Everyday Combat

22 [Twenty-Two]

After mom had closed the garage door, I glanced down at my attire of a pair of jeans I had cut off to make shorts, the pink and black chequered belt that I had to have an extra hole drilled into because I was still too skinny for the last belt hole (and still it was slightly loose on me even with a long flapping bit), a long white top I had printed the words You're just jealous because my hair is better across in neon pink, green and yellow and my pink low tops.

I was splattered with paint but I gave a shrug.

The guys were the last people in the world to care whether Faith Baker was 5'1, looked underweight (even though she was naturally that small), had braces on her teeth and was covered in paint.

Quickly I cleared up the stuff on the floor and shoved some dust sheets over the finished canvases just in case the guys felt the need to peak one day. Then I poked Danzig awake and called him to heel as I walked out. Mom usually wouldn't care but whilst I had taken it up as my studio, she didn't want him left in there where he could get paint over him.

It had happened before and mom hadn't been happy.

Quickly I closed the door behind me and locked it before letting the chain with my keys attached to the end drop down and swing around as I walked. I didn't usually wear chains - that was so much more of a Matt thing since he wore baggy pants too - but I didn't want Zack getting a hold of the key and ruining his surprise.

Glancing out of the kitchen window into the back yard I saw the sun was directly above it, the heat already sweltering in the kitchen since the new air con hadn't arrived as of yet, and I hadn't even reached outside. But this gave me an idea anyway, one that nobody would mind considering, and I dashed upstairs to my room.

Then I came back downstairs and ripped open the packet and turning on the cold tap at the sink. Grabbing a balloon I proceeded to fill it and then dump it into the bowl from the cupboard under the sink that dad used when washing the car - why he didn't leave it in the garage I don't know - before filling more.

"What are you up to, madam?" I heard mom ask and I looked up from tying another water balloon to see her at the fridge taking out a brown paper bag full of carrots to grab whatever it was behind them.

"Filling up some water bombs," I answered. "Too hot to just sit around and besides we haven't had a water fight in ages I thought it might be fun."

"Okay, well don't make too much mess. I don't want water trailing through the house," she informed me, as she moved towards me, kissed the side of my head and disappeared back out the front where her and dad were talking to the neighbours. I looked back to what I was doing and put the balloon into the bowl.

Hiding the half empty packet under the sink, I grabbed the bowl and stumbled out the French doors, across the deck and down to the lawn, crossing it to the trampoline. Mom and dad had told us they would buy us one for the summer and it had finally arrived, which I was more than happy about the day we got in from school and there was dad and granddad putting it up.

Either way I crouched down in it's shade and placed the grey washing up bowl down into the grass underneath it. Quickly I yanked off my Converse and socks, stuffing them inside so as not to lose them because I was good at that, I grabbed a few bombs and climbed up onto the trampoline.

By now I could hear my brother and co. round the front of the house talking to mom and dad. I jumped a few times to get some momentum, all the while holding the water bombs, my long hair flapping about everywhere. I really should have put it back up earlier.

And finally the guys appeared in the yard. Since Johnny was closest I launched the first water bomb at him, finding it hit square in the chest. The guys all burst out laughing as he stared at himself, before up at me where I was bouncing with an innocent grin on my face.

"Why you little-" Johnny ran at me, making a running jump but I just bounced to the edge with a giggly squeal, jumping down onto the grass to run away from him. That was until I ran into someone.

I looked up at their disgruntled looking face as they straightened out their tank top, and pushed their platinum blonde hair from their eyes which were Barbados water blue. "Who the fuck are you?" I let out instantly walking away from her slightly because she looked a little scary.

"Same could be said of you," she replied, with the slight hint of a yawn in her voice before her eyes met with Brian who was crouched down with Jason, and had obviously found the water bomb stash. "Brian!" She whined.

