Status: In Progress

Don't Go!

1) Robyn Forgive Me

I was launging on the sofa when my beautiful baby girl let herself into our shared appartment. She'd just come home from work at Kerrang! I was so proud she'd gotten her dreams, like me. Her hair was dark brown and her face was long, her eyes were wide and changed from a really pale blue to a pale green colour. She was always there for me. I couldn't help but smile as she walked through the door. I had come over from our last show in America. We'd only done one. I'd rang her everyday, being careful it wasn't too early or late. She always looked good when she had her smart work uniform on. High heels, pencil skirt, white skirt and her glasses. She'd obviously had a very long day as her hair was stuck up on the left side because of her layers. She dumped her keys in the bowl by the door. Dumped her bag on the floor. She took a deep breath sighed and finally looked at me. Tears were instantly in her eyes.
"Giraffe!" I went to hug her. She held her manicured hand up to me to signal stop.
"We need to talk Oliver!" She never used my ful name unless she was upset with me and I couldn't blame her. I held my head in shame
"I love you." I emphasized the "You" I put my hands in my hoody pokets.
"That isn't going to work this time. This time it's big." she just stared at me holding her place. I couldn't think where this was going to go. I looked to the ceiling sending a prayer to what ever power there was. Let us get through this because it will break me if I loose her. She walked to the kitchen slipped her shoes off, now making her her five eleven self. She got a drink and looked at me. "So what have you got to say for yourself?" I leaned on the door frame of the kitchen looking ashamed.
"That I made a mistake and I'll never do it again. I think you're making too big a deal of this." Her face changed and I should have thought about that before I said it.
"Making a big deal!" she did the quotation marks. Her eyes flashed with anger and filled with angry tears. "If you don't want this then fucking tell me before you hurt me bad! I'm not making a big deal of this! I'm trying to work us through this! You however seem to be disconcerned you may be loosing me today!" She growled, again I held my head in shame tears falling from my own eyes.
"Robyn I didn't think! I didn't-"
"Oli how could you do this to me!" She screamed clearly making me look at what I had done. Robyn's face was red and tears held the remnants of her make up.
"Babe! I was drunk I didn't sleep with her! She sucked me off." I held my stance realising again I'd said the wrong things again.
"You said you'd never touch groupies! I don't give two fucks about whether you slept with her or not! That's reguardless! What matters is the fact you've always said I was the one you wanted and you'd stay faithful and you even thought of another girl!" she held her hands over her face as she was still leaning against the fridge.
"Look babe I really am sorry! I can't tell you how sorry I am! I didn't want to hurt you" Tears fell from my eyes. "I was drunk" I whispered, she still herd me.
"These things always happen when you're drunk Oliver!" She pushed past me into the lisving room.
"Rob-" I went to go after her and grab her wrist to make her listen
"Save it for the next girl Oli!" she bolted for our bedroom as I stood stunned, what did that mean? Were we over? I felt numb and hurt myself. God knows how she felt knowiung that the guy she loved had cheated with another girl. She had slammed the door and turned her music on. It was Sleeping With Sirens a band she played on her show. The lyrics were "they say that love is forever, your forever is all I need." something we both believed in. "Robyn!" I yelled banging on the door and trying the handle, she'd locked the door. I kept banging and screaming her name, eventually after ten minuets I sank to the floor. My head in my hands, my back to the door.
Five minuets later I heard the latch on the door slide back into the door and Robyn running back to the bed. I heaved myself up my eyes red and puffy my hair a scouped back mess. I opened the door slowly and stepped into the dark room, for some reason we never opened the curtains. That was probably something to do with the fact I often suffered from insomnia. I could see her perfect slim body shape. The covers pulled over her head, I sat on the edge by her body looked at her longingly and then slipped to the small space between the bed and the window. I was so scared, I didn't want her to leave me. My chest was tight and I could hardly breath.
"Babe?" I asked "Can we talk about this rationally.
"We've talked about it." That sounded final.
"By the next girl did you mean it was over? I don't want it to be over baby. I couldn't live with myself knowing that I had ruined something as beautiful as what we have." I almost growled getting angry, I wanted to punch the wall but my head sank lower.
