Everyday Combat

43 [Forty-Three]


Waiting in the airport terminal for my parents to come back with our luggage, I looked out the large glass windows to the side of me. The scene was perfect, cloudless sky, sun high in its place, planes flying in and out of LAX at a regular rate.

A smile made it's way onto my face. I was finally back home, my real home now. I classed this as my real home because it now held everything that was important to me. My parents, my school, my house, my room, my friends, and most importantly, my boyfriend.

Excitement rushed through my stomach. I was back home; I could finally enjoy the rest of my summer vacation, not being sad and mopey like I have been, but happy and with my friends. Frowning, I looked up at the big clock above me. It had been 20 minutes since my parents had gone to the baggage carousel. Where the hell where they?

Pulling my phone out, I was about to call my dad when I felt someone sit next to me. I didn't look up though; it was probably some random person, who I really did not want to talk to if I was being perfectly honest.

"Ma'am, have you seen a girl around here? She's about, 5'7, chocolate brown hair, green eyes? She's around 15; I've been waiting for ages for her. I was wondering if you've seen her around" A Texan accent rang out from beside me. Frowning slightly, I shook my head, not bothering to look at the man.

"No sir, sorry. I've just been looking out for my parents," I said, looking back over to where the baggage carousel was. There was nobody there, where the fuck had they gone?

"Damn, I was hoping you'd seen her. I've really missed her whilst she's been gone. Her flight was supposed to come in an hour ago, from Heathrow? I'm really surprised you haven't seen you know" He said, amusement ringing in his voice. Sighing, I shook my head.

So apparently she was on my flight so automatically I'd know who she was? God people are crazy!

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention to the people on my flight. I was too busy" I said, glancing at him quickly.

"Aww shucks oh wait! I think I've found her. I'm really surprised she hasn't noticed me yet" Frowning, I looked up at him, only for my eyes to widen and my jaw to drop. He grinned broadly at me and laughed as I practically mauled him in the middle of the airport.

"ZACKY! Oh my God you idiot, why didn't you just say it was you?" I squealed at him. He laughed and shook his head.

"And miss out on all the fun? Naw!" He said in his Texan drawl. I hit his chest lightly. "Shut up with that fucking accent, that’s the only reason I didn't know it was you," I mumbled. He laughed.

"That was the point," He said, kissing me gently. I smiled into the kiss and closed my eyes, fully savouring the moment. Pulling away, I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, protectively almost. I wasn't letting him get away.

"Why are you even here?" I whispered. He smiled at me, his green eyes sparkling with happiness and life.

"You're dad gave me a heads up, my mom dropped me off here 4 hours ago on her way to court in LA. I've been waiting and only realised you where here when your parents came out, looking for your car" I gasped at that.

"My parents are already in the car?" I shrieked slightly, causing him to laugh. He nodded and smiled. "They've been there for a while, they decided we needed time to ourselves you know? Resolve matters" He said, his voice specific. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Yeah, I get you. I'm sorry Zacky, I didn't mean to say it, and I didn't mean it. I didn't do anything, I swear, ask my dad. I barely did anything all vacation. I promise you," I said quickly, tears rising to my eyes quickly. He shook his head vehemently and kissed my cheek.

"No, don't you dare say sorry. It's not your fault; you aren't the one with insecurity problems. You're not the one who gets jealous every time a girl passes me. You're not the one who accused you of going to cheat on me. That was me, and I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I-I just, oh god Sarah, I have problems and I know it, and I'll try and work on it. I'm sorry I made you upset, and I'm sorry you didn't enjoy yourself"

He leant his head on my shoulder gently.

"I'm a shitty boyfriend if I made you upset, I should've have done that. I do trust you baby, I swear, you know I do. I'm sorry forever doubting you. I can't believe you still love me after how I treated you" He whispered softly.

I shook my head and kissed him, not caring that we were in the middle of a public airport. Then again, there were many happy reunions around us, so we were going unnoticed to the crowd.

"I love you, I knew you didn't mean it. I wasn't willing to lose you, so I got over it. Both Kathryn and my dad reassured me that you're just a pig headed teenage boy. My dad put it into better context though. And baby, you don't need to feel like you have to compete for my attention or anything ok? I'm yours, and I always will be. I'll always forgive you, and I'll always love you ok? Even if we do split up, which I hope not, I'll still love you. You always remember your first love remember?"

I smiled softly at him and he reciprocated the action. Standing up, I grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

"Sometimes I really think I must have done something incredibly amazing to gain you. In fact, I'm wondering if God really does know everything, because evidently I'm gonna do something in the future that warrants you. I don't know, maybe save some kids life or something, or change a kid life for the better. Whatever" He mumbled on, and I laughed, leaning up and kissing him.

"Shut up waffling you idiot" I smirked at him. He playfully glared and smiled at me, unhooking our fingers and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Soo, I hear you finally went into the sea.."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay =]
They're back and happy :D
3 more! :O