Status: hope ya enjoy

What If?

Would You?

If I were a lesbian would you still be my friend? What if I was bisexual? Does it really make me any different of a person just because I’m not straight? It shouldn’t, because I am still myself. So does it really matter what I am? Well if you still want to know…. I am bisexual. Yes I just wrote that if that’s what your thinking. Be quiet though, I don’t want anyone else to know, especially my parents. They would think I’m even more of a disgrace to the family. I actually like girls more than guys, but you can’t tell can you? I mean it seems like I always have to be obsessed with some guy every other week. This doesn’t creep you out does it; you’ll still be my friend right? I hope so. Nothing should have to change; I’m still me. Just because I’ve held hands with another girl doesn’t mean I’ll do it to you. I wouldn’t put you through that. So don’t put me through anything because I already have enough to worry about.