Status: Please comment :D I want opinions.


Lost Puppy

I want to be found, since I am a lost puppy. I want someone to take me home. I want to be in the comfort of my hut, so desperately. And I crave human contact so much. I took up the option of walking around the woods in the daylight to pass the time, like I usually did; talking to the crows and the woodpeckers, who were occupying themselves collecting their food.

I listened around, for other noises; sounds of humming and then giggling. I took a look in the direction of the noise and squint my eyes. I see people, mainly two people. A man and a woman. I quickly turn to a defensive position, held my dagger in a way that might hurt either of these people since I do not have a proper place to hide. As they move closer, they became aware of me. I could make out their faces, their dark chocolatey brown skin, sleek black hair, dark brown eyes, their square faces and sharp triangular features. I sat, like a sitting duck, for them to approach me and wondering what city they're from.

"You, girl with the knife, who are you?" The guy shouts, from the sound of his accent he sounds like he's from the ghetto - I know this from watching TV.

I think of the name I gave Zeke; Bat. But, then I realize I am not wearing my hat. "I'm Kit, who are you and why are you here?" I pointed my dagger at them and stood my ground; they needed to know this is my territory, not theirs.

"I'm Nash and this is my friend, Patch. We're taking our game to Easton; to sell it." Nash held up two dead rabbits and Patch held a basket full of fruits, well that's at least I assumed what it was. Their clothes were basically rags, Nash wasn't wearing a shirt and his jeans had multiple rips. Patch was wearing a dress, that looked ripped at the hem, because it only went to her thigh and was covered in dirt. It almost was just only a shirt. Luckily she had no curves to show off, or else it'd only be a shirt for her because she's literally that tall. If Patch wasn't a feet or so taller than me, she'd look younger than me, but she's not. She's tall and she made me look like an eleven year old, but only because I'm Five feet even.

"Easton?" I question. "I demand you to take me there!" I held onto the hilt of my knife, maybe they will help me if I seem powerful and strong - and if I just so happen to threaten their life. It's not like I would kill them, or hurt them; because I honestly don't think I could stomach such a thing.

Nash and Patch led the way, I don't point my dagger at them, but I keep a firm grip on the hilt.

Why am I disobeying papa? He told me to stay in the cave, until he came for me... But, would he ever really come? I have been out here for what seems like weeks, all alone and lost in the wilderness. It'd be different if he visited me, but then it dawned on me. What if my dad couldn't visit me because something bad has happened to him? I pause, letting Nash and Patch walk a bit ahead. I want to cry and can feel the tears coming, but I hold them back. What if I was to never see my dad ever again? Would I be alone forever? Of course I would, I can never have a friend, I can never love a man, I can never get married... I can never even have kids. I will be alone forever, or I will be killed.

I collapse to the ground in tears, because of my fate that has already been decided for me. And, despite the fact that I have scared them out of their wits... Patch rushes to my side. "Is everything all right?" She asks in a sweet and kind voice.

I don't understand how she can be so nice, when I threatened her life. "I'm sorry." I manage to choke out mindlessly.

"It's alright, tell me what's wrong?" Patch asks, sweetly. She seems really nice... I should have not threatened her.

"What if she kills me?" I blurt out the thought without thinking.

"Excuse me?" Patch asks, completely shocked.

I guess it's inevitable. "I shouldn't be alive."

"Huh?" Patch paused. "Are you kidding me? Yes, you should be alive, you're alive for a reason." Patch pointed up to the sky and started acting all religious. "God has a plan set out for you."

I froze, Patch must be incapable to catch what I meant, unless I elaborately describe my complex situation. "I'm the second child from my parents and I should've been killed when I was born." I waited for Patch and Nash to run or to kill me...

But only they didn't run, they didn't threaten me. No, instead they seemed almost sympathetic.

"Patch we need to hurry up, so we can get back to the others." Nash says to Patch, as soon as I'm done sobbing.

"They will understand and they will wait for us." She helps me get up off the dirt road.

"The others? I thought you were going to Easton." I blurt out, dusting the dirt off of my boy-jeans; not that it was making much of a difference. These thing's were basically rag's. I probably should've brought more clothes from home.

"We are, but we're in a group with three other people." Nash says, turning away from me and Patch.

"Ah, okay... So, you're in a group. Do you all come from the same place? Have you came up with a name to call yourselves?" I couldn't help but ask multiple questions, because I'm curious.

