Everyday Combat

3 [Three]

Sitting in Zack's lap, I leaned back against him, feeling vibrations run through my body as he laughed at something Brian had just said. I didn't know what, I wasn't really paying attention. I hadn't really been paying attention all day to be honest; my mind had been pretty far away.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Zack whispered into my ear, causing me to shudder slightly as I looked at him. He was frowning slightly, his eyes flooded with concern. It felt nice to actually have someone really care about me.

Not that my parents didn't, but sometimes I often felt like the only reason the guys hung around with me was because I was dating Zack. Even though I'd been friends with them before I'd started dating him.

Smiling slightly, I shook my head.

"Nothing, I'm fine. I promise," I smiled reassuringly at him. He gave a slight frown, not believing my words, but nodded anyway, unwilling to carry on with the conversation, and turned back to the guys, immediately laughing and chatting animatedly.

God, I bet I looked like a right miserable bitch.

Laying my head on his shoulder, my face in his neck, I closed my eyes and listened to the ruckus around me, Zack's warmth and heartbeat slowly lulling me to sleep, which was unusual. As we were at school, and I hadn't even been tired before.

Jerking slightly, I felt myself being shook into reality, opening my eyes up tiredly and looking up. Zack's smiling face came into my view, his eyes bright with amusement.

"Hello sleeping beauty," He grinned at me, causing me to smile tiredly back at him. He kissed my forehead gently as I sat up properly. Looking down at my watch, I blinked a few times to regain my vision, and saw that I'd been asleep for a good 45 minutes, and it was now nearly the end of lunch.

The guys and Faith were all still being loud and laughing, as usual, but Zack's attention was solely on me.

"Have a good sleep?" He asked, grinning slightly, nudging me with his shoulder slightly. I smiled back and nodded, yawning slightly and rubbing at my eyes. I stopped short though when I realised I'd pretty much just messed my eyeliner and such up.

"Fuck," I whispered as I saw the purple smear on my hand. God darnit. Zack laughed and shook his head at me.

"You look fine, believe me, a little smeared but it's not noticeable," He chuckled. I scowled at him slightly and hit his arm feebly, causing him to smile and take my hand, entwining our fingers together to stop me from hitting him.

He leant forward slightly and kissed me, before pulling away and smiling innocently. I knew what that meant. He wanted something.

"What do you want?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. He grinned. "I love how you know when I want something," He laughed softly, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Will you come to my house tonight? Please? Pretty please?" He practically begged. I couldn't help but smile at him. We didn't actually go to each other's houses all that often, even though we'd been together now 7-8 months. We generally went to other people's houses and out around town or to the beach or something.

Plus my mom wasn't exactly fond of Zack, as shown, so I was pretty reluctant to take him to my house, as much as I wanted to. And at Zack's house there was a small problem. Faith.

"Ok, I'll come with you," I said softly, causing him to grin and kiss me hard, resulting in my laughing into it at his enthusiasm.

"Yay," He said happily, causing me to giggle.

"Yeah, yay. I bet your rooms messy isn't it?" I smirked at him, causing him to look around slightly.

"Err..yes," He mumbled, giving in, causing me to smile.

The bell rang causing us to look up and sigh. As we walked towards our different classes for the afternoon, Zack stopped me and kissed me again. "Meet me outside ok?" He whispered, before kissing me again and jogging off to catch up with Faith and Matt.

Let's hope tonight goes well.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gotta do silly biology homework, urgh

Enjoy ya'll :D
