Everyday Combat

5 [Five]


Watching Faith and Brian walk away, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. Faith wasn't going to be coming home with us!. If it didn't look strange and the guys weren't here, I would've done a happy dance. She scares, the crap out of me. And so I'd been living in fear of tonight all day.

But all was well and happy again, and I could have Zack all to myself tonight, without the annoying sister ruining every moment. We couldn't do anything at his house. At least at my house we were on our own. Mostly, my dad worked until around 6pm, and my mom worked until about 5pm. So we generally had 2 hours to ourselves. But I was an only child, so it worked in favour.

Zack thought this was excellent. According to him 'You can get a lot done in two hours'. Accompanied by a smirk.

No guesses for what he was thinking about.

However I'd told him firmly that I wasn't gonna do that until I was ready. Of course he was ready, he's a guy, and he wasn't exactly lacking experience in that area either. And it's not only about when I'm ready, but I'd rather not be rushed to get it over with in 2 hours so as not to be caught by parents. Because that just completely ruins any mood, not that I'm expecting much anyway.

Zack tugged at my hand, bringing me back to Earth, and began to walk down the road, heading in the direction of his house. We waved the guys goodbye as they went their own way, Matt punching Jimmy for some unknown reason causing me to smile.

Zack seemed to be in a really good mood, swinging our hands between us and humming something. It was kinda scary just how happy he was, I mean, he's normally a very excitable guy anyway, but yeh. This was a little weird. In fact the whole setting was weird too, the street we were on was a typical suburban street, lined with trees and nice cars, the sun shining and clear skies.

Well that was normal; this was California, home to my most favourite person in the world. No hints as to who.

"I can't believe we don't have Faith tonight. That's really good news. Means we can have alone time. Proper alone time. As in, with nobody else! Oh my god, we've barely ever had that. What kinda couple doesn't have alone time?" He rhetorically asked, pulling a face at this causing me to giggle.

"Us, evidently," I said, smiling. He looked at me, a playful glare on his face as the corner of his mouth turned up. "Shut up," He mumbled, pulling me closer and kissing me, not caring that everyone could see.

"Eww mommy! Why is he eating her? He could get girl cooties," We pulled away sharply, looking down and seeing a little boy, about 6 years old pointing up to us, pulling a face whilst his mom tugged him along, a smile on her face as she looked at us.

"Come on Jake, he's not going to get cooties, and he wasn't eating her face. She's fine, I promise," She said, nodding at us slightly. Watching them walk away I blushed deeply, burying my head into Zack's chest and wrapping my arms around his waist, causing his arm to go behind him as he laughed.

"Oh my god, that was embarrassing," I mumbled into his chest, before pulling away at looking up at him. "Yes, I must say, that was quite bad," He giggled, biting his lip slightly.

"Come on baby," He said, tugging me along before letting go of my hand, wrapping his arm around my waist instead and pulling me closer, our hips hitting each other. Ha, joined at the hip much?

"Why do you always call me 'baby?'" I asked suddenly, causing him to look at me strange, we were nearing his house now; I could see his dad's car in the driveway.

"I dunno, just comes out I suppose, I like it though, I suppose its my comfort nickname for you. Why do you not like it?" He asked, looking slightly worried. I laughed and shook my head.

"No it's fine, I like it," I smiled at him, causing him to smile back.

Opening the door, we walked into the hallway, Zack throwing his bag to the ground. I scowled at him, causing him to fidget slightly before picking it back up. A laugh came from in front of us, and we both looked, seeing Zack's mom, Julie stood laughing at him.

"God, I wish I could make him do that. He doesn't even listen to me when I ask him to move his bag" She smiled, causing Zack to blush a deep red. "You're whipped son!," Came a voice from the kitchen causing Zack to glare.

"Shut up," He shouted back, pouting, causing me to laugh.

"Aww, you're whipped-" I giggled, before leaning up to his ear "-And we haven't had sex yet, that could be classed as pathetic," He moved away, his jaw dropping with shock, resulting in another laugh from his mom. "Are you calling your boyfriend pathetic?" He said, his voice a pitch or two higher than normal, causing me to laugh out loud.

"Well then," He said, trying to look indignant before jogging up the stairs.

I giggled, covering my mouth up with my hand before looking at his mom. I liked her, she was nice. She always called me her 'English Rose', and kept commending Zack on finding such a 'nice, sweet girl'. Both Julie and Zack's dad were obsessed with my accent, in fact sometimes I think Zack got a little jealous himself of the attention I got.

That was when I did come over of course.

Julie came over and hugged me, as she always did and smiled down at me. "How're you my little English Rose?" She said, causing me to laugh and blush at the same time. It was quite embarrassing having your boyfriend's mom call you that.

"I'm good thank you, and you?" I asked, being polite. She smiled. "I'm good thanks, is Faith at her grandma's?" She asked. I nodded, smiling slightly.

"SAAAAARAAAAAH" Zack's whine came from up the stairs, causing me to laugh. Of course he couldn't stay, or even pretend, to be mad at me.

Julie laughed and ushered me up the stairs, coming to Zack's door and opening it, raising an eyebrow at the messiness that met me.

He looked up from where he was laid on his bed, smiling at me. "Is this organised mess?" I asked, pointing around. He grinned and nodded. "Not everyone can be perfect like you," He said, laughing. I rolled my eyes and moved over to the bed, kicking off my Converse before crawling on top of him.

Smiling down at him, he looked up at me, leaning up and kissing me softly, causing me to smile. "I love you," He whispered softly, causing my eyes to widen. A smile slowly spread across my face as I kissed him back, harder this time though, causing him to chuckle softly.

"I love you too," I whispered back, biting my lip slightly.

Not even Faith could ruin this.
♠ ♠ ♠

Nothing to say really :S