Everyday Combat

15 [ Fifteen]


Glancing up at the clock anxiously, I fidgeted on the couch, trying to concentrate on the television in front of me. Faith kept looking at me strange, and each time I would just grin, which resulted in her thinking I'd most likely taken something.

Even dad had noticed there was something up with me.

After five more minutes of my knee jerking, constant moving and finger fumbling, my dad finally looked at me, scowling slightly.

"Zack what the hell is up with you?" He asked, exasperated with his son's queer behaviour quite evidently.

"Can I go out? Please? I won't be back till late. Please?" I begged. His eyebrow rose in confusion, and Faith looked at me, evidently wondering why the hell I wanted to go out at 7pm at night. She hadn't clicked quite obviously.

Biting my lip, I paused for a moment before blurting it out.

"SarahsbackhomeandIreallywannagooverandseehersocanIpleasego?" He stared at me for a moment before his brain figured out what I'd said, and he made an 'aah-ing' noise. Nodding he smiled.

"Does this mean we won't have mopey Zack anymore?" He grinned. I scowled and threw a cushion at him before standing up. "Shut up," I said, rolling my eyes. Smiling at Faith I nodded slightly. "See you later," I said, rushing up and out the door before anyone had any input in what I was doing.

I decided I wasn't going to run there, because it was quite a distance away, and there was no way I was running that whole way. I'd be panting for an hour afterwards. No, I'd take a walk there.

Reaching into my pocket, I decided this was a good time to fuel a habit I'd picked up whilst Sarah was gone. Pulling one out and lighting it up with the lighter, I inhaled the toxic smoke, holding it for a few seconds before blowing it out slowly. Yes I was only 15, but I was easily swayed.


I don't care about my parents or Faith, but Sarah didn't like smoking. And she was the one who was going to have to kiss me.

Staring at the white and orange stick I gulped slightly, I kinda wished I hadn't started now, but unfortunately, it had caught me rather fast.

I spied Sarah's street ahead and stood there for a minutes, getting the most out of the cigarette before throwing it onto the ground and standing on it, reaching into my other pocket and pulling out some gum.

Chewing it fast, I hoped to God I didn't smell of smoke. I'd just blame it on some stoners I passed or something. Hopefully she'll believe, well, I hope.

Standing in front of Sarah's house, I grinned as I saw both cars where here. Her dad's Mercedes and her mom's Audi, they both liked European cars. That meant she was home. Finally.

Jogging up to the door, I knocked on it sharply, standing there and fidgeting nervously. Her dad answered the door and smiled upon seeing me. "Hey Zack," He said with a smile, his accent polite and warm. I grinned at him.

"Hello sir. Is Sarah here?" I asked hopefully. He observed me for a moment before cracking a smile again, nodding up the stairs.

"She's up stairs asleep, but you can go up if you want," He grinned, opening the door wider and allowing me into the house. Thanking him, I bounded up the stairs, eager to see me beloved girlfriend.

Opening her door quietly, I peered inside and grinned as I saw the curtains drawn, leaving the room in slight darkness. It was too sunny to be dark, but all the same.

In the middle of her double bed (yes, I also liked the idea of this too. Sarah's house was just so appealing for…things) lay a shape under the covers, moving slowly as she breathed. Smiling I entered her room and closed the door quietly, before moving over to her bed.

I took off my shoes and jeans, just leaving me in my shirt and boxers (jeans where uncomfortable in bed), I lifted the cover up and crawled in next to her, wrapping my arms around her small waist and pulling her close. Closing my eyes, I buried my head into hair, taking in the scent I've missed for so long.

She mumbled something in her sleep, her hands coming up and grabbing my shirt, trying to pull me closer. I smiled at this, looking down at her innocent and adorable face. She was so fucking beautiful and I swear I'm the luckiest guy in existence.

She began to fidget slightly, and I knew she was waking up, so I just held her closer to me, waiting for the reaction from her.

She stared at me for a few moments, her eyes dazed and tired. She was far too cute when she'd just woken up.

"Hey baby," I whispered softly.

"Zacky?" She mumbled confusedly, evidently unsure of her surroundings.

"Yeah baby, I'm here. You're back in California remember?" She nodded against my chest, before looking up at me and smiling.

"I missed you," She said softly, a smile creeping onto her face. I grinned at this.

"I missed you too baby, god did I miss you," I mumbled hugging her tightly. She giggled, the vibrations running across my chest.

"Ich liebe du," She smiled at me. I paused for a moment trying to think of what the hell that was, before grinning at her.

"Aww, I love you too. But in English," I grinned, causing her to laugh slightly.

"Can I have a kiss now? It's been two weeks," I asked with a childlike tone to my voice. She 'aawed' and me and nodded, leaning up slightly and pressing her lips to mine. My eyelids fluttered close in slight ecstasy. Whatever kick I got from nicotine didn't have shit on this, and to be honest, this was a far more pleasurable way of getting a high.

She pulled away and I whined.

"Don't stop," I groaned, causing her to smile.

"I need air doofus," She smiled, and I scoffed. "Air, who the fuck needs that?" I mumbled, rolling on top of her and proceeding to get my high again.

God I'd missed her.
♠ ♠ ♠


My iPod was sent again ^_^
Bloody thing breaking lmao

Ebuyer sent me and email saying 'Your item has been tested and found to be faulty' I was all 'err yeah no shit sherlock, hence why I sent it back?'

Lol but, yay! ^_^
