Status: In Progress

Don't Go!

Forgiven and By my side.

A week later Robyn's mum went home, my mum took her home.
In the next weeks I was preparing to go back on tour, Robyn would watch as I bounded around the house in excitement packing two suitcases.
"Why two?" She would ask cause she knew that I'd come back home before I went to America.
"Because you, duck are coming with me." I kissed her and got back to packing
"What about work Ol?" She sat on the bed crossed legged.
"They've given you two weeks off cause I asked" I kissed her again.
"You sir are an evil genius"
"I'm not I just want my bird on tour with me" she smiled "You smiled I'm forgiven!" I laughed tackling her to the bed. "Now your mums gone I can do this." I kissed her neck and the top of her boobs,
"Good cause I need it!" She turned me over so she was sat on top.
"I love it when you take over"
"I do too." She kissed me, the sex was hot, feral and desperate

She whistled as she collapsed next to me. "Wow, I'd say let's do that again but I don't think my body could go for round two." She snuggled up to me as I wrapped my arms around her, when ever we had finished cuddles were mandatory for both sides of our relationship, it felt in complete to have sex get up and just carry on doing what ever.
"I can't wait for you to be on tour with me, the guys have their girlfriends coming too." I looked down at her. There was such a contrast in her body next to mine, she was pale and didn't have one tattoo to her name. Maybe I could swing her one day to get one, she was going on about how she wanted to help with set up and that she wanted to watch us every night if that was possible. I had zoned out and was enjoying the idea of being able to just lie with her like this every night, my bird would be with me all the way around the UK, where as my band mates Girls had to go home the week after. I led on her shoulder and kissed it, she was so warm and that made every part of her metaphorically warm, she was nuts. like totally mad and crazy and wild at times but she was so tranquil and warm, friendly and she always fought for her independence even in the relationship.
"When do we leave?"
"What sorry zoned out"
"Oli." She whined
"Sorry I was too busy thinking how amazing you are."
"Shush" even after almost three years she still couldn't take a compliment.
"We leave in two days babe."
"And you have everything."
"Yes I used to pack for myself enough when I was younger."
"Okay, okay I trust you but let's be honest how many time have you packed for a woman?"
"Well it's not like we need to pack any lady things for you." She rolled her eyes, I could tell coz I had put my boxers back on and was stood looking at her, she was sat up in bed. "okay what do you need?"
"You kinda have a point, I don't need lady things, have you checked that I have enough pills for the two weeks?"
"No" I answered
"How about an extra towel?"
"You can shower with me." I smiled at her
"And I'm going to hide my nakedness from the guys how?"
"You don't need too." I looked at her she could tell I was teasing.
"Okay, it's not like any of your band mates might have a crush on me..." She had gotten up and slipped into my tshirt and walked into the living room and then the kitchen.
"None of them do, they know I'd kill them if they did, you are my bird. I love you." I put my hands on her hips and lent my chin on her shoulder.
"And I love you. I wouldn't run off with any of your band mates babe, I can't see them that way anymore" she laughed.
"Anymore?" She turned to look at me
"What? You were always my favourite and look where I am now."
"Okay I won't get jealous."
"Good" she kissed me.

The next week was amazing, just having her on tour was nice. I didn't have a problem with sleeping and it was so nice just to be able to chill with her. I sometimes felt she was always bored but she denied being bored because she was with the best friends she had. We laughed a lot and one night we were in Nottingham we had allowed fan onto the bus, after this one night I don't think I'd ever do it again. We were casually chilling and we sent Lee and Robyn off to get extra alcohol. I'd drunkly gone out and taken a piss by the bush we were parked next to. One of the girls came out and asked something very out of order and I refused. I saw Robyn return as the argument escalated. The girl must have thought she was just another fan but Robyn gave Lee her bag of alcohol and took my hand
"Hey baby. Everything okay?" She looked to the girl
"Everything is perfect." I kissed her deeply and grabbed her hair. The girl huffed and walked away.
The rest of the tour was great, it was so much fun and I really enjoyed having Robyn around. When we got back I put the suitcases in the bedroom and grabbed the duvet, she changed into her "comfy clothes" consisting of my very old Fresh Till Death Drop Dead t-shirt and jogging bottoms. I took my top off and dragged the duvet into the living room and pulled my bird down as I sat on the sofa, I placed the duvet over us as we cuddled up watching the episodes of television shows we had missed for two weeks. We had been sat down for an hour and we were calmly relaxed and we didn't need to speak it was just peaceful and she made me peaceful, not having her in my life would have completely unnerved me, my sleeping pattern would fuck up again and everything would be weird not having her in my life. That spark and brightness that she brought to our relationship would leave me empty.
I was engrossed in the episode of true blood when she paused the show. She looked up at me.
"What's up?" I kissed her
"I think your phone is going off baby." Now she mentioned it I could hear my phone vibrating. I got up and padded to the bedroom to answer it.

