Status: In Progress

Don't Go!

I Will Never Loose You!

“Mum what a surprise, How’d you get in?” Robyn smiled, she was so happy that her mum had appeared.
“Oliver’s mum let me in.” She smiled, our mums had become good friends when they met on a joint holiday we took. I must have growled under my breath because Robyn, who was now stood next to me and holding my hand, tightened her grip on my hand.
“What are you doing here Sara?” I asked trying to will the evidence I was aroused to die the fuck down. I must have sounded pissed because Robyn’s mum replied in a sarcastic tone
“I thought I would pay a surprise visit to my daughter, if that is a problem Oliver I can leave.” She eyed me with a look of steel, almost daring me to send her back to Wales. Something niggled in my head, telling me my mum had an ultimatum. My mother must have asked Robyn’s mum to come up to keep an eye on what would be seen as a bump in our relationship. I’d specifically shown them that the past was behind us...unless Robyn’s mum knew, in that case why the fuck wasn’t she throwing herself, banshee screaming whit a knife in my direction?...I shrugged it off.
“Of course I wouldn’t ask that. You are always welcome to our home.” She relaxed and played with Oskar.
“We all want tea?” perfect timing from my girl right there. We both nodded and I sat half covering our cream sofa. I was so going to kill my brother for torturing me like this. It was probably his idea.

“So Oli when do you leave?”
“Um, not for a long time Sara. I’ve just come back from our last tour only yesterday.” I smiled.
“Oh so you must have a lot of time off?”
“Yes, I have to write the new album. I think we have a mini tour of the UK coming up in like four months. And Robyn will be coming with us hopefully. The guys love her and keep asking me to bring her- say she’s a better cook than any of us. Must get it from you.”
“Thank You.” Sara replied with a slight blush on her cheeks.
“I should hope you’d be taking me too.” Robyn appeared with two cups of tea handing me one and her mum the other. She disappeared again to get her own tea.
“She seems pissed off with you Oliver.” Her mum said sternly
“That’s because she is.” I sighed.
“It doesn’t matter he knows the consequences of his actions.” Robyn interrupted quickly, she sat next to me and cuddled into my side.
“I will never lose you. You are the most precious thing out side of the band that I have. I love you and that is it.” I kissed her hand and to change my conversation to something that was less likely to bring me or her to tears. “How are the other two Sara.” I was referring to Robyn’s two younger brothers, 6 and 11.
“Still being a pain in the ass, when you come down next they’ll be even worse. They’ve missed Robyn a lot.”
“We’ll come down soon. I think Robyn gets homesick and misses Wales.”
“I love you so much.” She kissed me.
“I think it’s safe to say you two will be together for a long time.” Sara smiled as she looked at us over the top of her glasses.
“I hope so.” I smiled at Robyn shyly “I love you too baby.”
I took Robyn and her mother out for lunch so that they could catch up. Sara wanted to know everything. From Robyn’s Job to our friends. To how my family was, and how they took to Robyn and everything.
Me and Robyn had completely forgotten that we had the guys coming over for drinks. I got a call off of the new guitarist Jonah about the fact they were at the apartment but no one was home and we were at the restraunt drinking drinks having finished our meals. I paid and we went back to the apartment to meet the guys.

When we arrived Robyn threw herself at Jonah, he was like a brother to her. Robyn’s mum looked at me.
“Guys this is Robyn’s mum, Sara.”
“Hi Sara, nice to meet you.” Everyone chimed in.
We all piled into the apartment and the boys got straight to the alcohol in the fridge. Robyn had a coke because she wasn’t into drinking that much anymore really. She’d go drinking with her friends but she wouldn’t get overly drunk. The boys got on with Robyn’s mum really well and as usual Lee was led on her lap as she soothed his hair. When ever Lee’s girlfriend was around then she’d be major jealous but her and Robyn had always gotten on.
Within hours of drinking a lot Robyn's mum went to bed after Robyn had made up the spare room, the guys had gone home, all but Jonah who was crashing onour sofa for the evening and Robyn had collected a throw and an extra couple of pillows while I stood by the bedroom door. She got Jonah settled and becond Oskar to come into our room. I kissed her, he eyes then looked into mine wondering why the hell i'd kissed her so unexpectidly; I loved how concerned she got about how comfortable our guests were to be in our home.
We undressed and I hugged her from behind kissing along her shoulder, Oskar had already taken his usual spot on the end of the double bed. I picked him up and carried him to the top, me and Robyn got in at the same time. I put Oskar on my chest and laced my arm around Robyn's shoulders. Her body heated the cold sheets and her skin felt warm and soft against mine. She had no idea how much I loved her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short I know but the next parts will be longer :)

I'm sorry it took so long to get this up but it's proven difficult to get back into writting after getting my laptop back :)

Thanks For Reading. I really appreiciate it <3
I love my readers