Status: To be updated pretty frequently

Paradise City

Some Joke

Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty…

Nothin like good old GN’R to get this shit going. Going where though? No idea. I’m bored, just caught my now ex-girlfriend getting intimate with “some guy from work” at her condo and everyone’s out of town probably having the best time in Mexico right now.

Come with us, they said, the beaches are amazing. But no, I decide to stay with Camille since she couldn’t get off work just to find her screwing that Mark dude. And to think, I totally signed a guitar for his little nephew!

The bastard probably thinks he’s the luckiest guy right now, getting with Synyster Gates’ girlfriend and all.

Passion in my eyes, I lived it everyday. But how could you go, throw it all away?

I laugh as Betrayed starts playing. How fitting. I’m not even sure why I have the song on my iPod…
I look at my bag full of clothes on the passenger seat and the wad of money lying on top of it. Now all I have to do is figure out a way to spend all that. First though, cigarettes.

I drive to the closest convenience and hide the money at the bottom of my bag. I walk in, buy a pack of Marlboros and smoke one before really leaving California. I get on the highway and I’m finally getting the hell out of here for a much needed vacation.

I find myself getting on the I-8 E. I guess the first stop’s gonna be Arizona.

6 hours later I’m in Phoenix and it’s 2 am. I drive to the closest hotel I can find and get myself a room. I head back to my car to get my duffel bag full of clothes. I get into the elevator and right before the door closes some girl walks in.

And she’s really hot. But no, she isn’t worth the hassle. She gives me the flirtiest smile ever and I fight the urge to roll my eyes. The elevator stops on the 5th floor and two other girls walk in. Both hotter than this already hot chick.

They give me the same damn smile again, then each other dirty looks. The world must be playing some joke on me. In other circumstances, any other circumstances, I would have basked in the fact that all these girls want me.

I’m just not in the mood I guess. They seem to be shocked I haven’t minded any of them yet.

“Where are you from? Cause I’m pretty sure you aren’t a native around here.” One of the girls asks me.

“California.” I say while checking out how much longer til we get to the 23rd floor, my floor.

Just 3 more floors left, come on.

“Oh my God! Us too! We’re from LA, how about you?” She asks another question. Ugh.

“Hunting- Oh look. It’s my floor, gotta go.” I say happily this time and leave the elevator as fast as I can.

I don’t get girls. You give them what they want, material things and the emotional stuff too, you’re good to them, and they still cheat on you. Then when you just don’t want them, they don’t understand that it really is because you just don’t want them and not because you’re hard to read or anything like that.

I go in my room, take a quick shower and get into bed under 15 minutes. It’s nice being alone once in a while. I don't need my friends around me 24/7 and I sure as hell don't need some chick weighing me down and making things difficult.
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New story, it gets better, I promise.

Already got a bunch of chapters down, just wanna see how you guys like it before posting and writing more.

Tell me any suggestions, corrections, the works. Thanks! :)