Counterpart Pie


Dean and Sam went back to talk to Austin, since he refused to talk to Sadie and Dana. The sisters decided to go to the morgue to check out the bodies of the victims. Dana never really liked seeing the bodies, but Sadie did, and it made Dana think her sister was even more screwed up in the head than she already was. Sadie had a fascination with forensics and psychology. It made TV almost unenjoyable because Sadie was always correcting the people on CSI.

The sisters showed up at the morgue, showed the security their badges, and were let it. They asked to see the coroner, and were soon greeted by a balding man in his mid-forties. “Yes, how can I help you?” he asked them. Dana and Sadie showed him their badges and he nodded. “Are you two working with those other lads?”

Sadie nodded. “You’ve spoken to them?”

“Only briefly.” He said.

“Well, we’d like to look at the bodies that we’re killed in that house on Legacy Drive.” Dana said, putting her badge back into her jacket pocket.

The coroner nodded. “Yes, of course. Come with me.” He motioned for the sisters to follow and they did. He led them to the back of the building, and opened one of the chambers. “This one is the most recent to come in.” he pulled back the sheet, and Dana made a face as the redheaded girl was revealed. There was a visible cut mark along her throat. Dana and Sadie both got gloves.

“What was cause of death?” Sadie asked, looking over the girl. Dana hung back.

“Exsanguination.” The coroner said.

“All because of a neck cut?” Dana asked.

“Well,” the coroner started to say, but Sadie interrupted him.

“If you cut in the right place, you bleed out fast.” Sadie said.

“That’s right, but the cut alone didn’t cause the exsanguination.” The coroner said. He pulled the sheet back a bit more, revealing a stab wound in her abdomen. “Every body that has come in from this case had exact wounds.” Sadie leaned forwards a little to look at the stomach wound, and Dana frowned disgustedly. She didn’t know how her sister could handle this all so well. “And they’ve all been young couples. Except this girl; she came in by herself.”

“Have you determined what blade was used?” Sadie asked.

“It would appear,” the coroner walked over to the body, “that the stab wound was caused by a serrated blade, probably a standard kitchen knife.”

“And the throat?” Sadie asked.

“A scalpel.” Sadie looked up at him curiously. “That was the same reaction I had. I tested every blade I had to see, and scalpel just happened to be the tool.”

“That’s definitely strange.” Dana said.

“And this doesn’t look like a sloppy job either. It looks like the person knew what they were doing.” Sadie said.

“A very good observation, detective.” The coroner said. Sadie stood up and looked at Dana, who was already looking at her.

“Did you find anything strange with the bodies?” Dana asked.

“No, absolutely nothing.” The coroner said. Sadie frowned.

The two looked at the rest of the bodies, looking for continuity. Just like the coroner said, all the bodies were mangled in the same way. The two girls met up with Sam and Dean about an hour later. They discussed what they had all found out. Sam and Dean came up with nothing with Austin. Austin said he had no clue if his girlfriend had been cheating on him or not. And since there wasn’t another body to show up with the girlfriend, it was hard to tell.

Sam and Dana went to check out the house again, because Dean was starting to give Dana a head ache. Sadie and Dean stayed in the sister’s motel room, trying to find out more on Edgar Morris. Dean leaned back in his chair and huffed. “Did you find anything on the old geezer?” Dean asked Sadie.

Sadie looked up briefly from her laptop, raising an eyebrow at Dean. “I can’t really find anything.” Sadie sighed. “He had a wife, three kids, he was a surgeon. This guy is squeaky clean.”

Dean frowned. “What about the kids? Or the wife?”

“The only thing about the kids is that the youngest is serving a life sentence at the Texas State Penitentiary in Huntsville for involuntary manslaughter.” Sadie took a long drink from her beer bottle before typing something else into her computer. One thing from the police database sparked her interest. “Oh hello.”

Dean looked up, “What is it?”

“Olivia Morris, Edgar Morris’ wife, was stabbed to death when she was 39.” Dean’s eyebrows rose. “Stabbed in the stomach once, throat slashed.”

“Could that be it? Could she be the ghost?” Dean asked.

“I don’t think so.” Sadie shook her head. “It says here that she was found in bed with 42 year old David Marsh, also stabbed and cut.”