"I don't want this to be over either baby, I'm just so paranoid when you go and now you've proved me right."
"At least I was honest, I told you the day after. I was actually sick when I did it. I love you Robyn."
When she described to me how she felt I put my head on the bed with my face pressed to the matteress knowing I'd cracked her and betrayed her. "Please baby. Can I have one more chance? I promise I won't fuck up. I just want you." she stroked my brown hair softly.
"People talk shit Oli, I was a fan and now I'm yours. I want to be yours forever but I will get stick over this. Just for not walking away. Do you remember that night we met?"
"Of course I do baby."
The night we met was a beautiful star filled sky, we had done a show in wales the night before. I didn't particullarly like this country but that was soon to change. We stummbled into the bay area. The water was magnificent. I looked up at the sky and smiled, something inside me felt different and when we stummled into the club I reallised why. There she was behind the bar serving the vast amount of people. Her uniform consisted of smart trousers and a crisp white shirt. Her long brown hair twirled in a bun on the back of her head. She looked at the door and our eyes met for a breif second and I couldn't help but smile shyly. I sat with the band and watched her every move from filling the glasses, to putting them in the washer to talking to the blonde girl who stayed to the left of the bar. When she smiled I knew sheh was someone I wanted to get to know. Every now and again there would be a man would would buy her a shot, she would take it and then counter it with a glass of water she kept behind the bar to keep her sober. I finally got the courage to get up and talk to her as we were about to leave for the tour bus. I said to the lads "Yo, Lads go without me I'm gunna stay. I'll meet you at the bus."
"He's going to try his luck with the bar maid." Curtis winked and pushed the lads out. As I walked to the bar she had put on a jacket, it was a design I had done and made. She was wearing a very ealy rendition of a Drop Dead varsity jacket. I sat at the bar, and waited for her to come to me from her spot by her best friend, who's head was on the table and her glass tilted on its base. She put her elbows on the bar and asked me what I wanted. I blushed and asked what she recomended. She listed a long line of alcohol she would have been drinking if she wasn't working. I looked at her shocked and then looked around me.
"Yes, us welsh can drink cutie. You aren't from around here but I've heard the people from yorkshire can drink too." She laughed. He laugh was loud and cute and bright. Her eyes kept mine locked in them, a hue of blue and green together and her make up made them so much brighter.
We talked for a very long time and I didn't stop laughing or smiling once. I wanted to take this girl home with me. I asked her for her number and then we exchanged. We caught a taxi together and I dropped her off at her house. She kissed me on the cheek, she was slightly on her tiptoes and the most wonderous thing about her was she was so interested in my tattoos they didn't intimidate her at all.
It was at this point I knew I wanted this girl as mine and I wanted her to be able to hold me. Her mother however probably wouldn't want me near her daughter, I was always on teh road and a rockstar. She'd figure it out soon if she had a Drop Dead jacket. In the morning I crossed my fingers and text her. I was lucky to get a text back and I explained my self. She agreed to keep in touch while I was traveling the UK. I arrived outside her house with a bunch of roses. I'd tought about this long and hard and It would impress her mum too. I'd been introduced to her mum over skype as I had my macbook on tour. Ii knocked on the door and her mum answered. She was loads shorter than both me and Robyn. I smiled and asked her if Robyn was home. Robyn appeared at the top of the stairs and gasped. She ran down the stairs, jumped and hugged me linking her lips with mine in a heated kiss. This was when I asked her to live with me.
It tooks a month to move her in completely and her dad helped her. We brought a set of furnature and I let Robyn meet my mum. I've never been happier in my life and she was everything that made me happy. Why on earth did I almost ruin our relationship like this? Never again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So the first chapter of Oli's Point Of View

What do you think? I want to know especially if you have read Robyn's Point Of View.

Thank You for reading - I'm trying to make this sweet so you can see what Oli thinks of Robyn. Because that view is left out of how Robyn feels for Oli.
