Everyday Combat

24 [Twenty-Four]

Somehow, and for the love of God don't ask me how, I came to a small temporary truce with my hating on Sarah and had actually told her what I was getting up to in the garage. We both hated those...sirens...and refused to go anywhere they were, and so on this particular occasion had taken up residence in my garage.

I guess the only reason for the truce was the fact we shared our hate in common. I know I know you could say "well you both love Zack so what's different?" but the answer is don't fucking ask me because though I might be clever I don't know the meaning of life, alright?

And though this had happened we didn't really talk all that much. Unless we were hating on the sirens in which case we wouldn't shut up.

My defence of this is that I just care about the guys and don't want them to get hurt because if anyone hurts my guys - yes mine, they were my friends first - I will severely hurt them in return before I hang, draw, quarter and behead them.

"You are such a good artist Faith," Sarah suddenly mumbled from where she was sat in the chair - a new addition to the garage thanks to grandma yet again; her home were getting rid of old furniture and she told them her grandkids (meaning Zack and I, not our cousins; we're more needy than them 'cause we host band practices) needed one. It wasn't a chair one of the oldies sat in, I remembered it from the staff room when I had been in once before - watching me putting the finishing touches to the canvases for the guys. Well, I was just signing and dating them but still.

I shrugged with a small smile; quite annoyingly I always felt somewhat smug whenever someone told me this. "Yeah well, for all I can draw I can't do anything musically for shit." Then I sat back chewing my lip slightly as I pushed my hair from my face. "Except for screaming but there you go."

"They're gonna love those," she then said, moving to sit beside me on the tatty rug on the floor. We studied them all. The guys all got one each: a microphone for Matt; drumsticks for Jimmy; Brian's guitar obviously for Brian; Vengeance for Zack; a bass for Johnny; and a big deathbat one for the main practice garage.

I sighed. "Yeah I'm just not so sure come tomorrow, the sirens will appreciate me handing out presents to the guys. They seem pretty...clingy."

"The jealous type?" She offered.

"Yeah that's the one," I sighed once more. Climbing to my feet, I yanked the sofa forwards and moved all the canvases behind it with Sarah's help. Then we stuck a dust cover over them and pushed the sofa back to keep them hidden.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and we both looked over to it, half expecting a head to appear but then I remembered I'd banned everybody from coming in here. I moved over to it and unlocked it before opening it to reveal Brian standing there, watching us both.

"Erm can I have a word?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

I nodded. "Sure, you know you can talk to me Brian."

"Erm, Zack's in his room Sarah," Brian then said. Almost instantly, and blinking would have made you miss it, Sarah shot up from where she had sat and dashed out of the garage. Brian followed me in and closed the door before sitting on the sofa next to me.

"So what's up Brian?" I asked turning to him slightly.

He chewed his lip before looking up at me almost nervously. "You're not mad with me are you?" He asked and I felt my blood pressure rise and my stomach drop completely. "For getting a girlfriend and taking her to prom instead?"


"Why would I be mad at you?" I lied.

"I just thought because I'd already said I would take you and now I'm blowing you off you might get mad at me for changing my mind," he explained.


"Brian she's your girlfriend," I smiled at him. "I'm not gonna make you not take her to prom just because you promised me first. I'm only your best friend. Or one of them anyway."


Brian hugged me so I hugged him back, letting my fake smile drop whilst he couldn't see it. "Good, I didn't want you getting all upset or anything."

I leaned away putting back on my smile and laughing lightly with a shake of my head before standing and pulling him to his feet. Now to make it look better I had to go out there and endure the sirens. Fucking great. Zack and Sarah also followed out of the back door into the garden but I wasn't surprised when Brian moved away from me to his girlfriend, or Siren McSlut-Face Uno as I had taken to calling her.

I had no intentions of learning their names.

Sighing I yanked off my Chucks and climbed up onto the trampoline whereupon Jason's girlfriend - Siren McSlut-Face Quattro - was sat flicking her auburn hair around.

"Shift," I simply said, bouncing up on the centre and the moment I landed again, the shift in weight made her topple sideways. She squealed and glared at me. I laughed and grinned back innocently. "Told you, you should shift."

"You," she said defiantly as she climbed off and held her hands on her waist, "are the most annoying person I have ever met."

"Oh no!" I gasped, putting on the dramatics by holding the back of my hand to my forehead. "My heart bleeds with pain at the thought you hate me! How shall one go on knowing such things and living with such despair?!"

"God you're weird just like that Sarah or whatever her name is," Siren McSlut-Face Sette (Jimmy's siren) frowned pulling Quattro away from the trampoline as if I were some freak show exhibit that might suddenly leap at her and spork out her eyes. Hmm...not a bad idea actually.

"I beg your pardon Ashley," Zack now growled, his tone of voice defensive as he glared at her, "but my sister and my girlfriend are perfectly fine and will not be changing for anyone. I know you're the girlfriend of one of my best friends but that doesn't mean I won't hate on you if you carry on with it to Faith and Sarah, capiche?"

"What does capiche mean?" One of them mumbled.

"It means fuck with me, I'll fuck with you," Zack, Sarah and I retorted simultaneously. It didn't really but putting it that way would drive the point home better. None of the guys seemed to bat an eyelash to this either and I couldn't help but smirk gloatingly at these girls.

We were the main girls here and not even girlfriends came first. Sarah and I were like sisters to everyone (except Zack, obviously, since I really was his sister and Sarah was his girlfriend).

We were all one big family and nobody messed with the equilibrium.
♠ ♠ ♠
I has a long weekend!
Followed by another!

Thanks for the comments guys!

Much love,