Everyday Combat

45 [Forty-Five]


Sitting in English, I was too busy laughing with the guys and Faith to notice that the teacher had entered the room. They had been stupid enough to place us all in the same class, once again, much to their dismay yet our amusement. I was alerted to an adult presence by Sarah squeezing my hand.

Looking at her, she nodded and my eyes swung round, before rolling my head. Joy, start of the year.

"Now then class, if I remember rightly, I asked you all to write me a paper on your favourite person? I would like some volunteers to read theirs out" Everyone groaned and put their head down, hoping to God that he wouldn't pick them.

He decided to pick on random people, and whilst they read theirs out, I stole Sarah's and read hers, smirking proudly when I saw it was about me. Once my eyes had flicked through her tidy writing, I looked up at her and grinned. Leaning forward slightly, I gave her a quick kiss to basically say thanks for shedding me in such good light.

Unfortunately, the whole class had missed my little PDA moment, except our teacher, who decided that was reason enough to call me up to read.

I groaned and whined, and Faith rolled her eyes at me.

"Just get up there and tell everyone how much you love her," She said, pushing me. I looked at her strangely before smiling and walking up to the front and huffing slightly. My eyes caught Sarah's and I grinned slightly as she mouthed out 'I love you'. She knew whom mine was about.

My favourite person

I'm Zack Baker, commonly known under many different names, which I don't think suitable enough to place in this paper, but I'm sure you all know who I am anyway. At first I was confused as to whom I write about. I didn't want to write about my mom or dad, that's too common. I considered writing about my friends and their stupid antics, but figured they weren't important enough, no offence.

I nearly wrote it about my girlfriend, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people expected me to write it about her too. Well, everyone except her it would seem. But no, I decided to write it about the person who I've been with every moment of my life. From being conceived to now, even as gross as that is to think about.

I chose to write it about my twin sister, Faith Baker. She's half an hour younger than me, and I like to point that out a lot to her, which irritates her. She's 9 inches shorter than me, which I also like to poke fun at. We have so many opposites that it's absurd.

She's short I'm tall. She's a righty I'm a lefty. She's artistically gifted, I'm artistically retarded. I'm musically gifted; she can't play a guitar to save her life. I have a girlfriend, she's happier to run around with our friends instead of tying herself down. I don't need glasses, she does. I physically need someone to do everything for me at home because I appear to be impaired, she doesn't.

She's me, in female form. She's more guy than girl sometimes; her love for BMXing and soccer is unreal. The opposite could be said for me I suppose. I'm girlier than any guy should be. Far too vain for myself at times and an ego to boot. But I can't imagine my life without her to be honest. It'd be pretty damn boring and well, not worth it.

As twins we can freak people out doing sync stuff, which we like to do. She makes me laugh when I'm sad or annoyed; she brings me back down to earth when no one else can. She knows everything about me, or nearly everything, and defends me most of the time. She's been the person I've always played with, as wrong as that sounds.

The person who I can happily beat on the PlayStation yet fair miserably against in real life. I'm protective of her, because she does stuff from time to time, and makes me want to hit myself, but I love her for it anyway, gives me a purpose.

She hasn't been getting as much attention as she normally would lately; something happened that meant my time was taken up for the most part. But at the end of the day, she's still the person I go to Anaheim with to shatter baseball records, or the person I go to the beach with at night.

The person who I can wake up at 4am in the morning because I'm having insomnia again, and will walk with me out in the darkness to calm me down. She's just one extra part of me and I know for a fact that I wouldn't be me if she weren't there.

And that's my favourite person, my sister.

Looking up I quickly sat down as the class carried on, someone else now reading out theirs. Faith looked at me with tears in her eyes and I smiled, letting her death hug me.

"I thought you were gonna write it about Sarah" She whispered softly. I chuckled lightly.

"I was gonna, but then I realised as much as I love her, you're the person I want to write it about. So I did, Sarah's always gonna be there at the end of the day, and she doesn't need a paper written about her to know I love her. I just feel like you don't know how much I appreciate you lately, so felt I needed to word it out for you"

She bit her lip and smiled.

"I love you Zack," She mumbled quietly, her eyes flicking forwards to the teacher. I grinned at her.

"I love you too"
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Zomg..one left :D