Met you in Silver oak

Chapter 2

When I told my friends in Johnville about going to George Island, they told me all sorts of rumors. Rumors like, it’s an island so you’d have to survive eating bananas and other fruits. Funny there was another one completely in contrast saying that the place was all secretive-2050-roboty like.

Huh. When I landed, all the rumors just stayed rumors. Because this place was like any other town, perhaps a town filled with richer people. I could say that because I found bungalows on either side of the road. A guilty realization flashed through me – How much did dad have to pay to send me here?

I caught a taxi and told the driver my destination.

I arrived to my latest school slash new home. The school looked not-so-attractive. It actually looked amazingly boring. For a second I imagined that there’d be nuns with sticks roaming around the school. The walls were painted in shades of blue. All my excitement was gone. I was judging my school by looks and it wasn’t pretty, I can say that, really. I gulped.

I went inside and met the receptionist.
“Um, Mrs. Angela?” I said looking at the name tag which was fitted on the top of her breast pocket.
“Yes?” she said still not looking up at me. When she did she smiled.
“Oh yes of course, a fresh new student!”
Fresh. Huh. Nice. When I just smiled at her, she said “Your papers?”
“Yep, here you go”

She called the helper or caretaker or whatever you called them in a boarding school. “Emma lead Megan Trance to her room, please.” Emma, who I’m sure looked either like a man or a female sumo wrestler (if something like that existed), led me to my room.

Room 102. My heart started thumping again. Please let my roommate be nice. PLEASE. I opened the door and saw a girl with jet black hair really involved in whatever she was doing. Her back was facing me. She turned and then stood up. I saw what she looked like then. She was kind of short. At least shorter than me. Her eyes were calm and gentle. She had round cheeks and when she smiled, I saw her perfect white teeth and perfect dimples which made her look very pretty.

“Hi I’m Gretchen “she said
“Megan” I said, shaking her hand.
“So, um, I’m just going to leave you for now to let you recover from the jet lag”
“Kay, Thanks” I was indeed very thankful. She wasn’t one of those pushy people who wanted to know everything at the very moment. People in Johnville were. My first impression of my roommate? I like her already. I sent quiet thanks too and then took a deep nap.