Everyday Combat

2 [Two]

Staring at my reflection in the mirror I let out a yawn and threw my hairspray and comb onto my floor amongst all my other mess. My room, much like my brothers, looked like a pigsty to put it bluntly. Granted, mom made us clean our rooms every Sunday so that we had "clear thinking space" to complete our homework.

By Monday it looked exactly as it had prior to cleaning.

Either way, everything was in a place for a reason and that being I could find it. Once I started cleaning I forgot where everything was and would spend hours looking for it.

Stepping through it all, I moved over to my closet. No surprises to you I'm guessing, that you will find the doors open and that just as messy-yet-organised as the rest of the room. I was already wearing my black skinnies and a Monty Python top; all I had to do was pull on one of my many studded belts, and then my Wonder Woman Converse low tops.

Deciding I was done I left my closet and grabbed my bag from my bed, before leaving my room to go downstairs. When I got down there Zack was already sitting in one of the sofa chairs with the remote in his hand, breakfast in his lap and the dog at his feet.

Glancing up to the mantle - unfortunately decorated with baby pictures - I settled my eyes on the clock. "Shit!" I yelled, dumping my bag on the floor and hurrying into the kitchen to grab a packet of pop tarts. I'd overslept my alarm again and it was already 7.25 and we had to be at the end of Brian's street at 7.30.

Did I mention that since we had yet to get our drivers licenses - on account of only being 14 - our parents made us walk to school, and that it takes longer than 5 minutes to walk to Brian's street?

Well it does, and since I was allowed to over sleep we were gonna be late.

I think my careful choice of words had alerted Zack to the time too 'cause I heard him swear out too from where he was in the living room, as I grabbed my breakfast and headed back into the hall to grab my bag from where I'd just left it on the floor. Zack came out as well, and grabbed up his bag.

"This is your fault," he frowned slightly at me.

"No, it's yours for letting me over sleep," I retorted, shoving his arm so that he stumbled towards the front door. I may be only 5'1 but I was pretty strong. Zack and the guys knew that full well.

"Don't push me!"

"I'll do what I want when you're getting in my way!"

"Kids!" Dad yelled from where he was sitting at the table in the kitchen. We quit our arguing, rolling our eyes before going back to the kitchen door. That was not only dads 'quit it' voice but also his 'come here a minute' voice.

"Look, not being funny dad but we have to go, we're late," I informed him as I began on my breakfast.

"That's why I'm gonna drive you," he said without even looking up. "You need your breakfast young lady, I'm not letting you go eating pop tarts in a rush."

"No, you just don't want me walking round with food in my braces," I scowled.

Dad gave me the 'don't even start' look so I sat down at the table and ate my food properly, before being passed a drink by mom. I took it thankfully and gulped it down, as Zack's cell began to ring. Quickly he answered it and I figured it was Brian from the way the conversation was going.

Good, at least it wasn't Sarah.

Zack put his cell down and looked at me; without even having to speak I hurried upstairs to brush my teeth, making sure I didn't have food in them because I didn't like walking round all day with stuff in them, not just because my parents didn't like it.

That done I hurried back downstairs and straight out the door to dads car where Zack was already in the shotgun seat, and my stuff was in the backseat waiting for me. I climbed in and closed the door behind me, all the while running my tongue over my teeth.

I didn't like the taste of toothpaste because it made everything taste funny for a little while afterwards.

"I get shotgun next time," I informed Zack once he'd swatted my hand away when he couldn't take anymore of my poking.

"Whatever, you have to call it," he retorted, turning in the seat to look at me.

"Yeah, so I'm calling it now."

"You can't call it now."

"Yes I can."

"No you can't."

"Yes. I. Can."

"No. You. Can't."




"Who says?"

"I did."

"That doesn't-"

"Do you two ever bloody stop?" Dad interrupted us and we fell silent for the rest of the ride to Brian's street whereupon he was already waiting and climbed in the car. In fact we were silent until we reached school and headed for the courtyard-y place where we met up with everyone.

Stopping by our lockers first we dumped the stuff we didn't need just yet, and met up with Matt and Jimmy before heading outside. We only had to wait for the Berry's and Cam now. Well, in my eyes that was who we were waiting for. Zack was waiting for Sarah.

Jason got here first, and instantly slung me over his shoulder in a firemans carry. When he first used to do that I would kick and scream to be put down or be saved by someone - usually Zack or Brian - but now I was used to it. All I did was laugh. "Hi Faithy!" He yelled.

"Hi Jason!" I yelled back.

"Did you miss me?"

"Hell yes," I laughed. "I missed looking at your sexy ass."

"Aww, Faith!" Brian now whined, and as Jason let me drop back to my feet I saw him make his signature pout. "That really hurts!"

"Aww, Brian!" I cooed back moving over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I missed your sexy ass the mostest!"

"That's more like it!" He grinned before puling me over his shoulder and into his lap which made me laugh. Yeah, this was pretty much how every morning went. That was until, like every morning, my attention was grabbed by the reaction of my brother.

Today he sat up straight, a grin across his face and already I felt that sinking feeling in my stomach without even having to see or hear Sarah. I wouldn't say I was mortified as he pulled her onto his lap and she kissed him but I certainly wasn't happy. Now she was here I'd be semi to non-existent for the rest of the day.

Frowning I stood up and grabbed my bag before turning to Brian who smiled sympathetically. "Wanna go?" He asked and I nodded.

I was jealous and I admit that. When you have a bond as close as Zack and I, you're gonna feel some animosity the moment your twin gets a boyfriend or a girlfriend. But when the bond was such that, until now, I was the only girl in Zack's life, I was the only girl he cared for and loved - please don't think of it as incest I mean brotherly and sisterly love weirdos - the moment he got a girlfriend Sarah took that away from me.

Sarah stole my brother.

Call me what you will, mostly it's just jealous bitch.

But nothing and nobody ever steals Zack away from Faith Annalisa Baker.
♠ ♠ ♠

17 readers and 3 subscribers after the first chapter! Surprised us that did, albeit it nicely. Not that it matters; this story is finished and will be posted in its entirety whether anyone thinks it's awesome or just a complete pile of crap.

Cookies and hugs to you anyway! ^.^

Much love,