Everyday Combat

32 [Thirty-Two]

I leaned closer to the mirror, my new forward fringe (as of last night having returned from the hospital visit, found my brother still out and got bored) getting in the way annoyingly. Don't get me wrong, I loved the new bangs I just hadn't thought about practicality at the time.

Pushing them out of my way I could see my braces better and so was able to move my toothbrush up and scrub furiously so to get out the bit of apple skin stuck in them. Not that it worked. Stupid braces; not only did they hurt me but also they got food in them. I swear, it's a conspiracy against me, I know it is!

Finally, the bristles dislodged the damn thing and I continued brushing the rest of my teeth, rinsing out my mouth and stepping out of my bathroom to pull on some clothes over my girl boxers and bra. I had far too many clothes, it was official. In the end I settled on my cute black summer dress with shoestring straps and little white stars all over it.

Quickly I parted my hair into pig tails and swept on some make-up before yanking open my bedroom door ready to face the world even if I didn't really want to.

The guys had all arrived whilst I had been upstairs, and I had as yet, to confront them since our parting the night before. Reaching the top of the stairs I hesitated, hovering and gaining a curious look from dad as he passed me on his way up. No, I wasn't ready just yet to go down.

I turned and headed back to my room, deciding I would get my English essay done. Even though we'd had our reports, been let out early and had prom, the teachers still wanted us in school in the afternoons until we actually broke up, yet none of them ever gave us serious lessons. They usually told us to go reek havoc on the field or shoved us in front of the TV. I mean, Johnny had broken up now so why couldn't we? We must be the only school in the district that hadn't let out yet. I totally did not get the workings of this school but oh well.

So anyway, I switched on some music - Exit...Stage Left by Rush if I must be precise - and planted myself in the leather wheelie chair in front of my computer and opened up a new document. Quickly I added the lesson and the date, then the title and let my mind to work.

After a good hour and a half, probably two hours, in which I had restarted several times, changed parts, spell checked the lot (not that I needed to but just for something to do), read and re-read it I was done and I was somewhat happy with what I come up with.

My favourite person.
By Faith Baker.

My name is Faith Annalisa Baker and in this world I have many a person I could sit here and talk about for you. I could tell you about my mom, who works as a liar, aka a lawyer for a living and yet is one of the kindest most caring people I will ever meet. Under her cold, business driven exterior is a heart of gold that touches everyone she meets.

There is my Italian father, Antonio. He is a strong man with strong opinions and a deep passion for his heritage. Everyday he puts his life in danger to protect those of the rest of you, for my father is a police officer and a respected one at that. And yet, much like my mother, behind closed doors he is fun and bright.

I could also tell you about my friends: Matthew Sanders, James Sullivan, Matthew and Jason Berry, Brian Haner (Junior of course) and Jonathon Seward. They are the noisiest, smelliest, most boyish guys in all the world. They are rough, and light their own farts for fun. Jackass would be proud, and admittedly there I stand and will join in nine times out of ten. But if I ever need any of them they will always be the first ones who step up and help me, regardless even if we have had a major argument five minutes prior to it.

I suppose, however, you will not be surprised when I tell you that the person I sit here and talk about is my brother.

First and foremost, Zachary Baker is my twin, and I could not thank God enough for whatever it was I did to make him so happy that he would reward me by giving me Zack to be my twin brother. He is my brother, my best friend, my hero and my inspiration. He is, always has been and always shall be, my favourite person in the entire world.

Suppose you were given a twin, a brother at that. What would you expect, if you were me? That we would be the greatest of enemies? That he would break my dolls and steal my diary? And that I would force upon him make-up and let upon him my girlfriends? Would you expect us to fight and bicker any chance given?

Because that is what people usually expect from a son and a daughter: a clash of hormones, of wills and opinions.

But it was not to be and I was blessed with something far above that. I am not the most girlish of girls, and I don't ever recall a moment when I was happier to play with my Barbies whilst Zack ran wild in the yard getting muddy. Yes I wear make-up, skirts and dresses. Yes I get particular over my hair. Yes I have an obsession with typically girlish things such as Barbie and My Little Pony.

But where one girl would sit in her room and serve her Barbie doll tea and cakes, I was in the yard with Zack as Barbie joined up for the American Army and battled the enemies with his Action Man, some times we even swapped. We were happy children and our biggest squabbles came over who had the biggest mud pie, or who could climb furthest up the tree in our grandparents garden.

Zack and I were happiest when together, but our saddest when apart.

As we grew up, we rarely spent any time apart. We were always together, and always with our friends. To me Zack always told the funniest jokes, always gave the best dares, and was always the hardest one in our group - no offence to the others who always contested this amongst themselves.

Now, not only does Zack hold these traits but he is my hero. High school was a big step for us, having jumped a year but he was there holding my hand, and he was always there to fight my patch when I needed him. He always looks out for me and no matter what he says I know he will always have my back as I have his.

Right from the word go, Zack and I have done everything together. The most disgusting and hardest to think about being conception (because nobody unless they are mentally unstable wants to think about that), to birth. Our first smiles and our first laughs. We even shared our first steps and our first words.

