Everyday Combat

36 [Thirty-Six]

I had spent the last 3 days not talking to my dad for grounding me because of my brother and not talking to my brother because he had gotten us both grounded. I had tried in earnest not to listen to him but sometimes it was just too easy to let him be there, like my comforter.

So I had settled for merely pretending to not listen to him. But to be honest all he was doing was bitching Sarah out more than the preps bitch everyone out.

At first, I had found this refreshing and I relished in the words that came like poison from his mouth. But the more it happened the more confused I was becoming because Zack was supposed to be in love with Sarah. I mean, I had overheard him telling her he wanted to marry her one day - not that she knew what he said because firstly she was asleep and secondly he said it in Italian - so you can understand what would be going through my head.

"You know what? I'm evidently not good enough for little miss 'I-live-in-a-big-fancy-house-with-fancy-cars-and-lots-of-money' so she can go be with her John that she's so excited to see and I won't even care," he blurted out.

I looked across at him blankly. "And you know what?" I retorted. "I don't even care, so shut the fuck up."

And with that I stormed up to my room and locked myself in. But it was only to make them all think I had given up on the day and was retiring to bed. So I switched on my TV for an hour before turning it off, and waiting patiently for night to fall upon Huntington Beach.

Then once I could hear Danzig's snores (he never went to sleep before everyone had gone upstairs) I pulled on my flats followed by my jacket and crept silently down the hall to the landing before hoisting myself Bart Simpson style onto the banister and sliding down it.

I was well learned in which steps creaked and whereabouts to tread, but this was simply quicker. Once at the bottom I lightly hopped down onto the floor - that was one of the many perks of being so tiny, I could creep around easily - and headed towards the basement door.

Danzig wouldn't even flutter an eyelash for any other door in the house other than the front and back door, therefore I would have to go through the basement window. But like I said, I am tiny so it's easy for me to get through.

Once in the cool night air - okay, it was actually pretty cold, and I let out an involuntary shiver against the night - I trod across the grass to the sidewalk, shoving my hands in my pockets and began to walk in the direction of Brian's house, three blocks away from our street.

All the guys were gonna kill me for sneaking out alone at night. They were so protective of me, it was like having my own personal set of bodyguards. But then that also has its perks, because I know that at least one of them will be there whenever I want them.

But that wasn't the point and it's also not important.

Reaching the Haner's I was relieved to see light creeping through the gaps in the curtains to Brian's room. So I went with the old cliche of throwing things at his window until he appeared at it, topless with his hair a mess. It was a good look for Brian who was very attractive to say the least but very undatable. I could never date him, we clash too often.

But again, that is neither the point nor is it important.

Quickly he disappeared and a minute later he was standing at his front door in just his boxers with Slut Face stood watching from halfway up the staircase. "I thought you were grounded?" He asked sounding disgruntled.

"I am douche it's called sneaking out," I retorted, folding my arms across my chest to hide the fact I was freezing cold.

Brian blinked a few times at me. "So...?"

"Sooo aren't you gonna invite me in?"

"I'm busy, douche can't you see that?"

I glanced at Slut Face and then at him. "I'm sure Slut Face can open her legs for you again, but right now I have an emergency on my hands and I need to talk to someone."

"Oh so I'm good enough now am I?"

"Fuck you Brian," I scowled before turning my back on him and leaving only to hear him slam the door. He was such an asshole. I mean, how much longer has he known me than his prostitute? Zack would kill him if he found out Brian had let me walk around at night alone.

Where to now? Because there was no way in hell I'd be able to sleep without talking to someone.

Who is closest to Brian? I could rule the Berry's out because they'd probably be too stoned to listen even if seeing me outside their house alone at night would sober them up enough to force me inside off the street just to keep me safe. Jimmy's dad was scary, so I crossed him off too.


By the time he was flinging open his front door, I realised I was in tears. Matt brought me inside, and forced me down onto Mrs Sanders new brown leather sofa, before disappearing into the kitchen.

When he came back he passed me a coffee - he was the only one who actually bothered to make it properly, though I think the others just did it on purpose to piss me off - before sitting on the sofa beside me.

"So what's up little lady?" He asked.

"Zack's really really getting nasty about Sarah now," I began looking away from the coffee to him. He looked a scary fucker but he was just a big softie really, like all the guys. Unless it was just me who got to see that side of them all. "I went to Brian, but he's just pissed me off more-"

"You two make us wonder," Matt sighed, shaking his head with a slight grin.

"We make me wonder to," I mumbled back. "But the point is, he was with his slut and we argued but I couldn't go home without talking about it. So I ruled out the Berry's-"

"For being stoned," he finished for me.

"And Jimmy-"

"For his dad."

"So I came here." I looked at him again to see him deep in thought. It was evident he didn't know what to do either, because usually when Zack had a problem it was me that sorted it or thought of a solution but this time I was stumped.

"I honestly don't know," Matt replied eventually, pulling me towards him for a hug. "But I do know one thing."

I tilted my head back and raised an eyebrow up at him. "Huh?"

Matt grinned.

"You can get Brian in serious shit with Zack."
♠ ♠ ♠


I tried to teach the kids the music man song, but I couldn't remember what instruments he plays and gave up hahahahahahaha! Am I great or am I great? :D

Thnak you so much for comments and support we love you all lotsly for it! (And to prove it I even used a word that doesn't actually exist :D)

Much love,