Everyday Combat

11 [Eleven]


It had been a long and tedious week since the major bust up. Faith had forgiven me, claiming that she could never stay mad at me, but I think Brian was wrong about Sarah. She's been ignoring me, avoiding me at all costs. And she won't answer my calls.

To be honest, it's breaking my heart, seeing her yet not being able to touch her or talk to her. Looks like Brian was wrong about her, and that’s what hurt the most.

I'd almost sacrificed my relationship with my sister for her, but apparently she didn't know this. I was terrified of when she'd find out, because I knew that Sarah would go mental, quite literally, and as she was going to Germany tonight, I really wanted us to make up so I can spend our last night together till she goes away for a week.

Even Faith had said I should.

Right now we were sat under our oak, as per usual, laughing and joking with each other, and being overall asses. Everyone could tell that I wasn't my usual self, it almost felt like a part of me had been detached because she wasn't here. And then I looked up, and saw her walking across to us.

My eyes widened and my heart raced slightly. Everyone else followed my gaze and smiled upon seeing her. She grinned at them, but didn't make eye contact with me, causing my heart to sink. Butterflies where racing in my stomach, I needed to touch her.

Lunch progressed, and all I could do was watch her, my fingers fumbling nervously as I controlled my urges to reach out and hold her. Kiss her.

But she ignored me. She was a very good at being stubborn, I must say. She even beat Faith, and me by a long shot.

"You leaving tonight then?" Brian asked, shoving a sandwich in his mouth and chewing furiously, before swallowing it, mostly whole as well. She smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah, drive up to LAX at 8, leave at about 10-11pm or something like that. I won't be getting to Germany till the late morning though" She smiled.

"So I get to sleep all day," She grinned at him, causing him to laugh. Jealousy flowed through my veins. She was smiling at him not me. Fuck I needed to kiss her.

"Don't know how I'm going to survive with my cousins there. They like to drink, and being German, they certainly can knock it back. Often I feel like I didn't have them as cousins, they're so annoying" She mumbled, rolling her eyes.

Matt laughed. "Sounds like Zacky earlier this week, only the subject was Faith" He laughed, causing everyone to chuckle. Faith rolled her eyes. "Oh hush, we're over that" She smiled.

My eyes flickered back to Sarah, and she was staring at me. But not in a good way. It literally felt like someone had shoved two eels down my throat. She was not happy.

"What did Zack say?" She asked, smiling angelically. The others couldn't tell she was angry, but I could. Oh shit, I'm in for it. I just know it.

"Oh they where arguing and he was all 'I wish I didn't have a twin sister' or something, and blah blah, but they're over it. It was after you two fought" Jimmy said, waving a hand.

Brian and Faith both looked apprehensive suddenly. They knew that wasn't supposed to be told. Fuck sake, why did my friends have to be big mouths? I just knew this wasn't going to end happily, as much as I wanted it to.

"Oh really? Did he now. That's a lovely thing to tell you're sister isn't it?" She said, her eyes solely on me, causing me to shrink back slightly, waiting for the explosion.

"It's nice that you can actually wish that you didn't have a sister," She muttered, rolling her eyes. She stood up suddenly, grabbing her bag. "I have to go," She said, through gritted teeth. Matt and Jimmy realised they'd done something wrong.

"Sarah no wait!" I said, jumping up after she'd only gone a few feet. "Please talk to me, I don't want you to go to Germany when we're on bad footing" I pleaded with her. She stared at me.

"Too fucking late Zack. I was ready to forgive you. But I can't believe you said that. Not only do you disrespect your own fucking family and your friends. But you said that? That's not right Zack, even if she has forgiven you, you don't say that!" She shouted at me.

I took a step back, she'd never shouted before. The guys and Faith all watched with wide eyes.

"I can't believe you fucking said that Zack?! You don't say that! Fuck sake, I'd kill to have a sister or a brother. You have no idea how LONELY it is being an only child! I'm so fucking envious of the bond you and Faith have. It makes me want to be able to go home and talk to a sibling so much, but I can't! And to find out you wished she wasn't here because you'd rather be with me, because I'm pretty sure that’s why. I'm appalled Zachary James Baker"

I shrank back, the guy's eyes where wide. Faith's eyes were wider. Sarah was defending her.

"I'm only a girl Zack. There's every chance we could break up, as much as I don't want that to happen. But I'd hate to think that I was the cause of you and Faith falling out. You need to stop putting me on a goddamned pedestal Zack; you need to spend more time with your family and friends. It's almost like you abandoned them the moment I said yes to you. Your life does not revolve around me, because honestly Zack, my life doesn't revolve around you. I'm putting it bluntly, but it doesn't. Yes, you are a huge part of my life, and my mom hates you, but I wouldn't go as far as wishing she wasn't here. Maybe me being away for a week will be good for you. You'll be able to put your priorities right"

She said, before shaking her head and walking away. I didn't understand, she was my life. Or most of it. She was the reason I came to school every day, she was the reason I actually did work.

Thanks to her I was gaining manners, hell, I'd even said sorry to her.

She didn't understand just how much I was willing to give up for her. I didn't want to get my priorities right. In my eyes, my priorities where right. But after all, I was a guy, and I had a guys mind.

And I think that's where I was going to go horribly wrong.
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Well lots of bold and italics lol
And slightly bitchy me :S Aha
