Everyday Combat

1 [One]

The incessant and constant beeping that screamed through my mind forced me to wake up. I don't really know what else I could've done, trying to sleep with an alarm blaring wasn't pleasing.

Opening my eyes, I glared at the inanimate object, willing it to turn off by itself, or at least shut up.

Upon realising that telekinesis was quite evidently not a power I had managed to conquer, I resigned myself to bringing my arm out and slamming the damned thing off. Of course, I didn't get up. I am not a morning person.

Something Zack finds very funny when I get into school. I just laugh at him because he gets insomnia. At least I sleep. Albeit for a short period of time, 4-5 hours is not really good. But, on the plus side, I seem to have the amazing talent for not procuring bags under my eyes. Something that Zack unfortunately has not got. Something which I find very funny when we get into school.

I must have slipped into a doze, as I was woke with a start, my eyes finding that 15 minutes had passed since I'd actually woken up. Literally jumping out of bed, I rushed around my room, running into the shower and taking one of my famous '5-minute-wonder-showers'.

Apparently according to the clock on my bedside table, I had an hour and half to get ready. Yes, I did get up earlier than some. But I actually paid attention to my appearance. After frantically blow-drying and running the curlers through my now shoulder length dark brown hair, giving myself cute beach waves, I began to put my make up on.

A slick coat of liquid eyeliner, combined with light purple eye shadow and black mascara and I was done. I was more of a natural make-up girl than Barbie. And Zack liked it, so I didn't really care what anyone else thought.

Picking my bag up and slipping on some beaten up black Converse, I rushed down the hallway to the kitchen. I literally slumped into the seat, blowing my fringe up as it fell into my face before sitting up properly, smiling at my Dad as he sat with his eyebrow raised at me.

"You seem in a rush," he mumbled, causing me to smile sarcastically at him.

"I was late out of bed this morning, so I had to rush," I mumbled, picking up some toast and chewing it absentmindedly. My mum tutted as she sat down next to me. I knew what I was in for, yet another lecture on how 'you can do better'.

"Still with that Zack Sarah?" She asked, frowning as she buttered some toast for herself. I sighed and nodded my head. "Yes mom, just like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that," I said exasperatedly.

"Sarah, why are you with him? I don't like him; he's not good enough for you. All he does is get in trouble which results in you getting in trouble," she sighed. Okay, she didn't usually go on about it this much, just usually made a sly comment about it.

"Have you ever thought that maybe I get in trouble on my own? I do have a mind you know," I grumbled, looking down at my plate and scowling.

"Well I hoped you had more sense Sarah. We came to America to live a better life, and you getting detentions was not part of the plan," she lectured me. I glared at the table.

"Mom, shut up. We came here for a better life right? I have friends, everyone gets along with me, I get good grades, I go to school everyday. That all makes my life better. But having a boyfriend? For the first time? That makes my life spectacular. He makes me happy, why can't you be happy for me?" I growled at her.

"Don't call me mom, you're not American," she scolded me. Growling I stood up and put my plate into the dishwasher, turning round and washing my hands in the sink.

"No I'm not American. But my friends are American, my boyfriend is American, we live in America. I'm only 15, so of course I'm going to adopt the accent. You can't do anything about that, and you wanted to come here so don't complain at me for fitting in with the culture round here."

Storming out the kitchen, I grabbed my bag and waited at the car for my dad, as he gave me a ride to school.

He walked out at a leisurely pace and opened the Mercedes up for us. They'd both had successful jobs in England, and moving here had meant there was a lot of money left over, so we had some luxuries.

I always felt bad though, we lived two minutes from the beach, in a nice neighbourhood full of expensive SUV's and saloon cars, whereas Zack lived in a.. less expensive neighbourhood. I always felt like I was flaunting stuff in front of him.

Our car drive was silent for the most part, until we began to near school.

"Zack isn't such a bad guy Sarah. I appreciate that he makes you happy, but you know your mum, she wanted you to get with some nice blonde haired American sweetheart. Not a black haired, green eyed Italian boy," he said with a soft smile.

This was why I was a daddy's girl. You wanna get on the good side of me? Get on with my dad and we're sorted.

"Thanks dad," I said softly, still fuming at my mum's behaviour. As the building came into view, a sinking feeling hit my stomach. I was excited to see Zack, but not so excited to see Faith. She seemed to have it in for me lately. I don't know why either, but I'm assuming it's do to with Zack.

"Have a good day sweetheart okay? Have fun," he smiled, kissing my forehead before I jumped out the car, watching the sleek silver vehicle speed down the road, heading to the highway.

I moved forward, heading to where we always met up before school, the circle...place in the middle of Huntington High. And surely enough, Zack, Faith and Brian all sat there. They were always here early, no idea why.

Smiling, at the sight of Zack, I hurried over, grinning at him as he pulled me into his lap.

"Hello," he greeted me, with an English accent causing me to laugh. "Hi," I said softly, leaning forward and kissing him hard. I could tell he was shocked, because he froze, evidently unsure why I was being so forward.

Pulling away, he looked at me confused, licking his lips. "What was that for?" He asked. I smiled sweetly.

"Proving my mom wrong," I grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kirsty says ('cause Sarah's lost her internet connection so Kirsty is posting this on her behalf):

So you like? You no like?

Speak to us people, we don't bite.

Much love,