Everyday Combat

27 [Twenty-Seven]


Sighing softly, I stood up, pulling Zack up with me. Time for me to go home and give my mom my report. Yes I'm sure she's going to love it. Faith and the guys where all in the sea, surfing and just having a good time.

Due to me having an unexplainable fear of open waters, I wasn't near the water. Which of course meant Zack wouldn't leave me alone, and so sacrificed having fun with his friends for me.

"I'm gonna go home. Show my parents the report," I said, waving it slightly. He nodded and smiled, leaning forward and kissing me gently. "They'll be fine with you, I'm sure," He said with a grin.

I sighed and nodded, hoping so. It wasn't technically my first year of high school. It was technically my fourth. But whatever, stupid countries and stupid schooling systems. Oh well, I had Zack thanks to America's way of schooling, so I couldn't complain.

"Go have fun, and surf, and actually tan for once" I said, laughing and pushing his chest slightly. He glared at me but leant forward and kissed me again before I pulled away. He grinned and winked.

"See you tomorrow" He said with a smile. I nodded and wandered off the beachfront, heading towards my house, which thankfully wasn't too far away.

I saw both my parents where home and sighed softly, opening up my door and entering it. My mom sat on the couch and the held her hand out when she saw me. She knew my report was due today. Giving it to her, I sat opposite her and bit my lip.

Dad came in and sat in the armchair, turning the television on and putting last night's baseball game on. He used to hate sports but he'd discovered a soft spot for baseball, especially after Zack explained it to him. I think that's why he liked Zack a lot better now, as silly as it sounds.

She opened it and began to read the general report by Mr Hardy.

Upon reading the reports of Sarah, I have come to believe that she is a fine and model student and sets the perfect example for others in the school. In her first year of Huntington Beach High School, she has fitted into the American schooling system very easily, making the transition from England to America in her stride.

Individual reports show a generalisation of good grades, with exceptional and outstanding consistent grades particularly in English and Spanish. Sarah is one of the brightest students in the grade and we hope here that this will continue to be so throughout her time at Huntington High.

However, for all her outstanding results and grades, her social status and relationship with a certain member of the grade have a slight impact on her attitude. Over the year we have seen a general increase in detentions sustained that include a particular group of students, which most of the detentions being due to acts of PDA on school grounds which although allowed are not appreciated constantly.

We hope for her future here she concentrates on her grades just as much she does her other half and continues to provide us with outstanding results. Overall, Sarah is a bright, friendly and happy member of the grade whom teachers are delighted to teach

Phew. At least that report was good. I couldn't help but laugh at the blatantly obvious dig at Zack. That did make me laugh I must admit, however, it made my mum look as if someone had just shoved a cheese grater up her ass.

She looked at my other grades and the general grades went as follows.

Spanish = A+
English = A+
Maths = C-
Biology = A-
Chemistry = A+
Physics = B-
Creative Writing = A+

There where other grades but yeh, the general gist.

My mom however did not look happy.

"Sarah Louise Turner! A C and a B? This is not good enough! And an A- is not good enough either. You should be pulling out the top grades Sarah; you're smart enough for it! And what's all this about detentions? I told you that Zack was a bad influence on you!"

She shouted at me, causing me to shrink into the couch.

"As punishment I think you won't be allowed to socialise with him for the next 3 weeks!" My jaw dropped.

"Moooom! You can't do that, please?! I need to see him, don't do that!" I pleaded with her. If she went through with this, then it meant that I'd be spending some of summer vacation on my own.

"No Sarah, you need to buckle down with work" She went to say more, but dad interrupted as he saw the tears that where threatening to fall. He knew just how much Zack meant to me, and how being away from him for 3 weeks would hurt me a lot.

"Now be reasonable Carla. What's the point in that? She finishes school next week anyway, so banning her from seeing him would be pointless as she's not going to be doing any schoolwork" He pointed out. She frowned, not liking the fact that he'd proven her wrong.

"Sarah, you can still see Zack, just try and concentrate on your school work a bit more ok sweetie? Zack will still be there once you've done it," He said with a kind smile. I wiped my tears and nodded, sniffing slightly.

He shooed me to my room where I flopped onto the bed. Sometimes my mom could be a real bitch.
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Can't be bothered to do my media =S
Which is in for tomorrow lol >.>
