Everyday Combat

35 [Thirty-Five]


Knocking on the Baker's door, I hesitated slightly as I heard movement from the inside. Julie opened the door, and smiled warmly when she saw who it was.

"Oh hi Sarah, I'm so sorry about Zack being grounded, but, he got a little mouthy last night so for 3 months he's grounded, unless he and Faith can sweet talk their dad out of it. I'm sorry sweetie, it's a bit of a downer for your first summer in America" She said sympathetically to me, hugging me before pushing me off to the stairs.

Fucking hell Zack you arse hole.

I didn't even bother knocking on his door, I just walked straight in. I stopped in surprise seeing that the room..was tidy. Strangely enough. My eyebrows where raised at this and I looked up at Zack who was sat at the window, smoking heavily. He glanced at me and that was his greeting.

Way to make me feel loved Zack.

Fucking hell, his room might be tidy but it stunk of smoke.

"Zack if your mom walks in she'll know you're smoking and then you'll most likely get grounded for a year" I said, sighing slightly as I grabbed his air freshener and sprayed round the room intensely.

He watched me and shrugged indifferently.

"So? No biggie" My jaw dropped at this, what the fuck was wrong with him? I chose not to say anything though; he must know that he's irritating me. Instead I just sat down on his bed and let out a heavy sigh, the picture frame next to Zack's bed was face down, and I frowned slightly.

I admit, it hurt, but I wasn't gonna let him see that.

Instead I picked up his Misfits hoodie, which was thrown casually onto the bed. Running my hands over the material I outlined the logo and let myself get caught in the colours. Glancing up at Zack, I noticed he wasn't watching me, and so I quietly slipped the hoodie on. I hadn't come with a jacket, and for some reason, I felt cold.

Zipping it up, I hugged myself before bringing up my hands to my face, the sleeves overlapping them and letting me smell the hoodies scent. It smelt of Zack, and I gave out a soft sigh.

"Zack, what's wrong?" I asked softly, not wanting to anger it. It appeared Zack's Italian side was showing itself very vehemently lately, and I didn't want to irritate it anymore than it already was. But it appeared that it didn't matter what I did, Zack was just pissed at me.

"Oh nothing, you get to go off to England and Spain for two weeks and have fun without me there whilst I have to stay in this fucking house, and then you come back and I'm still in this fucking house" My eyebrow raised.

"Zack that's not my fault I've told you that. You were the one who got pissed at your parents and so got yourself grounded, and my dad was the one who planned the two weeks. I've told you this! It's not my fault," I pleaded quietly with him.

"Yeah, and it was because of you I got pissed. I was annoyed last night over you, and so my fuse was short and my parents managed to light it, so it's technically your fault," He hissed at me, coming over to the bed. My eyes widened.

"You're blaming me?! Zack how can you blame me because you're temper is too god damned short?" I glared at him. He just scoffed and rolled his eyes, leaning back on the wall and looking away from me.

It was silent for a while afterwards, Zack was slowly winding down. At least I hope. Fuck sake, this was the only day I got with him now, please don't make it be like the last time I went away.

"So what're you gonna do whilst you're gone then?" Zack asked, his voice strained slightly. Evidently he saw it the way I was seeing it, and was at least attempting to make conversation with me. I gulped slightly.

"I don't know, visit my friends in England I suppose. Catch up with Kathryn in person, go out with Becky and catch up with her, make sure I'm up with her relationship life and stuff, go out with friends? Have fun? Oooh I get to see John again! He didn't a cell when I left, and he doesn't have an email so I can catch up with him" I said with a smile as I thought about it.

Oops, bad move.

Zack looked at me, his face stony and I knew instantly I shouldn't have talked about another guy. This was Zack we're talking about. He almost broke a guys arm because he was flirting with me, and he despises guys talking to me. So for him to find out now that I was going to be in a different country, talking to a guy he doesn't know?


"Who's John?" Zack asked, his jaw set and his eyes dark. I gulped slightly, inwardly beating myself up over letting John slip.

"He's my old friend from England. When I lived there, we met in high school; he was in my graphics class. He's cool, I swear," I said slowly. Zack stared at me.

"How come I haven't heard about him before?" He asked, his eyes boring into mine. I shrugged meekly. "I don't know, didn't see the need to tell you. Like I said, haven't had contact with him since I came to America remember?"

He looked away and let out a sharp breath.

"Did you like him?" He asked after a few moments. My jaw nearly dropped; oh no he is not playing that card with me!

"Zack! John is my friend, I didn't like him, he was fun to be around, he has a great personality and makes me laugh. That's it. I'm not attracted to him, nor have I been, nor will I find him attractive. I'm with you, why would I do that?" I asked him incredulously.

He shrugged.

"I don't know, you could do. I mean, like you've said, I've been your only boyfriend. You could try out some other guys whilst you're not near me. How do I know you won't cheat on me?" My jaw dropped and eyes widened in shock.

He did not just accuse me of going to cheat on him!

"Zack! I wouldn't cheat on you! I wouldn't dream of it, fuck sake. I'm probably going to be gushing to John about you! Oh my god I can't believe you just accused me of that! Don't you trust me or something Jesus Christ?" I practically screamed at him.

He looked at me.

"Well how do I know? You could find out that John is the most gorgeous guy you've ever seen in you're life, or maybe you might find some other guy. After all, you're in some other country, I wouldn't be able to find out right?" I was livid with anger.

"Oh I can see just how much faith you have in me Zachary fucking Baker. You trust me so much you think I'm gonna cheat on you?" He just shrugged.

"I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you lately Zack, you're being quite possibly the worlds biggest asshole" I hissed angrily at him, getting up. He glared at me.

"I'm being the world's biggest asshole, so what? I'm just trying to make sure that my girlfriend doesn't cheat on me whilst she's in two different countries for two weeks whilst I'm here grounded" I'd just about had it, and I'm pretty sure the entire house could hear us arguing now.

"Well Zack, just for you, I'll call you and tell you every time I see a guy I wouldn't mind" I hissed angrily. He rolled his eyes. "What? You gonna fuck em too?" He sneered.

"Zack! I wouldn't fuck them and you fucking well know I wouldn't!" I growled.

"Why not, might get drunk or something when reminiscing with John and get up to something which you won't let me do yet?" He shouted. I shrieked in anger and hit the wall.

"Zack, I'm not going to fucking have sex with any other guy apart from you when I fucking want to, but you know what? Since you're being such a fucking arsehole over this, I may just go over there, and I may just make out with John, and I may just even go as far as fuck him, just to spite you for being such an asshole"

His glare intensified on me, but I didn't care now.

"So when I call you up and tell you how fucking wonderful John is in bed, don't take it too hard alright? I still love you in the end after all" I sneered, opening the door and slamming it behind me as I ran out of his house, tears streaming down my face.
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It gets good now =]
