Everyday Combat

9 [Nine]


Sitting under the oak tree, I stared out blankly, watching the people from the school slowly swarm out. I'd been here for a while, I hadn't been in the mood to go to Maths, and no doubt Zack was going to kill me when he saw me.

Glancing across slightly, I saw the group walking towards me, and smiled slightly, hearing their loud laughter from where I was already. I couldn't be bothered to move though, I'd been in a weird mood lately, a blanking out mood, the kind where you stay quiet and watch everything.

I was normally quiet anyway, but whatever.

Zack was suddenly at my side, flopping down next to me and pulling me to him in a tight hug, kissing me and grinning as he let go, taking my hand in his and joining our fingers.

Everyone else sat down beside us, all saying hello to me, before Zack's interrogation began.

"Where were you this morning?" He asked, looking sternly at me. "I was late, my dad had to make a detour to the store to get something for my mom, which apparently she needed urgently, but in reality didn't actually need. So I was late, so didn't bother going to homeroom. And I couldn't be bothered to go to maths so I came here instead" I said softly.

He frowned and nodded.

"Ok" He mumbled, looking back at the group, obviously confused about my behaviour. I was the 'good girl', always going to class, doing homework, well mannered and the whole malarkey.

Pulling my hand out of his, I reached into my bag and brought out my Spanish homework. Yes I had Spanish, it was compulsory and I passed with straight A's every time. But I hadn't done it, and it was due in next so I thought it best I start it.

"What are you doing?" Brian asked, looking at the words I quickly scribbled down. "I was supposed to write a 4 page paper on life in Spain for next lesson, but I couldn't be bothered to do it last night, or the night before, so I'm doing it now" I said, frowning slightly as I chewed on the pen lid, quickly scrawling some more words down.

Thanks to my fluency, I already had ¾ of a page.

"Are you ok?" Zack asked quietly, looking at me thoroughly perturbed. In fact, everyone was. They where evidently not used to rebel Sarah, and I wasn't sure if they liked it or not. I was the one who was normal, and didn't let them get too out of hand, the calming influence I suppose.

This could the ruin the equilibrium we've developed.

"I'm fine. Well except for my parent's being bitches, or rather my mom. But whatever, I'll get over it. Oh yeh, I can't do anything tonight, or this week. Or the weekend. Or next week," I said, looking up and pointing a pen at him.

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped down in shock.

"What? Why?" He asked quickly, everyone watching us, Faith smirking slightly at this news.

"Because all this week I have to keep going to LA with my mom, to get stuff for my aunt's wedding. Which I'm going to next week," Zack looked confused.

"So?" He asked.

"She's German. She lives in Germany, so I have to go to Germany, and I'm a bridesmaid for her so I have to be there all week. I'm not really looking forward to it, although I'm thankful it isn't my mom's family, the Spanish are worse. Kinda like Italians," I said, nodding at him.

"YOU'RE NOT EVEN GONNA BE IN SCHOOL?" He shrieked, his voice a pitch higher than normal, causing the guys to snigger slightly. I shook my head.

"I can't be in Germany and be at school at the same time Zack?" I pointed out. His eyes where full of shock, and he evidently wasn't happy at this prospect. Looking down, I carried on writing, now onto my third page. This was easy, having family in Spain.

Zack was silent, and everyone could sense that it wasn't really the time to have a joke. I don't think Zack was very happy. Happy being a huge, huge understatement.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do then?" He asked, looking at me. I finished the final word and put the papers into my file, placing it back into my bag. Looking at him, my eyebrow raised I shook my head.

"I don't know? Hang around with Faith? The guys, like you used to do before I came? Zack you're not impaired, I don't always have to be there," I pointed out to him, causing him to scowl. Even Faith looked a little confused at my snappy attitude to him.

I didn't like arguing with Zack, and he was being a bitch over this, which resulted in my getting more annoyed with him.

"But I'm not even gonna see you for a week!" He pointed out, exclaiming with his hands wildly. I frowned at him. "It's just like when you went to Italy for a week Zack, I was on my own then, with the guys. You'll live all right? Remember, you do have other commitments? Does the baseball team and your twin mean nothing to you or something?"

He glared at me; everyone was silent, watching our argument. Our first real argument unfold.

We were both silent, our jaws clenched. The two fiery tempers colliding. Spanish vs Italian. Both had amazing tempers, and both where stubborn. But I had the upper hand on him, not only was I Spanish and German, therefore making me super stubborn (although Zack was half German too), but I was born and raised in England.

Home of stubborn.

He didn't have shit on me when I got angry, I wasn't even angry right now, I was only annoyed. When I raised my voice, then you know I'm angry.

Zack's normally jade eyes where a darker green, whereas I would assume mine were an intense greeny-black colour. Blowing out air through my nose sharply, I took a deep breath.

"Get over it Zack ok? I'm going to Germany for a week; I have no control over it. Why do you think I said my parents where bitches? Because I don't want to go,"

Zack scowled.

"So don't go, stay here," He grumbled.

Growling, I stood up; grabbing my bag and slinging it round my shoulder.

"Unlike you Zack, I keep to my commitments. I said I'd be her bridesmaid if she got married, and guess what? She's getting married; therefore I have to be there. And it's not my choice all right? So stop being a bitch over something I have absolutely no fucking control over," I growled lowly, before storming off, silently fuming.

Everyone behind me staring between Zack and me in stunned silence, whilst Zack glared at my back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hasn't talked to Kirsty all day =[