Never have I seen or come across another set of Twin's quite like us, and not to be conceited. Zack always knows what I am thinking and he can read me like a book, which I am thankful for. When I am down he knows how to make me smile; when I am angry he can calm me. He is the one that consoles me when our favourite soccer team lose. He wipes my tears and makes me laugh, when I have hurt myself and is always first to congratulate me when I do well. And I hope amongst hope, that I still hold that for him too.

Most of you have never even heard us utter an apology to one another, yet we will appear to be fine with each other. Why is that you wonder? Many a night we have pondered this - as our bodies work in synch from our breathing and heart rate, to more obvious things such as itching and drinking - and we came up but with one explanation:

Because I am so close to Zack, and he to me, we need never ever speak apologies. We can simply say them with our eyes. How many sets of twins can say they are that close to their twin? Not many, certainly not any of the others within this school.

And so to conclude.

Zack and I have many differences:

He is a guy, I'm a girl. He is a giant and I am just a smurf. He is left handed and I am right. He has perfect vision and perfect teeth whilst I need glasses to read and braces to correct my teeth. Zachary is the most musically talented person I have ever met - again no offence to our friends - and I am an artist.

And yet differences aside we have a bond that nobody else could ever share. When God gave us life, he didn't just give me someone to keep me company until I reached kindergarten and could make friends. No, he gave me a best friend in whom I can confide everything. A hero, who will look after me whenever I need him so. An inspiration, whose band not only inspires my art but he inspires me to be a good person with a good heart like his own. And yet he gave me the brother who annoys the hell out of me, will steal my eyeliner when he has misplaced his own, and will happily tease me when he gets a better score on the PlayStation.

Yes, I think it is safe to say Zack is my favourite person in the world.

Happy, I clicked the print button and waited for it to be transferred to paper before storing it away safely in my binder. Switching off my computer, I then pulled my knee high Converse from my wardrobe and sat on the edge of my bed to pull them on.

Once done I grabbed a jacket, seeing that it looked a little windy out today, and headed downstairs albeit apprehensively since I didn't know what anybodies reaction would be let alone my own. Pulling the sleeves of my jacket over my hands I slowly made my way to the kitchen where I could hear them all laughing.

Except one voice...where was Ja-

"Argh!" The high pitch scream left my mouth, mixing in the air with Jason's laugh as he span me round, my feet a few miles from the ground. The door flew open and there stood Zack, a saucepan in hand and looking round to see what was going on with a frantic look in his eyes.

"You fucker I thought there was a murderer!" He scowled seeing it was just us, as I struggled against Jason's arms which were still around my waist holding me off the ground.

"So did I!" I scowled back, trying in vain to kick my captors balls. I wasn't having much luck. "Jason put me down!"

He didn't comply, and as the others laughed at us Zack just went back into the kitchen and hung the saucepan back up. Realising my efforts were futile I stopped trying to escape and let myself be carried into the kitchen whereupon I was set upon the top of the table.

Zack went to help me down but I just jumped down and kicked Jason in the balls before flicking my fringe from my eyes and smirking triumphantly. He doubled over onto the floor whining in pain as all the others moved away from me, wincing from the thought of having it happen to them.

I folded my arms and smiled innocently, the tears welling up in Jasons eyes as he was finally able to sit up and look up at me. "You fucking bitch," He grumbled, keeping his hand over his balls to protect them from further attacks. "You're fucking evil! Satan didn't have a son, he had a daughter and called her Faith."

"Don't try and rape me next time bitch," I replied, bending over, taking his head in my hands and kissing the top of it. "Now stand up, be a man, and say sorry for your attempt."

"Actually," I felt a hand on my arm and saw Matt S pulling me away towards the table and pushing me down into one of the chairs. "I think it would be safer if you stayed away from him today. He can write you an apology."

I smiled at the suggestion and nodded my head silently before looking round the kitchen. Jason was talking to Brian, gesticulating like crazy as he re-enacted what had just happened; Matt and Matt were by the coffee machine, casting careful glances at me as if to make sure I didn't get up and go over to Jason; and Jimmy and Sarah were trying to get Johnny away from the fridge.

Zack had gone somewhere which I soon found out was to sink into the chair next to me. He folded his arms on the table and rest his head upon them. He watched me and I just silently watched back, neither of us really registering everyone else had shut up and was watching us.

Without saying anything Zack pulled something out from the depths of his jeans and passed to me a photograph. I took it in my hands and with my slender fingers turned it over so I could see the image of all my friends - minus the Sirens - at prom holding several napkins (some of which looked used) across which were several words in, I was guessing, somebody's eyeliner.

Prom aint no fun without Faith :(

I felt hot salty tears spring to my eyes and I dropped the photograph onto the table, my fingers trembling as Zack and I leaned forward and hugged each other for dear life, our apology silent as always and the matter between us - though for the most part unspoken - resolved and settled.

"I love you Zack," I mumbled into his neck.

"I love you too, Faith," he mumbled back, kissing the side of my head and wrapping his arms further around my tiny body as if to reassure he wouldn't let me feel alone anymore than I already did.

How many people can say that about their twin?
♠ ♠ ♠

Tis my 19th birthday today so you can all have birthday cake from me. My sisters made me a chocolate cake with Cadbury's buttons all over the top and failing that we have ice-cream and toffee pavlova :D

Thanks for the comments and support!

Much love,