Everyday Combat

21 [Twenty-One]


Finishing up the last bit of my homework, I closed my book and placed it on the side, putting my pens back into their place and tidying up the desk a little. Turning round, I noted Zack lay on the bed, still whining.

He seemed to like laying on beds or something, I don't really know.

Giggling, I shook my head and flopped down next to him, excitement bubbling in my stomach as I reached under my pillow and pulled out my pyjamas. Straightening them out I watched Zack's facial expressions as he complained.

"And Faith won't let me in the garage! It's so annoying. I wanna know what's in there so bad man!" He whined, causing me to smile. Rolling my eyes I leant over him and grinned.

"Are you not gonna shut up about this or something?" I asked, amused. He considered me for a moment, before smiling and shaking his head.

"I'm going to talk about it as long as necessary. It's so annoying!" He said, gesturing with his hands causing me to giggle. Leaning down, I kissed him quickly before getting up and wandering into my bathroom. He called after me.

"Where are you going?" He asked. I smiled into the bathroom mirror.

"I'm changing into my pyjamas Zack? I'm not sleeping in these clothes?" I said, laughing slightly. He gave a nervous laugh and I just knew he was rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh yeah, I know that. I should do that too"

After a few moments, I heard rustling, and smiled, knowing he was searching his own bag for his clothes. Pulling my favourite pyjama top over my head, I grinned and smoothed it out. Black and white stripes adorned my torso, with a cherry logo on the left side of my chest. Black booty shorts combined it all, and it made me look good if I do say so myself.

Pulling out my toothbrush, I brushed my teeth and heard a noise next to me. Looking up, I smiled upon seeing Zack in the mirror, brushing his teeth too. Well he wasn't brushing them very well. His eyes where firmly on somewhere else.

Give you one guess where.

"I like those pyjamas. A lot" He said with a smirk. I laughed and shoved him lightly, causing him to give a cry as he tripped slightly. Regaining his balance he smiled innocently at me in the mirror. It was very cute. Especially with all the toothpaste in his mouth. Made him look like a 5 year old.

Sometimes I wonder about my boyfriend's sanity.

Spitting out and rinsing my mouth, I washed my face before walking back into my room and lying down on my bed, closing my eyes slightly. Feeling weight next to me, I looked and smiled at Zack who grinned back and climbed under my bed covers, cuddling up. It was so cute!

Grinning, I got up again and locked my door, as I always did, before coming back to the bed and checking my alarm was set for morning. It was Saturday tomorrow, but I didn't like not being up before 12. I felt my day had been wasted.

Even though I loved sleep.

Climbing into bed, I leant down and put my cellphone on charge, before reaching and turning off the lamp on my bedside table. Turning round, I noted Zack's smile in the dark.

"What?" I asked, confused. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him and smiling into my neck. "You have such cute habits," He mumbled, causing me to blush. I had habits? Oh well.

"Do you know what Faith is doing then? She won't tell me, and she's always covered in paint. I hate not knowing," He pouted at me. I laughed and shook my head. "Faith wouldn't tell me. You'll have to wait Mr Baker I'm afraid" I smiled at him. He growled slightly and glared before sighing.

"Oh well" He mumbled sadly. I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them again and seeing Zack staring at me. This was our first time sleeping together. In the sense that, all our clothes are on and we are actually sleeping. It felt good being in Zack's arms, he was warm and comfortable and smelt nice and made me want to fall asleep already.

"What?" I mumbled sleepily to him. He chuckled softly and kissed my forehead before kissing my lips gently.

"Sorry, I can't sleep. I'm not tired" I groaned and looked at him. "Zack it's 1am in the morning, and you're not tired?" I sighed. He shook his head. "Sarah, remember? I have insomnia? Yeah, I'll just, lay here" He said softly.

Rolling my eyes I cuddled into him more, hearing his heartbeat in his chest, the constant rhythm calming to me.

"Try? Please?" I asked softly. He sighed and nodded, closing his eyes. I decided to stay awake longer, listening to his breathing.

A while later, I felt his breathing steady out, and his heartbeat slow slightly. He was now taking deep, even breaths, and his arms had slackened slightly. Looking at him, I noted his closed eyelids and smiled, looking at the clock behind me.

It had taken me an hour to make Zack go to sleep.

Smiling to myself, I cuddled into him more, proud of the fact I'd managed to make my insomniac boyfriend actually fall asleep, and slowly drifted off into my own dream world after as well.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sleepytime with Mr Baker =D

My iPod works just fine darhls =D

Currently got just short of 6GB of music on it ;) lol
