Everyday Combat

31 [Thirty-One]


Climbing out the limo, Zack took my hand and pulled me forward, so that I wasn't in the way of everyone else getting out. I swear to god, I felt my brain cells slowly dying in that bloody limo.

Once everyone had finally vacated the vehicle and it had drive off, becoming merely a white dot in the background, we began to enter the hotel where our prom was taking place. Oh yeah, our school was classy.

Zack pulled me closer to him as we entered the reception; our principal was stood in front of the main hall's doors with a checklist. We smiled at him and went up first.

"Sarah Turner and Zack Baker" Zack stated, holding our two tickets out. He took them and looked for our names on the register, ticking them off and stamping the ticket. I don't know why, probably so we could get back in.

After that we moved into the main hall, which was currently dark with flashing strobe lights illuminating the dance floor and our fellow classmates who where all on it dancing away. We were a little late unfortunately

Zack looked into the corner and saw a door, which led to a lit room. We moved over there and saw that this was the room that the photographs where taking place in, and so Zack literally yanked my arm off to get me in there.

"Come on, we need photos" He said, grinning at me. I laughed and shook my head slightly, allowing myself to be dragged in front of the white screen and camera. The photographer smiled at us and asked us our names, ticking them off on a list once again before asking us to pose.

Zack instantly grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him slightly, I left my hand on his chest and my leg was raised slightly as we both smiled at the camera. A blinding flash later and the memory was forever captured for us both.

We left the photographers room, leaving the guys and theirgirlfriends whores in there. Zack knew of my quite obvious dislike of those girls, in fact everyone except the girls knew. They where dense I swear.

Both Zack and I weren't very comfortable with the whole dancing shit, so whilst our poor friends where quite literally dragged out onto the dance floor to endure dancing with their partners, me and Zack where quite happily sat at our table, watching their torture with amused eyes.

Zack turned to me and grinned.

"I love you for not making me go out there," He beamed at me, and I laughed and smiled back, kissing his cheek. "I love you for not making me go out there too" I said with a small smirk.

He laughed and pulled me over to him, making me sit in his lap. I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning down and kissing him gently. He smiled and reciprocated, neither of us noticing that the guys had managed to flee their skanks and return to the safe haven of the table.

Well we didn't notice until suddenly Zack jerked in pain as a fork hit his head.

"Owww" He whined, rubbing his head until I took over from him, rubbing my fingers on the spot he got hit on, whilst at the same time stroking the hair I loved so damned much.

"What the fuck was that for?" Zack pouted. Brian smirked at him and flipped him the bird, causing me to scowl at him.

"For getting a girlfriend who doesn't like dancing you whore. I hate that shit man, so fuck you for being able to just sit here and play tonsil hockey" He said with a laugh, a smirk now on his face. I smirked at him and picked up a spoon, throwing it at Brian and having it hit him perfectly in the forehead.

His jaw dropped as he rubbed his forehead, and the whole table burst out laughing at Brian who was now whining in pain.

"That's for throwing a fucking fork at my boyfriend bitch" I said with a smirk as Zack laughed and kissed my neck.

"Eurgh I'm being abused, lets go cause some mayhem," Brian said, pulling out a tiny bottle of Jack Daniels. My eyebrow rose in suspicion. He saw my face and smiled innocently. "Parents" He said quickly, causing me to laugh and shake my head.

They went around spiking people's drinks inconspicuously, causing me and Zack to laugh as we watched them do so, when I noticed that Zack was becoming more and more quiet. Sighing, I looked at him and kissed his forehead softly, causing him to look into my eyes.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked softly, running my hands through his hair gently, as stupid as it sounded, it really calmed him down and comforted him, and so I enjoyed doing it for him. Plus I had an obsession with his hair anyway.

"I just feel bad that Faith's at home alone and I'm here having fun. It doesn't seem right you know?" He said softly. I sighed gently and kissed him, pulling away and looking into his eyes, which reflected his emotions.

"Baby it's not you're fault she isn't here remember? It's really Brian's, an ulterior motive to the spoon throwing I suppose. But you need to enjoy yourself ok? You can make it up to Faith afterwards somehow ok?" I whispered to him. He sighed and nodded, accepting my words without a word of his own in protest.

I looked up as a slow song came on and grinned as I saw the guys get dragged back onto the dance floor, which suddenly looked a whole lot less full than before. I smiled sweetly at Zack and he frowned, knowing that I was wanting something.

"Can we dance? Just for this song? Please?" I pleaded with him. He looked at me and sighed, knowing that if he didn't say yes, he'd only get it tonight as I was staying at his house (on his single bed, it was a struggle but we managed).

"Alright" He mumbled, letting me get up before following me out onto the dance floor.

The guys all looked at him and smirked as we got into place and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He just sneered at them, he technically had one up, and this was the only song I was making him dance for.

Wrapping my arms round his neck I leant up and kissed him softly. He smiled and looked down, evidently not happy at dancing, but then again neither was I. But it was nice, and as I lay my head on his chest and closed my eyes, I couldn't help but smile. Life was pretty much perfect lately.
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Promness lol

Comes about the right time too, proms all over in real life :D