Everyday Combat

13 [Thirteen]


Sitting at the table I idly listened to the German that was being slung around the room. Well, what did you expect them to speak in Germany? French? Tis a possibility, but unfortunately it is not the answer either. Boo for you.

My mum and dad where both sat with me here too, the wedding wasn't for another 2 days, then we'd have one more day in Deutschland and then it's back home to California. Yes, home. California, I couldn't imagine my life without it now. I even had a spectacular Californian tan now, yes, I was proud. And yes, I did show it off to my pasty white Germanic family. Shut up.

I was currently watching my auntie and her soon to be husband laughing and joking with each other. They looked so in love, and it made me sad. I missed Zack. I missed his smile, I missed his laugh, I missed his hugs, and I missed his kisses. I missed him. But I hadn't talked to him since our argument. I wanted to hear his voice so much, but of course, there was the minor distance of the Atlantic Ocean between us both.

Sighing softly, I lay my head on my arms, not wanting to watch the love scene in front of me.

The chair next to me scraped loudly as someone pulled it out and sat on it. Looking up, I scowled upon seeing my cousin, Liesel. She was my auntie's daughter, and I hated her. And she hated me. I don't know why, but she did. And she had a thing about speaking English to me. As if to mock me or something, I don't know.

"Hello Sarah" She grinned, looking at my parents and greeting them too. They smiled and said their hello's, before getting up and walking off to their room. My dad gave me a quick smile of sympathy, knowing I despised Liesel.

"So Sarah how's life? I heard you moved to California. Is it nice, is there lots of sexy guys there?" I rolled my eyes and bit my lip, trying to avoid talking to her. "Oh God Sarah, since you've been in California, I've met the most amazing guys here. I've had so many relationships I can't even think of the number. How many have you had?" She asked smiling sweetly.

"Oh wait, you're not the type guys go for I forgot. You know, I heard the perfect quote for you the other day. 'A face fit for the radio'. I laughed and thought of you. Are you sure you're not a lesbian?" She chuckled darkly. I glared at her.

"I'm pretty sure my boyfriend isn't a girl" I growled lowly.

She burst out laughing.

"You! Boyfriend? Are you joking? Are you seriously telling me that you, Sarah Louise Turner. Has a boyfriend? Oh my god, that's hysterical" She giggled, hitting the table slightly.

"Why is it so funny?" I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

"I think you're making this up. I mean, I haven't heard you talking about him. Or talking to him on the phone. So, I think you've made him up" I glared at her, trying to restrain myself from punching her.

"I haven't talked to him because we had an argument before I left. So we aren't talking at the moment" I scowled, grinding my teeth together in annoyance. She giggled.

"Oh he evidently doesn't love you then" My head shot up.

"Yes he does" I retorted sharply, glaring. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, if he loved you, he'd have called you so many times saying sorry. But he hasn't called once. So yeh, he evidently doesn't love you very much, otherwise he'd spend some time trying to reconcile. And you don't seem that bothered" She grinned sadistically.

I froze and bit my lip, realising that she was right. He hadn't called me.

"He does love me," I said, getting up and walking briskly out of the room and up to my own room, biting my lip hard trying to stop the tears from falling. He does love me. He does. Closing my door I moved over to my bed, picking up my phone and seeing the blank screen. No new calls. No Zack trying to call me.

A tear rolled down my cheek. He does love me, right?

Lying down, I scrolled through the contacts before coming to Zack's number, and I stared at it for a few moments. Contemplating whether or not I should call him. Should I?

My fingers overtook my mind, and soon the phone was against my ear.

"Whoever the fuck this is better have a good reason for waking me up at 3am in the bastard morning" A groggy voice greeted me, the Californian accent rolling through the speakers easily. Tears fell down my face and I choked slightly as I went to talk.

"Zacky?" I said quietly, sniffing slightly. The receiving end was quite for a moment, before I heard rustling and I assumed he sat up.

"Sarah?" He asked tentatively, sound a hell of a lot more awake now.

"Hi baby. I miss you," I mumbled out, sniffing and wiping away my tears.

"I miss you too. Are you crying?" He asked, concerned, not in the slightest bit bothered that I'd cursed him the week before.

"I miss you so much. I'm sorry I was a bitch, I didn't meant to hurt you, I-I- I'm sorry" I cried out, sitting cross legged on the bed now as my head hung, my hand constantly wiping away the tears.

"Baby don't cry, it's ok. I'm not bothered, please don't cry. I don't like it when you're crying and I'm not there to make you feel better" He pleaded with me quietly. I sniffed and coughed slightly.

"I wanna come home. I wanna be with you. I don't wanna be here," I cried into the phone. I could tell Zacky was slightly panicking.

"Baby, please stop crying. You'll be home soon enough, I promise, I swear it won't be long. I love you, please stop crying" Those three words in the sentence where what I needed.

"I love you too" I sniffled, laying my head on the pillow. My head ached now from my tears, and my eyelids where getting heavy.

"I'm tired Zacky" I mumbled, causing him to laugh slightly. "So go to sleep baby," He whispered.

"I don't want to stop hearing you," I said softly, my breathing getting steadier.

"So don't, I'll stay on the phone. I'll just say random crap, whatever you want," I mumbled a reply and pretty soon I was off in a dream world. Zack stopped speaking after a while, hearing my steady breathing, and he chuckled slightly.

"I love you baby," He whispered before cutting the call.
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