“That’s how the vics were killed too, right?” Dean asked and Sadie nodded.

“According to the report the cuts were extremely precise; like they knew what they were doing. Where to cut to make sure they bleed out quickly and stay dead.” Sadie explained. “Any one with that kind of knowledge would have to be doctor, or something of the like.” Sadie paused when a realization hit her. “Edgar. It makes perfect sense. He finds his wife in bed with another guy and he goes mental.”

“But why go after the people he did?” Dean questioned.

“Maybe he goes after cheaters and their lovers? It would explain why there were always two vics, and a broken hearted boyfriend.”

“Sadie…you are brilliant.” Dean said.

Sadie smiled, “Well, thanks. It’s nice not being called a nerd for once. It kind of feels…normal.” Sadie’s voice waivered slightly. She cleared her throat and stood up, stretching her arms behind her. A loud crack sounded.

Dean looked at her strangely, “Was that you?”

“Yeah, it was just my collarbone.” Sadie said pressing a hand against her chest. “It does that from time to time.”

“What happened?” Dean asked.

Sadie turned around and sighed, unzipping her hoodie so she was just in a tank top. Sadie’s arms were covered in scars, but having them was like a job requirement for hunters. “If you must know, I was attacked.”

“By who?” Dean asked, standing up. Sadie sighed again, folding her sweater and laying it on the bed.

Sadie hesitated a moment before turning around, showing Dean the scar she had starting at her right collarbone and trailing diagonally down her chest. “A demon.” Dean only looked at her. “I mentioned Jake…he was alive when I found him.”

“What…what do you mean?”

“The demon that killed him knew that I was a hunter, so he took advantage of that.” Sadie explained. “He knew I would do anything to protect Jake. Unfortunately, I was unprepared and unarmed. I was thrown against a wall, had my collarbone fractured, and he cut me. As soon as he knew that I wasn’t going to attack he ripped out Jake’s throat.” Sadie exhaled and ran a hand through her mousy-brown hair. She sat down on one of the beds; she hadn’t talked about what happened in a long time, and it made her legs weak. “He made me watch. I don’t know how I’ve been able to live with that.” Sadie said. She felt tears start to build up in her eyes, so she inhaled deeply. Dean pulled up a chair in front of her and looked at her with sympathetic eyes. “Dana tells me to get over it, but I don’t know if I can. I don’t even think I want to. I mean, I loved him. I wanted a cookie-cutter life with a husband and a couple of kids.” Sadie exhaled sharply. “It’s kind of stupid now that I think about it.”

Dean looked at Sadie and he could tell she was hurting. She had been completely tough the whole time he had known her, that this moment of weakness made him see Sadie Wesley in a different light. “It’s not stupid.” Dean told her. “You don’t really get over something like that. It just gets easier to live with.” Dean gently placed a hand on Sadie’s knee. Sadie looked at him and smiled slightly.

“This is the nicest you’ve been to me this whole time. What’s wrong with you?” Sadie asked.

“I can be compassionate from time to time.” Dean said. “It’s rare, but it happens.” Sadie smiled, but it soon faded. “It’s not your fault, what happened to Jake.”

“I know. I just can’t help but wonder if I told Jake that I used to be a hunter if he’d still be alive.” Sadie pondered.

“When has telling someone you’re a hunter ever worked out for us?” Dean asked with a light smile.

“Okay, you’ve got me there.” Sadie said looking down slightly. The two remained silent for a moment.

Dean studied Sadie’s face. There was a story to her, and Dean found it fascinating. Everything about her was fascinating to him. She was obnoxiously smart, an extremely good hunter, and she was easy on the eyes. Normally that would be a pretty lethal combination, but it worked for her.

Dean lifted up Sadie’s chin. He leaned forwards pressing his lips against hers. Sadie was surprised, but it was a pleasant one. Dean pulled back and Sadie looked at him with some-what confused eyes. “Why did you do that?” she asked him.

“It seemed appropriate?” Dean shrugged.

“It’s not nice to kiss a lady without asking.” Sadie smirked.

“You swear like a sailor, you’re a badass hunter, and you could take a round out of me if you wanted. Yeah, you’re a lady.” Dean smiled and Sadie laughed. Dean thought she had an attractive laugh.