more than she had to. She commanded Abel to find every document about her father and he accepted, more or less. He had no choice.

“Is there any chance for you to forget I am not evil?” Alex didn’t care enough to glance at him for a second time.

“No” His response was as cold and short as his first. “You may be useless and unimportant as a vampire since there are no documents about your identity. However,” He stopped and rubbed his chin. “Actually, there is no however” Gavin sighed and fell on the couch. He didn’t do much yet he was exhausted.

The whole room froze when Stella’s phone rang. Faster than the wind, she responded. It was Abel and he found a few files about her father.