Status: Just got off of my work season, have plenty of time to work. I've almost finished Chapter five.

Eighty-Four Days

I promise

Susan Múnez
40°39’N 73°57’W
Corporal Derek Múnez
6th Infantry Regiment
3rd Battalion
40th Platoon
31°08’N 97°47’W
September 23rd, 2012
01:30 GMT
September 22nd, 2012
20:30 Local time
-6 Days Of Deployment

Dear Susan,
I know I’ve told you this a million times dear, but believe me when I say that I am truly sorry I’ve been called away. I wish more than anything that I could stay with you and Jackson, but duty calls, and I can’t just say no … not anymore at least. I’m sorry I have to go, but rest assured I’ll be back soon. A tour of duty lasts a year and we get 56 leave days during that time. Of course we don’t get to choose when we take those days, but It’ll happen soon, trust me. It’ll be just like when I go to maintenance training every year. Of course, that only takes four weeks, not a year, but I know you’ll get on without me for a little while. I promise to write at least once a week, and I promise to look into seeing if they have Skype or a telephone out there. I know you’ve been extremely worried recently about me getting hurt out there as well. I’m telling you don’t be. I’ll be shipping out with a few of my friends from training camp. We’ve been assigned different Platoons, but we’ll be in the same Regiment so we won’t be that far away from each other. Who knows, we may even get moved into the same Battalion. I know these guys, and I trust these guys. These are the guys that I worked with for over a fourth of a year two years ago. We’ve stayed in touch and they’ve proven to me that they’ve kept up their skills. I trust these people with my life, and I would even trust them with yours and Jackson’s. That’s how much I trust them. The accident rate over at the outpost I’ve been assigned to is pretty low as well, so I’m sure I’ll be fine. I guess what I’m trying to say is … I’ll come back. Above all, I promise that I’ll come back. Not being able to see you or Jackson over the next year is going to make the weeks pretty long, but I promise that I’ll see you when I get back.
Your loving Husband,