Everyday Combat

17 [Seventeen]


Coming up to our first class of the day, Zack stopped us outside the door. We were already late due to Brian's stupidity getting his shoe stuck on the roof. That meant it had taken us 10 minutes to get the bloody thing down before kicking his ass towards his lesson. As a result both Zack and I where now late for Science.

And now he was holding us back from the classroom, inside which I could already hear Mrs Anderson talking about diffusion across membranes, evidently our biology subject for today.

"Zack what are you doing?" I hissed quietly to him. Why? I don't know, we were in a deserted hallway.

"I didn't get to kiss you this morning thanks to douche face," He said, evidently referring to Brian. I scoffed and rolled my eyes but leant up anyway, meeting his lips halfway. He decided he wanted a make out session instead of a kiss, but as soon as I tasted him, I pulled away sharply.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked, looking confused. I shook my head, continuing into the biology classroom.

"Sorry we're late Miss," I said, nodding to her and dragging Zack to our table. She carried on teaching as we both sat in our places, getting our stuff out and quickly scribbling down what she'd already written on the board. Zack's hand soon grabbed mine, entwining our fingers together under the desk and I couldn't help but smile slightly.

He always sat on the left, I on the right. Due to him being left handed and me being right, it left our opposite hands free. And thanks to us sitting in the right position, he liked to hold my hand in lesson. It was cute, and I liked it.

It was now lunch, and we were all in our usual spot. Brian and Jimmy babbling about something, I think it was Mr Bungle, whilst they both scoffed their food down. Matt was talking to Faith about last nights show of Whose Line Is It Anyway?

I was laid next to them all, due to us all being in a circle, my head resting on my bag and jacket. Zack was laid next to me, leaning up on his elbow and contributing to Matt and Faith's conversation every now and then. His hand however, was tracing patterns on my stomach; he'd pulled the shirt up a little.

He appeared to have a fascination with my stomach lately.

"Oh my god, did you see Wayne sing that African Chant the other night? To that, guy, Mike? God that was so funny, especially Ryan and Colin being the backing singers. I nearly pissed myself," Faith giggled out, holding her hand over her mouth as she swallowed her sandwich. Matt laughed and nodded.

"God it was hilarious" He grinned, taking a drink of water.

"You have a nice stomach," Everyone's conversations stopped as they all looked at Zack, including me, after probably the most random statement of the week. Where the hell did that come from exactly?

"Err, thanks?" I said, unsure of whether or not to actually be flattered or weirded out.

He blushed slightly and shrugged, moving his hair into his face, evidently trying to become one with the scenery in a pretty crappy attempt I must say so.

Everyone stared at him for a few moments before going back to their conversations, and I closed my eyes, just letting my other senses have free run. Zack was now running his hands through my hair, or rather hand as he couldn't quite do it with the other. Sighing softly, I bit my lip, wondering whether to bring it up or not.

Screw it, I'll go for it.

"So Zack, when where you planning on telling me you started smoking?" I asked lightly, just throwing the statement in there. All was silent again, except for the vibrant chatter of other students off in the distance and the faint sound of cars passing by the school.

Opening my eyes, I saw Zack was sat, completely frozen, eyes wide. Pure deer in head light image. He gulped and licked his lips slightly, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly.

"Zack I didn't ask you to do an impersonation of a fish thank you. I know quite well what they look like," I chuckled at him. He bit his lip and shrugged meekly.

"I was hoping you wouldn't find out," He mumbled. Everyone was staring at us and I sighed, rubbing my hand over my head. Quite evidently people where expecting an explosion from me or something.

"You know, you should've just told me. I wouldn't have been bothered" He looked at me confused. "What?" He asked hesitantly.

"Zack, it's your body, and your life. I have no control over what you do, so if you want to smoke. Then fine, you know I don't like it, but I don't get involved in free will. You wanna do it, do it. But don't lie ok? It's kinda obvious when your mouth tastes like smoke," I laughed softly.

He gulped and nodded.

"Ok," He mumbled. I looked over at Brian and he grinned, giving me a thumbs up. Evidently happy I hadn't exploded and made Zack sad once more.

Not for a long time. An upset Zack results in an upset Sarah... and an upset Faith too. But whatever.

Zack lay next to and sighed as everyone turned back to their conversations for the second time. "I love you," He mumbled into my ear, smiling, I looked at him and kissed him softly, not really caring if anyone didn't want to see it.

If they don't want to see it, don't fucking look.
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Yeah so I updated this fast lmao
But I like reading it =]

My iPod is here :D