
Chapter 4

As I slept that night, I had another dream vision. There was two parts to it.

1) I was in my register class when our teacher, Mr Mathieson, came in.

"Quiet everybody," he said. "I have an announcement to make. We have a new student joining us in the next two or three weeks. His name is James Ford and I want you all to make him feel welcome. I also have to elect someone to show him around until he's used to the school." He walked around the class room, critically surveying everyone in the class. He stopped at me. Don't pick me. . . I'm sure I'm not suitable for showing around someone who probably isn't a freak? I wondered.

"Alice, I pick you." He said after a while.

"Err. . . Are you sure?" I asked, hoping he'd change his mind.

" Yes, I am, because he's taking the same classes as you and he's very similar to you, so I'm told." How can he be similar? I'm a freak, he'd have to be too. . "Now, are you going to do it willingly or will I have to make you?" He asked.

"No sir, I'll do it. I guess I was just shocked that you asked me. . . " I trailed off.

"Good, Ok then. He'll be coming here in the next couple of weeks or so." He nodded, so I nodded back.

That was that part of it over.

2) There was a new boy, presumably James, leaning over me, holding me in his arms. The place was unfamiliar, just as unfamiliar as the forest vision I had a while ago. I wondered why he was holding me. What had happened, or what would happen?

"Alice! You're awake! Thank God! I was so worried. I thought I'd lose you!" He said, his voice trembling. I looked up at him and he was crying. I started to cry.

"What happened? I don't remember anything!" I said. What I was seeing confused me a lot.

Why on earth would he think he'd lose me? Why was I even here? Why, why, why?" That's all I could think about.

"James, you know how he threatened the people closest to me? Well that's why I came. To face him, to stop him, so he couldn't hurt anyone else. When I thought I'd lose everyone I cared about, I couldn't live with myself. And you remember when you said you wanted to be with me forever? Well I'm accepting it. I want to be with you as well." In my vision I was crying by that speech. Oh my God. . If that was going to happen, I had to find a way to stop it from becoming reality.

And then my eyes snapped open.