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What Can I Say? God Hates Us

Watching to Running

It was midnight. I squatted on the tip of the roof of a house, peering over the edge at the scene unfolding before me.

A street lamp shone a circle around it, highlighting the blonde woman who stood under it in her trench coat. She looked around and shivered as a cool breeze blew over her, sending her sent to my nose; rose.

In the distance, a silhouette could be seen walking down the side walk. When the person walked beneath the street lamps, I could see he was a man around his mid twenty's with tawny brown hair, his gaze was cast down.

She stiffened at the sight of him, and watched him come closer and closer still. Soon he stood before her, looking up to meet her eyes.

“Where's my money Kayla?” He said lowly.
I leaned forward in interest and cocked my head to hear their hushed conversation.

“I..I don't have it but...”

“But what?” He seethed through his straight teeth.

“I'll give you anything. Anything.” She dropped to her knees.

“That's not gonna work this time babe. You were a good suck while you lasted, but I need my money ya see. And if you can't pay for your addiction with money, your gonna have to pay another way.”

She cocked her head in confusion, not getting off her knees.

He pulled out a small handgun with a silencer and shot her in the forehead. I watched the bulled fly out of the back of her head and into a mailbox with a metallic click.

The man spat on her body, put the gun back in his hidden holster and turn on his heel; leaving her.

I watched him walk away, how his dress pants waved in the slight breeze. The smell of the woman's blood intrigued me. It smelled metallic, yet sweet. My bright green eyes swept the street for anyone, seeing nothing but a stray dog a block or so down.

I coiled my body and sprang off the two story house, onto the side walk without making a sound. I walked over to the corpse, that in my opinion, wasn't a woman anymore. It was merely a corpse left on the side walk for someone to find.

Someone who isn't me.

I got on my hands and knees careful to stay out of the blood, and brought my nose closer to it. I breathed in its unique sent, closing my eyes in concentration. This sent is unlike any other.

A snarl made me sit up, flying to my feet.

Two more snarls joined the first one. I looked to see three male vampires glaring at me, outraged.

I held up my hands in surrender, I don't know why their mad at me but I'm not a fighter, especially against three vampires, males at that. I watched the largest one with the lip ring lumber side to side in anticipation so slightly that a human would have never noticed. The one with spiky black hair bared his teeth in such a way that I could tell he was partly smiling at me. The one shortest one with snake bites and a septum ring hissed as I took a half step back, hands still raised.

They weren't coming after me.

They stayed on the opposite side of the road, growling now. Then I realized, they wanted me to run. Vampires always love the chase.

Well, I'm no human. I elongated my nails to points and felt my canine teeth mirror theirs. I bared my teeth and curled my fingers. Their eyes widened and they growled in rage now.

Screw this.

I back flipped back to the top of the house in one movement, landing on the roof and ran down the peak of the house. Where the roof meets at the top.

I let my teeth return to normal but thought it best to leave my claws out.

I could hear one of them on the roof behind me, the other two flanking him on the ground.

The next house was across the back lawn about 40 feet away, I got this. When I made it to the end of the roof I quickly coiled and sprang, flying over the two dumbfounded vampires in the yard. My hair flew out behind me as I sailed in the air before landing on the next houses roof. I kept running, hearing their breathing not too far behind me.

My heart beat faster as I ran across the roof only to stop and slide into a defensive crouch when I saw the one with snake bites in front of me. His posture told me that he was confident and slightly cocky.

I kept my crouch and backed up, only to hear two growls behind me. I turned to the side so I could see snake bites and the other two at the same time.

It was silent as they calculated their attack, the air was thick with tension. I stopped breathing so my heart would slow down. My face was caressed by a soft gust of wind just before they all launched their body's at me, teeth bared. I leapt up into the air, and watched them all collide with one another and begin to cuss loudly.

I giggled and landed on the house just to the right, then took off for my home. I listened to them yell at each other until they were out of ear shot.

I made it to the roof of my home and went in one of the doors that lead to the roof. I went down the stairs, kicking fallen cinder block, brick, plaster and paint chips. The metal railing was cool and slightly rough under my hand from rust. My feet made light 'ting' sounds on the stairs, no human could dream of hearing.

I made it to the door with the knocked out glass and pushed it open, the hinges creaking as I did so. The glass that had once been the doors window crunched under my Doc Martens as I made my way to my usual dwelling area.

I'd cleared the debris years ago, so the tiled floor wasn't covered in pointy bits of apartment. However the floor was missing a few tiles and the ones that weren't missing were chipped. The walls were still, for the majority, painted orange. I imagine this must have been a nice place for someone, at some point.

Perhaps they had a family, children even.

But perhaps not.

No use dwelling on idle thoughts I suppose. Besides, its none of my business who lived here. No thinking of the past, its over and done with. Only the future to look forward too.
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Her outfit

This is a trail story, if no one or not emough people show intrest, I'm deleting it. If you like it so far, comment and subecribe please!