Status: currently a one-shot, might develop into more.

Blood Of My Blood

chapter one

It happened as it always did. She blinked away the darkness to find herself surrounded, the ground littered with bodies both living and dead, all reaching away from her, crawling, trying to escape. A mirror appeared beside her suddenly, her reflection a blur in the corner of her eye. Turning, she saw the image of something truly hideous, a beast, a monster; it could not be her, but deep inside, she knew it was. She was unable to move, transfixed by the eyes of the beast as the image moved on its own. Its mouth opened, baring fangs at her in a leer.

“Run,” it said, and she did.

She woke, as she always did, heart pounding, muscles tensing, lungs filled with air ready to be released in a scream of terror, but luckily managing to keep herself quiet. She stared at the ceiling, willing her body to settle as the dream faded away into nothingness once again.

A quick glance at the clock told her that it was still early, far too early to be awake, but the swell of adrenaline left over from the dream wouldn’t let her slip back into sleep. With a sigh, she pushed back the blankets, deciding quickly that an early morning run would be the best way to distract herself.

Five minutes later she was out on the street in the pale, barely-there light. The city was quiet beyond the striking of her shoes on the pavement, a steady beat that lulled her into an easy rhythm. She ran, seeing nothing but the road in front of her feet: not the houses rushing by on either side, not the occasional car, and not the figure in the distance steadily closing in on her.


He smiled in satisfaction, seeing the girl draw nearer and nearer. He was limited, as always, by the rising of the sun; today was the first day that he had managed to rouse her early enough that her running brought her to him while he was still able to remain in this plane, able to take her with him as the sun’s rays banished him once more.

His daughter.

Not strictly speaking, not genetically, but he knew his children, as they knew him. There had been many over the centuries, the millennia; each more powerful than the last, and this girl, surely, would be the most powerful yet. Though he saw little of his power in her here, the stinking, miserable hovel that humans held so dear, he held onto the hope that what he had seen in her dreams would hold true in their own true dimension. He had not created what she had seen, merely shown her the truth of her existence. She was not meant for the earthly wishes she held close to her heart, no; there were many greater things in store for her.

His children, after all, left great and terrible legacies in their wake.

But she drew ever closer, this newest child: here she was a skinny little thing in too-big clothes, dark of hair and eyes, with a thoughtful, melancholy, and somehow ancient look on her face. He stepped out of the shadows onto the sidewalk and she slowed to a stop, eyes widening, flooding with recognition as she looked at him.

“Blood of my blood,” he hissed, raising his arms to her. Eyes still fixed on his face, she moved slowly forward, allowing him to embrace her as the sun finally broke above the treetops, sending them both far from the earth.
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quick one-shot written based on a dream. there's a possibility of more to this.