"We're nomads, basically. Except we don't use all the food, then run. We just camp over night, hunt, then we sell our food to the nearest city and go away. So it's not like we're draining anything. But we call ourselves family, we're basically a family. See, we don't have parents except for Iris... And she made a choice to join us." Nash replied.

He still didn't answer my question, where did they come from? But I didn't dare bring it up again, because he didn't answer it when I first asked it and answered the other. I wondered who Iris was, but I didn't ask who that was either.

We made it back to their group and they introduced me as Kit to three people.

Blaine, a fair toned boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He was built big, so I decided that if I was to piss someone off; it would not be him.

Iris is a very skinny girl who had blonde hair, green eyes and a tan. She didn't look like much, but she obviously could run fast with her thin and long leg's.

Then there was Nissa, a pudgy and short girl with firey red hair and bright green eyes. She looked fierce, like a lion or a tiger. Even though she was short, she was not shorter than me. It's not fair, I want to be tall too.

Blaine, Nash and Nissa packed up their camping tents and we began walking again. I learn slowly from Patch and Iris that Nash is attracted to Nissa, by how he acts around her. And that, Nissa, even likes him back, by the little thing's that she does. Like, she blushes and giggles at thing's that he does, that aren't even funny or embarrassing.

Blaine also explained to me about why they were nomads mostly. Mainly because they were on the run from the Government, because apparently they were once in a group that would steal and even kill people; but once they found out what they did. They left and made this 'family'. Our Government in Grover sucks, it used to be elect your president... That is, until Jam Middleton was elected and his family became the ruling family and everyone else became the source of their entertainment. Like, one year they decided to force cities to fight til the death - and believe me, it was a massacre from what I've heard... But no one talks about it. Now The Middleton's just torture people. You also have to do what they say and you can't revolt against them, because there's always one of the king's guards at hand; unless you're out in the wilderness somewhere.

We now reach the gate of Easton at sundown. The gatekeeper, a huge man who calls himself Spike is the gatekeeper. Spike demanded our identification and to state our place of business. Iris handed Spike her ID, while he checked for authenticity; I noticed a fire, the flames blazing up high into the sky. Spike came back, lifted up the gate and handed Iris her card back, then took his seat as the gatekeeper.

We enter the city and me and Iris stray from the group. I learn that Iris is from this town, I am now glad that I never really came out in public as myself or she'd ask a lot of questions about me. Me and Iris walk to her old house, she tells me her parents still live here. When we reach her house from the opposite direction of mine and the blaze of the fire - I'm partly glad because I don't want to inhale smoke. But, I'm extremely jealous because her house is really big for living in such a poor town such as Easton.

Iris's mom looked like a mature older version of Iris, and I would've met her dad except he was apparently at work somewhere in Stetson... Which would only make sense for the size of their house, because he works in such a rich city.

"So, Kit where are you from?" Iris's mom asked, her mom has told me to call her Meliora. But somehow that feels wrong, probably because I was raised to respect my elders.

"Uh... Um... I'm from Cambreia." I lied, biting my bottom lip to hide how nervous I am.

What if they find out who I am and who my father is? No one can ever know. I must put on a charade, I will be Kit from Cambreia with no family.

"Forgive me, dear, this is not supposed to offend you, but you don't sound like it." Meliora said, probably because of my lack of an accent.

People in Cambreia had a very heavy accent that was 'country' and it was very different from everyone else. "I know, my voice didn't catch onto the accent apparently." I lied again.

Meliora could only smile at me and play along with my lies, believing that what I said was true. She had no reason not to, I am a stranger to her. "Oh, Kit, you can use some of Iris's old clothes; they're in the cellar." Meliora turned to Iris. "Take Kit to the cellar, so she doesn't have to walk around in rag's, looking like an orphan." Meliora waved us out.

Iris led us out of the overly decorative kitchen, which was decked out in purple and green flowers everywhere. That was the room we were standing around and talking in, I'm glad I'm out of it now or else the colors would've made me sick. The door to the cellar was outside, next to their house, in between a Red Rose Bush and some Yellow Tulips. Iris unlocked the door with a key and I followed her down. She introduces me to a greyish-blue blouse, a black leather jacket and some skinny jeans. As for shoes, I am equipped with a pair of black hunting boots that were practically brand new.

Before me and Iris left, I made sure to thank Meliora for letting me borrow the clothes. But she insisted that I keep them, because they'll never get much use anyway. So, I thank her for everything and me and Iris leave to explore the city. And that's when I learn that my home has burned down to the ground to ashes; the air still reeks of smoke. This must have been the fire from earlier...

I couldn't help but think, is papa okay?
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