He stood up and looked across to where we were both stood watching until she pushed past me, her shoulder bashing painfully into mine, and wrapped her arms around him. What the fuck? I shook my head, refusing to believe he had a girlfriend and threw my other water bombs at the Berry's instead.

But even that failed because I'd noticed all the other new girls. They were all stood around talking, even with Sarah, laughing and joking and glancing at the guys. Okay, I really do not like this anymore.

I moved over to the guys, shifting my glancing over at that group of girls nervously every now and then to make sure nothing changed and they stayed exactly where they were till I knew why a million girls had turned up at my house and I didn't even know one of them.

This isn't fair because they all obviously know them.

So why didn't I?

I tapped Zack on the shoulder and he looked round at me. I glanced at the girls who were all save Sarah casting dark looks at me. "S'up?" He asked, coming to his feet and pushing his hair from his face.

"Who the fuck are they?" I asked bluntly, glancing at all of my guys, and nodding my head in their direction.

Before he could open his mouth though the...gaggle...of girls all moved over and took one guy for themselves. I glanced around at everyone. Matt S and...girl. Matt B and girl. Jason and girl. Jimmy and girl. Johnny and girl. Brian andbitchface blondie.

"What the fuck's going on?" I asked suspiciously.

"These are the guys girlfriends, Faith," Zack answered as he kicked off his shoes so that they went right under the trampoline meaning someone would have to crawl under it later to retrieve them. "That's-"

"Wait, hold up, so you know them?" I frowned.

Zack nodded slowly like he thought I was asking a trick question or something.

"How long?"

"Week," Sarah answered.

"So, all you lot," I swirled my finger round in a circle as if to lasso them all up into one group, "have known each other for a week? And I've just been totally oblivious to everything?"

"Well we knew you'd react badly Faithy," Brian pouted at me and I sighed. God damn him for being my best friend. I just nodded and chewed on my bottom lip to stop me from saying more. They all knew I didn't like being left out and especially when it came to girls because I didn't play nicely.

And to bring them to my house to introduce us? Apparently, when I asked on the sly it was because this was familiar territory to me. I just retorted and told Jimmy he made me sound like a pet not a friend which made him laugh, and I smiled back.

Everyone got sat around talking on the grass, sat huddled with their arms around their particular...spouse (I know, not the right word exactly since they are not married - well not that I am aware anyway - but it was the nearest I could think of) so I had laid on my stomach on the trampoline.

Watching. Cold and alone.

Fucking hell, it was cold and all. Usually when we sat round talking till late I'd end up hugging one of the guys but now they other people to do that with.

Even Johnny and after me, he's the youngest in our group.

Watching them all laughing, hugging and stealing kisses from each other while still holding up some conversation about this years Warped Tour was unpleasant.


I. Was. Alone.

I was cold.

I wanted a hug.

I wanted somebody special.

I was going to turn into a crazy old spinster with lots of cats who little kids think is a witch so they play knock and run on her front door to piss her off.

I should know, we do it all the time when we get super duper bored.

But right now I wasn't bored I was just depressed.

"Brian," I mumbled out, not looking at him but looking up at the clear sky littered with stars; I couldn't ever remember a time when I had looked up and not been able to see them because it was always clear at night here, "does this mean you're not taking me to prom anymore?"

Everyone fell silent and looked at me as I looked back down. The way they were all looking at me was if they had only just rememberedthe crazy spinster witch with lots of cats I existed.

"What?" He asked out, watching me like they all did.

"Never mind," I mumbled quietly as I felt a tear in the corner of my eye. Quickly I sat up and swung my legs round before walking away and back up to the house. I was fed up of being the third wheel, forgotten purely because she was alone.

Gulping I took a deep breath and pushed open the kitchen door. Not even Danzig wanted to stop me from feeling alone because he was outside with everyone.

Fucking bitches.

This was exactly the reason I don't get along with girls.
♠ ♠ ♠
:O Poor Faith!
If only she knew she would end up falling for the one and only Frank Iero in 6 more years *le sigh*
