Everyday Combat

7 [Seven]


Coming into Zack's living room, I noticed Faith sat on the couch, and my stomach clenched instantly. Zack didn't notice though, he never really did. Julie and Antonio where also sat here, watching the television.

Upon our entrance they all looked up, and Faith's face fell slightly, evidently not happy at the fact I was still here. Julie and Antonio both smiled widely at seeing us. "Have a good time?" Zack's dad asked, with a small smirk to Zack.

Zack stared blankly for a moment before his face contorted with disgust. "Padre, non abbiamo avuti sesso" Faith's eyebrow raised as she looked at me, and his dad shook his head.

"Realmente? Avrebbero pensato che due lo aveste fatto ormai" Zack's jaw dropped in surprise, and even Faith looked at her dad slightly disgusted. I had no idea what they where talking about.

"Padre! Siamo stati soltanto insieme di sette mesi, lei abbiamo morali" Zack said, his voice full of protest. What the fuck where they talking about?

"Zack, what are you talking about?" I whispered, looking confused. Unfortunately Spanish and German does not help here. "It doesn't matter," He said quickly. I scowled at him.

"Muy bien, usted no me dirá que de lo que usted está hablando así que hablaré en español porque usted no tiene gusto de él y nadie aquí lo habla tan ha" I spoke quickly and fluently. Now they all stared at me causing me to smirk.

"What did you just say?" Zack asked. I giggled and smiled.

"I'm not telling you, you won't tell me, I won't tell you" I grinned. He scowled at me. "Let's quit with the languages," He mumbled, evidently not liking that I'd beat him at his own game.

"Anyway, I'm gonna walk Sarah home now" I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "No you're not," I said.

He looked at me, an eyebrow raised.

"Yes I am, you're not walking home on your own at this time" He stated, crossing his arms.

"Zack, I've walked home alone in worse places, believe me. It's fine, honestly. Anyway you could get beat up walking home alone too" I smirked at him, causing him to glare at me slightly.

"Who the fuck-" I scowled at him. "Language" He glared at me and looked at his parents. I knew they didn't mind them swearing, but I didn't like swearing in front of my parents, so might as well make Zack follow. "Sorry, ok then 'Who the hell is gonna attack me?'" He asked.

"Zack, lots of people. Guys do get attacked you know?" I pointed out. His parents where just in silent fits of laughter. Even Faith was hiding a smile at her brother's losing argument.

"Whipped" His dad whispered, causing Zack to turn around and seethe slightly. "Shut up dad," He hissed, causing me to glare at him. "Is it only in England that they teach you to be polite to your parents or something?" I asked him, causing him to stare at me.

"No, it's not only in England. But he's annoying me. As are you at the moment" He scowled. I glared at him and sat down next to Faith, albeit as far away as possible, but he was irritating me now, and I was born in England. They're very stubborn there. Trust me.

"What are you doing?" He exclaimed. I stared at the TV.

"You're irritating me, so I'm not doing anything right now, not until you calm down and stop being such an arse" I said, not looking at him. I heard him huff and sit in one of the couch chairs, glaring at the screen.

"Arse, what a word" Julie spoke, her laughter spilling into every corner of the room and causing me to smile slightly, and that resulted in Zack smiling too. "Oh hush," I said, laughing lightly.

Faith rolled her eyes and I gritted my teeth slightly, unnoticed to everyone thankfully.

"I know you two, how about I drive Sarah home? Then neither will get beaten up. Not unless our car spontaneously combusts, which there is a possibility of" Antonio spoke, smiling at us. I smiled and nodded.

"That would be nice thank you," I said gratefully, which resulted in Zack agreeing as well.

"Ok then, come on you two" He said, grabbing his car keys and stepping out the door. I went and hugged Julie, saying goodbye, and giving a tentative bye to Faith, so as not to seem rude.

Quickly skipping out to the car and climbing into the backseat with Zack, him slipping his hand into mine and entwining our fingers, his silent way of saying sorry. They'd never been good at saying sorry, neither Zack nor Faith. But I accepted it, squeezing his hand softly to show my acceptance.

The car pulled up behind my dads Benz, and I opened the door up, getting out and closing it behind me. I heard Zack's door go as well and turned round on the porch. Thankfully you couldn't see the porch from the driveway, due to the ivy, which trailed down the side and blocked the view.

"Sorry about earlier" He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I smiled and shook my head. "It's ok, I'm not bothered" I said.

He sighed and leant forward, kissing me gently, before pulling me closer and turning it into a mini-make out session. You couldn't see through the door, so that was lucky too.

Pulling away, he leant his forehead on mine he smiled, causing me to smile back.

"I love you," He whispered for the second time that night, and once again, my stomach flipped with butterflies causing me to bit my lip.

He kissed me again before jogging down the steps and down to the driveway. Opening the door and going inside, I gave a small sigh of content.

I could get used to those three words.
♠ ♠ ♠

Padre, non abbiamo avuti sesso : Dad, we haven't had sex yet

Realmente? Avrebbero pensato che due lo aveste fatto ormai : Really? I'd have thought you two would have done it by now

Padre! Siamo stati soltanto insieme di sette mesi, lei abbiamo morali : Dad, we've only been together for seven months, she actually has morals

Muy bien, usted no me dirá que de lo que usted está hablando así que hablaré en español porque usted no tiene gusto de él y nadie aquí lo habla tan ha : Very well, you won't tell me what you're saying so I'll speak Spanish to you because you do not understand it and don't speak it so ha!


Yay! He loves her :)

Or me..whatever :S Lmao


I hasn't spoken to hers since Wednesday =[
