Everyday Combat

33 [Thirty-Three]


Smiling down at Zack, I leant down and kissed him softly. We were having a lazy day. A.k.a we woke up this morning, got dressed and so forth and just crashed on his bed for the rest of the day, just cuddling and talking and so forth.

He reciprocated it slowly, I think he was a little too chilled out to be perfectly honest with you, but still, he replied all the same.

"I love you" I said softly, he leant up slightly, kissing my nose and kissing me again before whispering it back, just as quietly. I brought my hand up and twirled some of his black locks in my fingers.

"You have such nice hair," I mumbled quietly, smiling cutely at him. He laughed and nodded.

"I can tell, you're always messing with it" He chuckled softly. I blushed slightly before kissing him quickly. "Shut up, I can't help it, your hair just calls to me I swear," I laughed slightly, shaking my head. He smirked.

"Well I like you doing it, no girl's ever done it to me before, and I like it, its very comforting to me and it always reminds me of you so keep it up, it's a habit of yours I've come to love" He said with an adorable smile. I laughed softly and nodded, kissing his cheek before I turned to look at the wall next to us.

I looked at all the photos me and Zack had taken over the past 8-9 months and grinned.

"You know Zack, someone could come in here and think you where a major stalker of me or something" I giggled, running my finger along the many pictures of us here. He smiled as we both looked over, before he reached out and pointed at a particular one.

"That's my favourite you know," He said with a cute smile. I looked over at it and observed the coloured photograph. All the pictures had been taken with this awesome camera Zack's dad had given him; it was expensive and took amazing pictures.

It was of Zack and me kissing, both our eyes closed. I think Zack took it without telling me, simply by reaching his hand out and snapping it. It was amazingly accurate and he managed to get it at the perfect angle, and overall it just looked so good.

I smiled at him and kissed him gently.

"That picture is awesome, I love it," I whispered softly, running my finger along it. Looking round at the others, I smiled and spied another one which I thought was beautiful to be honest. At first glance it didn't even look like us.

"Is that even us?" I asked him, pointing out the picture. It was at sunset, the two figures dark to the camera, making tracks along the beach with hands clasped firmly together. He smiled slightly and nodded. My eyes widened.

"How did you get that?" I asked softly. He chuckled slightly and kissed my temple.

"Brian was taking photos with the camera when we went to the beach once, and we went off just walking and he took the picture. He claimed it was the perfect Hallmark moment," He stated with a grin. I laughed and nodded.

"Both you and Brian have an eye for photography it seems" I said with a laugh. He smiled and nodded, his eyes running over all the other photos of him and me. We'd accumulated a lot in less than a year.

"Umm, baby" I said softly, Zack looked at me and I bit my lip, unsure as to how he'd react to the news I was about to tell him.

"In a week, I'm going to England and Spain for two weeks. A week in England and a week in Spain" I said, looking nervously at him. His face went blank, and I pretty much knew that he wasn't very happy at this.

"What?" He asked blankly. Biting my lip I kissed him quickly.

"I love you, but, as its summer my parents though it would be nice to go back to England so I can see all my old friends and stuff, and go over to Spain to spend some time with my mom's family. It's not my fault baby, I swear, I didn't plan it, he only told me last night" I pleaded with him.

But I already could see that the damage was done. Zack's eyes where filled with annoyance and he huffed, evidently angry at the fact I wasn't going to be here. Zack's anger problem was a little scary at times.

"So you're telling me for two weeks of our vacation, you're not gonna be here?" He said, his voice strained. I gulped and nodded.

He let out a long slow sigh before closing his eyes.

"Fine" He simply said, and I sighed, knowing that he was now going to be snappy with me for the next week and be in a mood over this. His reluctant acceptance wasn't going to last long, I just knew it.
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Go see Ironman =D
'Cos it rocks