"Hello Oliver." It was my manager
"What's up Phil?"
"We have a problem, we have been informed that someone is going to take you to court and they've assigned me to tell you. We are going to get you a solicitor, we don't know where this is going."
"What on earth are you going on about? I haven't done anything that will get me done." This was taking a while to set in, who the fuck was taking me to court?
"The girl is claiming that you pissed on her and bottled her because she said no to sex."
"You have to be kidding me right?" I was pinching the bridge of my nose, what the actual fuck.
I walked into the kitchen, Robyn still curled up on the sofa but she was watching me carefully. Robyn came to me and placed her hands on my hips. I looked into her eyes and regretted it, she knew what was up, just not what it was specifically.
"Okay Phil, I'll go meet them next week."
I hung up and put my phone in my pocket, I hugged Robyn and put my head on her shoulder. She held me tightly and simply asked what was going on. She was just everything to me and I couldn't keep any secret from her, not that ever wanted too.
"I'm being taken to court, that girl in Nottingham is saying I pissed on her and bottled her."
"That never happened! I was there!"
"It's okay babe, if you were a fan, you'd believe I didn't do it so maybe the other fans will."
"They will. I promise, you aren't the type of person who would do that."
"I'm going to have a bath." I stood up.
"Okay baby." She kissed me and let me go, I padded to the bathroom, put some bubble bath in the water and let it run. I placed my hands on the sink and looked at myself, brown eyes, hair and an array of tattoos on my chest that I wouldn't change for the world. I went through everything I've achieved in the last year or two and wanted to cry, why on earth would someone seek to destroy me this way? Having the band end almost once was enough, we didn't need to loose any fans over this at all.
I got in the bath and just led there. Robyn came in and I went all in the water. I knew she was taking her pill. Before I knew it her lips were pressed to mine in the water. I pulled her in fully clothed. It was such a nice experience that she could think so uniquely that I couldn't help myself she had to come in too. A lot of water covered the floor but I promised her I would clean it.
She held me tightly knowing I was still pondering what I had been told.
"We will get through this Oliver, I promise you. I'll stand up in court if need be."
"I know you would baby, lets see what happens yeah?"
"But how is it going to be fare? I was the only one who was sober and I was there when you were talking to her."
"I love you." I had to say it, just how beautiful she was when she was angry and passionate about making sure I wasn't going anywhere was bliss and a blessing for me to have. I yanked my tshirt off of her and held her to me. She pushed my hair back and washed it. She started a bubble fight. "See we're still happy." I pointed out.
"I'm definitely happy because I know you didn't do it."
"So we no longer have a trust issue?"
"I haven't for a while." She kissed my neck as she snuggled me.
We bathed more then I demanded we get out because she was shaking and obviously getting cold. I wrapped us in separate towels and went to turn the heating on. I brought her another t-shirt to wear and picked her up to the sofa, quickly cleaned the bathroom floor and joined her on the sofa in boxers, we sat and watched movies and forgot about the world.
The guys came round and we watched more movies, this is what my life would be if the band didn't exist. Just friends and my bird however if it wasn't the band I wouldn't have met Robyn. I had to leave her and I was blessed to have a girl who took the time to understand that.

The letter calling me to court didn't take long to arrive, we dressed smartly and didn't speak a word. When we got there the was all my friends and most of my family. I took Robyn into my arms and kissed her.
"Have faith in justice." I let her go and took my place by the solicitor. We stood for the judge and went through the proceedings of the trial. It was later dropped due to lack of evidence.
When we got home I couldn't help but back Robyn against the wall and fuck her. I loved the way her body looked so drastically different to mine, (not just the fact that she's a woman) but she didn't have a single tattoo. We moved from the door to the bed. We then showered together and then went to bed
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter. This was fun to write because of the way Oli and Robyn react to each other during the convocation about tour.

Thank you for reading
