Everyday Combat

41 [Forty-One]


Biting my lip, I flicked through the photo album I'd brought with me. It was huge, and pretty heavy. Thankfully, we had clothes in all 3 countries we visited, and so we merely took empty suitcases, except for this book.

I'd been filling it in since I was around 10. And I was only ½ way through the book so far. And I'd taken a lot of pictures. The pictures had started out with me and my childhood friends in Spain, when I'd lived there for a year, it had then moved onto Germany's friends and family, and then eventually back to England, my homeland.

Pictures of Kathryn and Becky, John, me everyone was in it. Pictures of my last day at my English high school. Random scenery shots, they were all in this book of memories for me. I liked to take photographs, memories encapsulated in a photograph for eternity.

I came to the section with my new home. The pictures were simple at first, scenery shots of Huntington Beach. Some of New York when we'd stopped over there, and so forth. And then the pictures of the guys and me came up. I grinned; this was the 2 months I hadn't been with Zack.

Looking at a large group photo of us all, I smiled softly as I took in the scene. Johnny, leaping into Jimmy's arms, whose face had a look of sheer panic on it. Matt was looking at them, pointing and laughing. Matt B and Jason were both grinning broadly, Jason on Matt's back. Brian had picked Faith clean up and placed her behind his head, causing her to grab his hair quite tightly, resulting in a pained smile from him, yet a giant grin from Faith. I was falling into Matt S, laughing as I tripped over something on the floor, and Zack was stood next to me, his eyes alight with amusement as he reached for me, to stop me from falling over. I noted that as well as amusement, he was staring at me with something else.

It seemed all terribly cliché, but his eyes were filled with adoration, and it made me heart warm to think that even then, he was falling for me.

After that, it moved onto me and Zack, pictures of us at first in the 'awkward' stage. You know, he's my first boyfriend and I had no idea how to act around him, so he was the one leading me for everything.

I think it was Brian (oh Brian and his photo expertise, he always seemed to get the shots at the right moment) who had managed to take a picture of our first kiss, which was here. Zack had done it discreetly, as I had no idea what to do, and yet still Brian caught it.

I came to blank spaces, and began placing in the pictures I'd taken in England and Spain again, I was encouraging myself not to cry. But as I saw the mask of happiness upon my face in the pictures, I saw beneath it, and saw the sadness.

Tears slipped down my face. I was due to go home in 2 days. What if he still hadn't forgiven me? What would happen then?

I took out my phone and looked at it, desperate for some kind of contact from Zack, but when I saw that there was none, my heart fell, and I sighed softly, shaking my head.

Placing the last photograph into its place, I bit my lip gently as I ran my hand over it. The shot of me in the sea. The first time, I've ever gone into the sea. I hope forgives me. I really do, I'd give up anything for him, just for him to forgive me, to hear him say he loves me again.

Holding my phone out, I moved the photo book onto the window frame, and turned the camera on my phone on. Hovering above it, I snapped the picture, and looked at it on the little screen. I wonder if he'll be able to tell I'm not happy?

Clicking the 'send as picture message' button, I waited for the picture to load into the message, before typing my own message below it.

'I did it Zacky, I really did it. I still love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me. I miss you =[ I want to come home. Please reply x'

Biting my lip, I looked through the contacts list, coming to a stop on his name.

Zacky <333

Entering it into the recipients box and clicking send, I watched as the message was sent away, away from Spain, all the way to California. I was nervous, what would his reaction be?

Closing my eyes, I begged for him to reply to me, give me some hint as to where we stood now.

Please Zacky!
♠ ♠ ♠

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Only 5 more till the end now =D